Super Finding App

Chapter 1652: debate

"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible, I said, do n’t you talk nonsense here, Wang Jun's incident has passed, it was an accident, then it was an accident at all, why do you want to Wang Jun came out and said? "

"There will be no ghosts in this world, and there will be no ghosts in this world."

Zhou Qiming, like a rabbit stepping on his tail, shouted in haste, his face pale.

"Why not? Why not. Don't say that there can be no ghosts in this world. If you think about it, we are inside the Xinglong apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. We have indeed seen the existence of ghosts. Since There is a ghost in this Xinglong apartment, then who can guarantee that Wang Jun will not really exist, Wang Jun's ghost will not really exist, maybe he really came to claim, who knows what happened exactly three years ago ? "

Li Yingjie said sarcastically, with a look of horror on his face

"Enough, don't say this again, don't say this again. Wang Jun's incident was really just an accident. The police had already determined it at that time, why did they bother to say it?"

"If Wang Jun's incident was not an accident, we are now in the Xinglong apartment where the first murderer of Fuzhou is. How could Wang Jun's ghost be in this Xinglong apartment? Does he still have Can't follow us? "

Liu Kexin broke into the sky and said that his complexion was pale and touching.

"Can't say that. Was Wang Jun's incident really accidental? I don't think others are clear about it, but the few of us are really very clear. Although it was an accident, if it wasn't a few of us, it was a prank It will definitely not develop into this. It may be Wang Jun who came to ask for his life. "

Li Yingjie opened his mouth, and there was some nagging in his pale face.

"" Wait, wait, what are you talking about, Wang Jun? Why are you all so scared? Lu Weiliang nodded his glasses and asked, his face was full of doubt.

The crowd at the scene suddenly calmed down, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"Wang Jun is actually Lu Weiliang. You came to our community before the Spiritual Difference and Sameness Society, but before you came, he had some accidents. If it didn't happen, I'm afraid I have already talked to Liu Kexin, or even us. I won't come to Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, to explore. "

"Don't you always be very curious as to why our fairy tales haven't organized any activities at all within a year or two? Among them, Wang Jun's worries are not included."

"After all, that kind of thing happened at the beginning, and everyone is not happy."

Zhou Qiming said, biting his teeth.

"But the main thing here is because of Liu Kexin. If Liu Kexin had not stepped out of his own shadow, we would not have carried out activities of the Spiritual Differences."

"But if you want to say that this time the similarities and differences will happen in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, which is caused by the ghost of Wang Jun. I absolutely don't believe that this is impossible."

Li Yingjie said.

"Wang Jun, was it two years ago before I joined the Fairy Tale Fairy? What the **** is going on?"

The four people who have the same spirit and similarity will talk to you, and I will talk.

It is clear from their words that there was another companion named Wang Jun before the Spiritual Differences and Friendship Meeting.

It just seems that some accident happened two years ago

"Enough, enough, don't say these anymore, don't say these anymore, no matter what, now the police have come over this matter, I believe the police will make a fair ruling"

"I'm not feeling well. I'm going to the bathroom."

Zhou Qiming stood up and shook his head and said generally.

That's the way he is. Once he gets nervous, he gets tired and wants to go to the bathroom.

"I go with you, I go with you"

Lu Weiliang hesitated and said.

The two went together towards the bathroom on the first floor of Xinglong Apartment.

Walking in the aisle of the bathroom on the first floor of Xinglong Apartment, Lu Weiliang said hesitantly,

"Zhou Qiming, although I know that you are quite dissatisfied with me, but I would like to ask who is this Wang Jun? Why did you mention Wang Jun, the feelings of each of you changed, did Wang Jun and you Is it bad? "

"Lu Weiliang, you are a newcomer, so you have not seen Wang Jun. No wonder you are not clear. In fact, our spiritual similarities and differences will be the first Wang Jun to establish."

It seemed that there was some feeling, Zhou Qiming took the lead in speaking.

What is the difference between spiritual difference and similarity was originally proposed by Wang Jun?

true or false?

"I always thought that this spiritual difference would have been established in Crystal Blue University for a long time. Could it have been established for only three years? How is this possible?"

Zhou Qiming shook his head gently, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

"What I said is true. If you think about it, after all, Crystal Blue University can be regarded as a famous university within the East Dynasty of Dongzhou. What has been pursued in this area are all science. How could it be possible to form a so-called forest? Yu Tong would be such a scientific society. "

"In the past, Crystal Blue University would not admit the existence of such a club as Lin Yuhui, that is, playing three years ago. Wang Jun entered Crystal Blue University. He and the student union The relationship was very good. In the end, I do n’t know how he persuaded the school and the student union to finally establish the first spiritual difference club in Crystal Blue University. "

"Tell you another gossip"

Zhou Qiming seemed to be burning in the heart of gossip, and looked at Lu Weiliang word by word,

"Look at me, Liu Kexin looks timid and tells you that Liu Kexin and Wang Jun have been dating for a while. Their relationship is quite good."

"Also, including me, I was originally joined in this meeting of spiritual differences and similarities because I liked Liu Kexin, but I didn't expect that Wang Jun would chase Liu Kexin so easily. Good-looking, handsome, smart, with smooth work, and good academic performance. In Crystal Blue University, he is a school-level person. "

"He and Liu Kexin are really good together"

Zhou Qiming shook his head and said with pity

Didn't find an inexplicable light flashing in Lu Weiliang's eyes behind her and said

"Aren't you jealous of saying so? You don't feel bad looking at the girl you like with other men."

Zhou Qiming suddenly laughed and laughed.

"How is that possible? Please, although we are college students, but we are also adults, okay? Who would like to be alone for a lifetime these days?"

"In school, three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged people are all over the street."

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