Super Finding App

Chapter 1660: The truth (1)

"So it is, so it is, it is so, it is so!"

"In other words, there is no ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, and there is no ghost at all!"

The soul was standing beside Liu Kexin quietly, watching the pink mobile phone that Liu Kexin pulled out, and gesturing at the software inside.

With the click of the software, a variety of ghost projections appeared from time to time in the room. Not only that, but the sound of ghosts wailing and crying came from around.

And all of this was passed into Cheng Yiping's mind through the eyes of the soul, making his eyes wide, stunned, and giddy.

Some people say that the reason magic is magic is because he is incredible, but once the magic is decrypted, he will pat his head

"It turned out that magic is such a simple thing, there is no magic at all, it can be said that it is simply using the blind eye method"

Cheng Yiping now has such a feeling, he patted his head violently and said

"That ’s the case. It ’s been the case. I ’ve been too taken for granted. I wonder if there is a ghost in this Xinglong apartment. Is it really a ghost? Even if there is no ghost, is it right? Some people are committing murders, and it is precisely because of this that there is no expectation that there are no ghosts in the world. This is false, and it is not necessary to commit murders on the spot. After all, this is the age of science and technology. Using technology, ordinary people can be made Things that can't be done at all "

"If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the so-called ghosts in Xinglong's apartment in Fuzhou's first fierce house are all fakes, all of which are fakes made by Liu Kexin using all the so-called scientific props? "

Cheng Yiping's brain turned quickly, his eyes widened, he seemed to think of something but shook his head after a while.

"No, no, there is something strange here. Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, already had these midnight ghosts crying and ghosts appearing in the middle of the night after the door-out tragedy that happened 20 years ago. Although the time of the renovation is unknown, it will never be 20 years ago. What is going on? "

Cheng Yiping felt even more puzzled and puzzled. After all, ghost rumours spread out in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, 20 years ago, and many people saw the existence of ghosts, and Liu Kexin's decor is full. The instruments installed in Xinglong Apartment two or three years ago, in other words, there were ghosts in Xinglong Apartment before Liu Kexin!

So what is going on here?

Can it be said that it is impossible for fake ghosts and real ghosts to exist in Xinglong Apartment at the same time?

Cheng Yiping closed his eyes and felt very strange. He raised his head and kept an eye on the soul clone in his head.

At this moment, the soul clone in his head still stood quietly, standing beside Liu Kexin.

Time goes by

After Liu Kexin manipulated the software in his hand, he took a long breath and raised his head, saying it word by word.

"It's done, it's done, it's all done. Sure enough, as long as a special projection is installed, and the decoration and lighting settings are installed, the projected lights can be completely hidden, even in the dark. Perceived the existence of the projected light as if it were really a ghost "

"Wang Jun, Wang Jun, rest assured, I will avenge you, I will avenge you, I will make those who bully you pay the price, let them regret it, and let them see what it is Real ghost! "

With wavy hair, Liu Kexin, dressed in mature clothes, raised his head and muttered to himself, but a complex eye shot out of his beautiful eyes. This light was full of hatred and hatred, like **** from **** Li Gui who crawled out within.

"Wang Jun, Wang Jun, Liu Kexin did everything for Wang Jun's failure? What's going on?"

"Wait a while, it seems that Wang Jun's name has been heard somewhere, and it seems to be a member of the Spiritual Differences Club. Can Niu Kexin do all of this for revenge? What is going on?"

The words spoken by Liu Kexin also passed into Cheng Yiping's mind through his avatar, Cheng Yiping raised his head, watching the haze in Liu Kexin's eyes, which was still being questioned by Police Officer Zheng, more intensive.

The red object-seeking sign emanating from Liu Kexin's body soared to the sky, indicating that Liu Kexin was the object-seeking target that Cheng Yiping was looking for.

Although Cheng Yipingxin's soul avatar is still in Xinglong Apartment at this moment, it is in a different time.

This is the power of the Super Finder App belief finder. You can know everything that happened through the passage of time. Although it is only limited to the quest for objects, it is undeniable that the Super Finder APP believes that finder is just that. amazing.

Cheng Yiping said, raising his head, word by word.

"Interesting, then let me take a look at it, how does Liu Kexin avenge her blood"

The soul in Cheng Yiping's mind noticed Cheng Yiping's own consciousness, standing quietly, and the scene around him at this moment was like a bubble of smoke disappearing, turning into a bubble, and then constantly reorganizing.

The soul clone came to the 4th floor of Xinglong Inn, which was still a very dark aisle on the 4th floor.

The soul walked quietly, penetrated through the wall, and came into room 403. Looking up, Liu Kexin, Lu Weiliang, Zhou Qiming and Li Yingjie sat talking in the room. The TV turned on and was playing. The channel.

The soul clone stood for a while and then turned into the bathroom.

At the moment in the bathroom, Zhao Xiaotian was taking a bath and standing under the shower head. The lower body was a one-person bathtub, and the water from the shower head was slowly flowing into the bathtub.

On the shelf on the side are a variety of toiletries, as well as these washing tools, and the hair dryer is placed on the shelf.

Zhao Xiaotian was taking a shower happily, but the movement was quite rapid. He knew that the shower was not by himself. As the first person to take a shower, he wanted to take a quicker wash, so that the fellows who were able to meet the spirits and the same could follow one another Take a bath.

If they were not to see if there was a ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, they would not choose to open a room.

Just as Zhao Xiaotian was washing with soap, the lights flickered constantly.

One dark and one bright.

One dark and one bright.

Zhao Xiaotian felt strange, washed the soap foam on his face with water from the shower, opened his eyes, and frowned.

"What's going on? Could it be said that the voltage is unstable?"

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