Super Finding App

Chapter 1663: Do not believe

"Have Zhou Hui's manuscript been improved? Have your other people completed the shooting of Xinglong Apartment, which is the first fierce house in Fuzhou? We must shoot all the materials in the shortest time, while others can be later Editing and production, this is a piece of news, we must do a good job "

"And through this matter, we can know whether there are any ghosts in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou."

At this moment, Zhang Xiaona, who is full of knowledge, has returned to the model of a strong woman, and she arranges work for the personnel of the filming team in Jiangzhen City, and everything is in full swing.

For most of the individual visitors of Xinglong Apartment, this can only be regarded as some negotiation, but for Zhang Xiaona, this is a huge news.

When they searched whether there was a ghost in Xinglong G Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, there was a ghost killing, which undoubtedly brought excellent materials to Zhang Xiaona's shooting.

Similarly, if you really cooperate with the police, will there be ghosts in this Xinglong apartment, whether it is killing a ghost, or committing suicide? Whether it was homicide or ghost killing made it clear, that would undoubtedly greatly improve the quality, fairness and accuracy of the show.

However, it is a pity that the materials collected by Zhang Xiaona and others so far are only superficial articles. It is not clear whether Zhou Xiaoming committed suicide or homicide. Even the police are now intensifying investigations without conclusive conclusions.

Cheng Yiping took a deep breath and watched Zhang Xiaona hesitantly walked over.

He knew that if the matter of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, was not resolved, Zhang Xiaona would definitely not leave, especially the killings now happening.

Even if the police release the crowd after a while of interrogation and let everyone leave, it is estimated that Zhang Xiaona will definitely not leave Fuzhou and will definitely investigate this matter.

"Well, although there are still a lot of doubts, but at least the Super Find App has told me who the killer is, and the next thing should be a matter for the police."

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, rolled his eyes, and came to Zhang Xiaona and said

"Xiao Na, don't be too nervous, I already know who this killer is."


what did you say?

You already know who the ghost who killed Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming?

true or false?

Intellectual Zhang Xiaona turned her head and looked at Cheng Yiping with a surprised look, her voice was high.

On the one side, Zhou Hui's fart ran over, and two ponytails continued to sway along with her excitement.

"Really? Really? Mr. Cheng, can it be said that there are really ghosts in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, are there really ghosts that fail?"

The other crew members also chatted as soon as they heard.

Although it is said that they are members of the film crew of Jiangzhen TV Station, it is impossible to say that they are not afraid, especially for things like ghosts. It is better to trust whether they are credible or not.

God knows if there is a real existence, and if it does exist, once it is encountered, it will be quite troublesome, after all, it is something beyond science.



"Cheng Yiping, are you telling the truth? You really know who was killed by Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming? What are the ghosts who killed them? Are you kidding me?"

Zhang Xiaona turned her head with a look of doubt.

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, looked up and down Zhang Xiaona said

"I said, Xiao Na, do you think I would make fun of you with this matter? Indeed, I am not a policeman or a detective, but don't forget, I have a super finder app."

Having said that, he reached out his hand and took out the mobile phone from his arms to make a gesture.

Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui understood instantly

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Cheng is the owner of the Super Hidden Object App. It seems that you used the Super Hidden App to find who the ghost who killed Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming was. Can the Super Hidden App even find ghosts Isn't it amazing? "

Zhou Hui, with two ponytails in her eyes, stared wide, her beautiful eyes flickered, making people look very cute, could not help but want to reach out and touch her head.

"Cheng Yiping, you can be sure that you didn't lie to me. You really know why Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming died, did you really find the so-called ghost?"

Zhang Xiaona looked at Cheng Yiping and asked, she would never make fun of this matter.

But she really feels weird, does it mean that there are really ghosts in this world?

Is it true that there is no ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou?

"That's for sure. As for whether it's a ghost or not, that's two things."

Cheng Yiping laughed, and suddenly a low voice came to his ears.

"What did you just say? You said that you have found out why Zhao Xiaofei and Zhou Qiming died. You already know where the ghost is in the apartment of Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou? Is it true or false "

"I hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

Zheng Guoqiang, with a somber expression, came over with the police officers. He had already completed the inquiry and asked almost all the people in this Xinglong apartment. After that, he naturally returned to the police station for analysis and visits, and finally determined the incident. Whether it belongs to suicide or homicide.

Zheng Guoqiang heard Cheng Yiping's words as soon as he came here, and immediately felt a little strange, and said.

"Of course it's true. Although I haven't seen it myself, I have a super finder app. You should know the super finder app, but it is very amazing."

Cheng Yiping was shocked all over, showing a bright smile, shaking his mobile phone in his hand, pushing everything to the top of the mobile phone super app.

This is the advantage of having a backup system after uploading the Super Finding App to the entire Aqua Blue Star. One person will not be particularly noticeable.

Otherwise, if there is no Super Finding App Cheng Yiping, every effort must be made to let everyone know that he has found Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming because of what died?

I'm afraid I will be posing as a detective again.

Now just push everything onto the super app

"Super Finding App? It's ridiculous. The key to solving a case is to pay attention to witnesses and physical evidence. How can this be pinned on the so-called Super Finding App? It is ridiculous.

Zheng Guoqiang frowned, and said coldly, as a police officer, he really didn't have a cold with the Super Find App.

What has it been relying on for solving cases?

Relying on the police's investigation and monitoring system and a lot of evidence, and now, looking for prisoners does not rely on the so-called evidence, only rely on the so-called super-hunting app?

It's ridiculous.

Zheng Guoqiang is also the most exclusive group of people looking for the super finder app.

It is not clear that Zheng Guoqiang's thoughts are flat, but he shrugged and looked at Zheng Guoqiang with a smile.

"As for the police officer, is it true? Let's do an experiment, don't we know it clearly?"

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