Super Finding App

Chapter 1669: Depressed boss (1)

"Disappointed, disappointed, really so disappointed, I thought that ghosts would really be found in this first fierce house, Xinglong Apartment, and ghosts would really happen. I did n’t expect that for a long time, but it turned out to be artificial. There are no ghosts at all, but I'm so disappointed "

"This is for sure, how can there be ghosts in this world, it is impossible to have ghosts at all, I have already told you what the so-called Xinglong Apartment in Fuzhou, the fiercest in the world, is simply a matter of online transmission. It's fake and shoddy at all, how can there be ghosts? "

"There can be no ghost in this world"

"That's right, that's true, but I didn't expect that the current technology is really so powerful. Think about the fact that most of the people were pretending to be ghosts. At first I thought it was this Xinglong apartment. The boss or hired some workers are pretending to be ghosts at night, but I did n’t expect to play the high-tech directly and use the projector to project the ghosts. Honestly, if someone did n’t tell me or had a plan to know the answer in advance, in At night, Leng Buding suddenly appeared a ghost of a projector, and I really took him as a ghost, and it really scared people to death. "

"Yes, yes, this is what it is called, this is called scary and scary, but since you already know this, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment seems to be just that, all on the Internet are rumors."

"Yes, yes, all on the Internet are rumors, all on the Internet are rumors, Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, is nothing more than that."

At this moment, there are many individual customers in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

Speaking of it, there are some funny, if there are killings in other places, every one will be sincere and fearful, lest they be avoided, but no one feels scared in Xinglong apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. I felt obscure, but thought there were no ghosts, and felt very disappointed.

If you think about it, it is completely understandable. Which of the people who can come to live in this apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, is not bold or has the same interest in ghosts?

"Zhou Hui, it seems that the recording of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou this time, can be finished. Although it is not known whether Liu Kexin was kidding or he really wanted to kill, and why she did it, but for us The investigation of the ghosts in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou has been made clear. There are no ghosts in this world, and some are just human hearts. "

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectuality, shook her head gently and showed a bright smile. Being able to shoot so quickly can be a happy thing for Zhang Xiaona.

Zhou Hui nodded heavily. In fact, as a shooter, it doesn't have to be a few days. Once the material is enough, most of it depends on post-production.

In other words, it is crucial to return to Jiangzhen City for post-production after the shooting.

"Have you gone back? Did you go back? That's really great."

Cheng Yiping listened to Zhang Xiaona's words and showed a bright smile, although he said that he found the cause of the death of Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming in the first apartment in Fuzhou, Xinglong, using the Super Hidden App, and also determined that The class has no ghosts at all.

But people always have a terrible idea of ​​masochism. Even if it tells you that ghosts are fake, people will think of ghosts unconsciously even in dangerous situations.

Just like a scientific experiment that someone has done, the most terrifying situation is conditionedly reflected in the human brain once something happens. This is what people call cranky thinking.

But for Cheng Yiping, since he can leave here, that's the best.

Not much to say, the police blocked the scene directly, and then took Liu Kexin, Lu Weiliang, and Li Yingjie with them.

Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, has resumed a calm again, and most casual customers are ready to start the check-out process.

Now that there are no ghosts here, what are you doing here?

What interest is gone, right?

After all, for these casual customers, they came to this first apartment in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment for nothing else, just to find ghosts, just to find excitement.

Is it a good thing to be able to find the killers who killed Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming?

This is indeed a good thing for the police. It is also a good thing for Cheng Yiping, and for Zhang Xiaona, Zhou Hui and the crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station.

This is indeed a good thing even for casual guests.

But for the owner of the Xinglong apartment in Fuzhou's first fierce house, this is definitely not a good thing at all, even a disaster.

At this moment, the owner of Xinglong Apartment's eyes widened pale and bloodless.

Just kidding.

If it was changed to another hotel or guesthouse, the killing would have been sincere. Once the police can solve the case, it would be joyous. It would have been called to the world and told all the guests that there is nothing in our hotel. Ghost, the inside of our hotel is clean, the killer has been caught, there is no problem in staying in our hotel.

The problem is that now the owner of Xinglong Apartment is not an ordinary apartment or an ordinary hotel, but a fierce house!

In other words, what is the most anxious for the owner of Xinglong Apartment?

It was the police who could not find out who the killer was in this case, and then the existence of ghosts brought the legend and horror rumors of ghosts in Xinglong Apartment to a climax.

Then it was confirmed that Xinglong Apartment is the first fierce house in Fuzhou, so that the reputation of the fierce house will attract a lot of guests who are not afraid of death to come to this Xinglong apartment.

This is the main thing.

What is a haunted house?

The main character of the fierce house is a fierce character, this is a ghost, a fierce danger!

And now, and now that the police have found the killer, and the so-called ghost is still a ghost made by the projected projection, it can be said that the biggest hoeman in Xinglong apartment, the first murder house in Fuzhou, has been exposed at a glance. There is no such thing as fear or danger.

Just like a haunted house, although everyone knows that the ghosts in the haunted house are fake, but looking at the terrible appearance of the devil, I still feel quite exciting, but now if I tell you, all these ghosts are projected illusions, Even people are not. Without any entity, who would be afraid?

No one is afraid, even the interest will drop sharply.

For Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, this is what the boss fears. Once this thing is really spread on the Internet, the business blow is absolutely fatal to him.

After all, everyone will know that by the time, oh, the so-called Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, was no ghost at all.

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