Super Finding App

Chapter 1709: Really friends (2)

"Friend, friend, are you sure? Can you be sure it's really just your friend?"

"The neighbors have told us completely, he has teased us, the girl who came to you is very beautiful, and still drives a valuable sports car, this is Bai Fumei, honestly you will be tempted, old Mom and dad are understandable things, but the problem is that you already have Zhang Xiaona, you must have a beginning and an end. "

"And Zhang Xiaona is also very good to you. You must not do things that are sorry for Zhang Xiaona. If so, I will not forgive you."

The mother sat upright and persuaded her.

"I wanted to see if you had nothing at that time. At that time, Zhang Xiaona didn't dislike you and was willing to be with you. Now you are a little better, but do n’t do the kind of thing that you give up all the time, otherwise Yes. We don't recognize you "

"Stop, stop, dad, mom, I know, I know, I'll tell you again, I'm really just a normal friend relationship with that white manager, he came here to find me just passing by There really is no other thing, don't get me wrong. "

Cheng Yiping's feeble excuse

Watching my mom and dad use me to read less, but do n’t lie to my eyes, I ca n’t help but roll my eyes, stand up and say

"Yes, Dad, Mom, I have one thing and I'll take care of it first."

Cheng Yiping can understand it completely, what is called more and more dark, some things you really can't say clearly, the more you go, the darker it becomes.

Not much to say, after Cheng Yiping finally managed to dismiss his father and mother, he returned to his room and took out the documents about the one-eyed temple that Manager Bai had given him. He studied it carefully and more and more Research face became more dignified.

The material in front of me detailed some legends about the One-Eyed Temple, which is extremely similar to what Manager Bai said.

That is the totem built by an ancient tribe hundreds of years ago. In fact, it is very simple to think about it. If this one-eyed temple is really related to the Super Finding App, then it makes perfect sense.

In terms of the ability of the super-hunting app, it can really help people find everything they want to find.

Even if it is difficult, the super-sense-seeking of the super-seeking APP can help it to complete and treat it as a god. There is no problem at all.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping frowning slightly here, it seems that he really needs to go.

"Just so far, the one-eyed temple has found quite a lot of faith points. It actually needs tens of millions of points. What I now say is not at all, so I need to find some other things, and I can't directly look for one-eyed. Temple, but look for buildings near the one-eyed temple, and then use these to find the exact location of the one-eyed temple. "

“You ca n’t rely on the Super Hidden App completely, you still need a real adventure treasure hunter.”

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he took a long breath.

It is precisely because of this that she made the proposal to Manager Bai. One must let all the adventurers this time obey their orders, otherwise Cheng Yiping would not be able to find this one-eyed temple.

Or use the adventure treasure hunter to find the one-eyed temple.

Just as Yiping frowned and began to study this document carefully.

The white sports car driven by Manager Bai galloped across the city, entered the highway, and then docked in a rest area.

Manager Bai stepped out of the red sports car to attract everyone's attention and went straight to a corner of the highway rest area.

A moment later, a man came over, and the man's face looked playful.

Manager Bai saw his hair exploded and gritted his teeth.

I saw the man say

"I haven't seen you in a long time, Manager Bai. When will we be able to complete the task you released from the Discovery Club? You should know that if you can't complete it, it is deception. The cost of deceiving us is quite high."

"Enough, you do n’t need to say this again, I have already told you many times, this should not blame the Youyou Club, you posted the task, we have the Youyou Club to complete the task, nothing more, but your task is really true It ’s too dangerous. I ’ve lost more than a dozen waves of explorers. Is n’t that enough? Why should you force me? ”

"No, no, how can it be said that it is forced? If you collect our money, you will naturally find the one-eyed temple for us. Otherwise, you should know what we can do to deal with you."

Manager Bai gritted his teeth slightly and raised his head one by one.

"I understand that I have found someone who can help me, but that person has a request. If I were you, I would definitely agree to this request."

"Find someone to help, who?"

"Cheng Yiping"

"Sheng Yiping?"

The man's pupils narrowed sharply and said

"The name is really strange."

Manager Bai said with a lift of his eyes.

"You must not underestimate Cheng Yiping, he is the best person to complete the ten impossible missions of our exploration club."

"If anyone can find this one-eyed temple in my heart, there is no one except Cheng Yiping."

The man slightly buckled his head

"Since you have confidence in Cheng Yiping, I have no problem at all, all I want is one thing, and that is to find the one-eyed temple."

Manager Bai gritted his teeth

"My goal is the same as yours. I just hope to find this one-eyed temple earlier. You can leave as soon as possible, but Cheng Yiping has a condition that he must fully obey his order when searching. There should be no problem for you, after all, if you do n’t really want to find the one-eyed temple, why bother to find my visiting club ”

Manager Bai said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, no problem, there is only one goal for us, that is to find the one-eyed temple, that's all. As long as there is one who can help us find the one-eyed temple, what can we do if we listen to him on the way?"

Obviously for this man, he only valued one thing most, and that was to find the one-eyed temple.

"Very well, and I need more detailed information about the one-eyed temple."

"Only with more information, Cheng Yiping can find this one-eyed temple faster"

"You can rest assured that all the information about this one-eyed temple will be summarized to you. I am afraid that we don't know more about the existence of this one-eyed temple in the world, but again, if you can't find this one-eyed temple, then Manager Bai, not only you, but even the members of the Youyou Club that you have found, and even you are now going to die with hope. "

Manager Bai was shocked, raised his head, and said with his teeth gritted.

"I understand, but don't be too arrogant. Don't forget that this is the dynasty. There is a law in the dynasty."

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