Super Finding App

Chapter 1715: Guide

"Hello everyone, my name is Jiang Ting. I ’m your guide this time. I do n’t really know very much about the barren swamp land, but you can rest assured that in the first half of the barren swamp land I am still very To be clear, it's just that the second half of the barren land has entered the no-man's land and I can't do anything about it! "

Unexpectedly, he thought the guide would be a man, or an old man, at least a middle-aged man.

But I did not expect to appear in front of me is a beautiful girl, wearing casual clothing looks like a college student, exuding youthful vitality all over her.

Although it is a good thing to say that being a beauty, can he really be a guide?

Cheng Yiping's eyes were full of doubts, and the same doubts fell into Li An's eyes, turning his head to look at Manager Bai

"Mr. Bai, although I'm not questioning your ability, you should know that we are going to this wild swamp land. That is very dangerous. What we want is an experienced guide. Are you sure she is really competent? "

Manager Bai opened his mouth and did not speak, Jiang Ting smiled youthfully

"This gentleman, you have doubts about my ability. I agree with this very much, but one thing seems to be wrong. Even ordinary guides in this wild swampland are definitely not familiar to me because I My sister and I live near the barren swamp land. Our home is in the area of ​​the barren swamp land. I was sent to study by my family. Otherwise, I would not be a guide. I ’ll be your guide this time. Please rest assured that the no-man's land can say no, but before entering the no-man's land, I can guarantee your safety. ”

"There is absolutely no problem in finding me as a guide"

Jiang Ting spoke generously, which made her eyes bright.

Cheng Yiping nodded, the doubt in his eyes flashed, and he said aside.

"If this is the case, it is indeed a good guide, but I am very surprised, why do you want to be a guide? If you grew up in the wild swamp land, then you should know the wild swamp land, But it's very dangerous, don't tell me you're short of money? "

After Cheng Yiping thought for a long time, there seems to be only one reason for the lack of money.

But when Jiang Ting shook her head, she showed a sad look, raised her head, and her face became resolute.

"In fact, I help you as a guide, there is another reason, that is to find my sisters Jiang Yan and Jiang Yan"

How is this going?

Cheng Yiping and everyone present were choked at the same time.

Manager Bai coughed and said twice

"In fact, Jiang Yan is the guide for the adventurers who have gone to find the one-eyed temple in the first few dozens."

"You also know that the people who went to look for the one-eyed temple in the past dozen or so waves have so far been silent. They ca n’t see people, they ca n’t see dead bodies. A group of people led the same way so far, and this time, Jiang Ting volunteered to help us as a guide, but also to find his sister. "

That's it.

It turned out to be the case.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, this is understandable.


If your sister or relatives are in danger, they will do it.

After all, it's about your loved ones

Li An coughed twice, clapped her hands, looked up and down Jiang Tingdao

"Well, I don't know why you have to be a guide, but all I ask for is one, as long as I can find the one-eyed temple, Mr. Cheng, you are the person in charge of our search for the one-eyed temple this time, then It's up to you. Do you think this guide is okay? If you think it's okay, then we will have no problem at all. "

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, looking at Jiang Ting, who was nervous, and then said,

"Well, I don't really know about this wild swamp land, but since you live here, and your sister can also be used as a guide by one of the first few people, that is enough to show that you are very familiar with this wild swamp. The place is really well understood, then I have no problem at all, I can agree, but there is one point I want to remind you again "

"Even if you are very familiar with the wild and swampy land, but the place we are going to is definitely in a no-man's land. You have to think about it carefully. Your sister is missing. If you have another accident, then The consequences are simply unthinkable, so you have to think about it, and now you have time to regret it "

Although Cheng Yiping didn't know what happened to Jiang Ting's sister Jiang Yan, whether it was life or death, but I also knew with my **** that I really belonged to a life of nine deaths.

For Jiang Ting and Jiang Yan's parents, they have lost a daughter. If Jiang Ting is going to do something again now, it will definitely be a huge blow.

As soon as Jiang Ting's face became a little dignified, he naturally knew what Cheng Yiping was talking about, raised his head and nodded heavily.

"This gentleman, rest assured, I have already thought about it, I must find my sister"

"Okay, okay, now that you've decided, it doesn't matter to me. I don't demand much from you. You are a guide, as long as you can take us safely to the barren land, as long as you can Can't find your sister, it has nothing to do with us "

Cheng Yiping said, he made it clear.

After all, everyone's purpose this time was to find the one-eyed temple.

Although it is said that Jiang Ting's sister is indeed a guide, she has disappeared, but she is not sure whether to find Jiang Ting's sister Cheng Yiping on the way to the one-eyed temple.

It is better to say something in advance.

Jiang Ting nodded.

"I see, rest assured, I know what to do."

Not bad.

Not bad.

"This leveling is indeed a bit interesting"

Li An put her hands around her shoulders, her eyes shining with gold.

He didn't really want to find such a guide at first. After all, he had his own selfishness, but now it seems that it is not bad to have this guide. At least everyone's purpose is the same, looking for the one-eyed temple.

Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yong'an, the three of whom explore the You Club, don't matter, but especially Fu Yong'an's eyes looked at Jiang Ting.

Obviously, the young and invincible girl college student Jiang Ting is indeed Fu Yongan's dish.

He is already eager to try.

Man of few words.

Now that they had found a guide, the people immediately left the hotel.

Manager Bai has already prepared four off-road vehicles in advance

These are four extremely powerful horsepower and expensive off-road vehicles parked right in front of the hotel.

After they boarded the off-road vehicle, they drove towards the wild land according to this map ...

Cheng Yiping sat in the front passenger seat of the off-road vehicle. As the leading vehicle, the following vehicles followed closely.

Feeling this kind of off-road vehicle has a pleasant feeling even on the plain, raise your eyes and look, there are endless plains everywhere, only these sheep flock in front of me, the breeze blows slowly The vast plain is pleasant.

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