Super Finding App

Chapter 1721: Rest (2)

The sky is starry, the night is falling, Cheng Yiping is eating the food in the can, and listening to the three top treasure hunting explorers Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan who are exploring the club intensely.

I have to say that although the three of them are not how to deal with themselves, it is undeniable that the three of Zhou Guoqiang, Fu Yongan and Fan Gang are indeed the three top adventure treasure hunters of the exploration club:

The three of them are quite knowledgeable about danger, and they have discussed many issues that Cheng Yiping has not considered.

Sure enough, as people said, professional things are left to professional people to do, so that they can achieve the most professional results.

Obviously, Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan are all professional in the treasure hunt.

At least compared to Yiping, it is a professional mess.

But for Cheng Yiping, he was not dissatisfied.

After all, the stronger the three people, Fan Jigang, Zhou Guoqiang, and Fu Yongan, the greater their safety in this wild swamp and the like.

He needs to find the one-eyed temple by these three adventure treasure hunters

In other words, you can find the place closest to the one-eyed temple.

This is the most important.

After the discussion, everyone looked at Cheng Yiping.

After all, the task of leveling this time is the absolute protagonist.

If Cheng Yiping disagrees, they can only do it. This is something that has been discussed and communicated from the beginning.

Cheng Yiping, two and three mouthed the whole food in the canned meat, raised his head and said,

"That being the case, let's continue to prepare and enter the wild swamp zone tomorrow. I think you have a map and you should be able to find the way to this one-eyed temple,"

"No problem, of course there is no problem. Our map does indicate the location of the one-eyed temple, but a dozen or so people have entered the one-eyed temple before, and we have never returned. Sir, we can admit that you have become the leader of this adventure of our treasure hunt. The main reason is that you have promised us that you can safely bring us to the one-eyed temple. "

"And to be able to take us out safely, I don't know if your words are true or false now"

Fan Gang raised his head and forced each other. After all, things involve their lives. They will never be sloppy:

After all, as long as there is any negligence in the treasure hunt adventure, waiting for them may be separated from life and death, separated by yin and yang.

"Yes, rest assured, as long as you can find the right course, I can tell you the right course, of course, if you don't believe that I go to death myself, then it has nothing to do with me."

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders with a bright smile.

"Mr. Cheng, rest assured, we are adventure treasure hunters, but we also attach great importance to our own lives,"

Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang, and Fu Yongan, who visited the visiting club, looked at each other and said.

Night fell, the stars were staring, and the original bonfire had gradually extinguished. In this rare place, several tents had been erected in the jungle.

Three off-road vehicles parked on the side and surrounded the tent to form a line of defense. Several bodyguards took turns performing the vigil.

Cheng Yiping didn't sleep, yawned and went straight outside the tent, raised his head, and frowned slightly at the bright starry sky.

Where does the Super Hidden App come from?

What is the purpose of the Super Hidden Object App? What exactly is the faith-finding of the super-finding app?

And once it finds the fragments of the faith-seeking objects of the super-seeking app, what is the so-called new god?

Cheng Yiping's mind was full of all kinds of doubts and puzzlements. He looked up and looked at the bright starry sky as if he had returned to the past.

Leveling up for a while is really like dreaming.

He still remembers that he used to be a security guard in a five-star hotel. At that time, he just wanted to earn a share of the job and earn a share of money. After all, he did n’t have a degree and no connections. Besides being able to work, He didn't know what he could do.

Although I say that I do not steal or steal, it is a pity that in this era, it has gradually become like money.

People value money, not to say that you are honest or kind? Everything is equal to money.

And that day, Cheng Yiping remembered that his destiny had changed dramatically.

A Super Find App appeared on the phone and then a series of things happened. Thinking of Cheng Yiping here really has some emotions.

When things are really impermanent, there is hope for people to live, because you can only know what will happen tomorrow if you live.

Although in many cases, the future is meticulous, continuous, and it is possible that the future is sorrow and sadness, but the end of sorrow will eventually be joy.

After all, as long as people live, there is hope, and death is nothing.

"Mr. Cheng, what are you thinking?"

Chen Yiping heard the voice of Manager Bai and turned his head to look.

Manager Bai came over, and she looked like a holy beauty under the bright moonlight of the sky, like an elf, and couldn't help looking at her.

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of emotion, it's just that I didn't expect the world to change."

Manager Bai shook his head gently, biting his teeth and saying

"The world is impermanent, and indeed it is. Mr. Cheng is really sorry. If I had no way, I would never involve you, but you have also seen that this time is my only chance. If we do n’t find this one-eyed temple again this time, Li An will definitely solve us. I do n’t want to die yet. ”

When Manager Bai mentioned that Li An's scared teeth were shaking slightly, his fists were clenched tightly, his body was shaking, and he looked terrified and full of tenderness.

"Dangerous, dangerous, too dangerous, dangerous"

"Fu Yongan, Fu Yongan, you have no drama, you have no drama, look, Manager Bai has become fancy to Cheng Yiping, it seems that you have no hope anymore"

In a tent not far behind Manager Cheng Yiping and Bai, the door of the tent was slowly opened, and the heads of Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan protruded out of the closed caliber.

Fan Gang said to Fu Yongan

"Shut up, shut up, they're just chatting, what can be great, how could my relationship with Manager Bai be destroyed?"

"Manager Bai just hopes that Cheng Yiping can find the one-eyed temple. As long as he finds the one-eyed temple, Cheng Yiping will have no use at all.

Fu Yongan said sarcastically, gnashing his teeth, although his tone was firm, but his eyes were staring at the manager Cheng Yiping and Bai under the moonlight, gnashing his teeth, showing some panic and anxiety inside.

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