Super Finding App

Chapter 1723: sister

"Fu Yongan, Fu Yongan, are you okay? You are okay, you must not want to be crooked, you must not be impulsive."

Behind him, Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang hurried over. The people hadn't arrived yet, but their voices spread far and wide.

Fu Yong'an's eyes suddenly widened, and he rushed towards Fan Gang and Zhou Guoqiang, stunned, and his face changed.

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about? I just came here to check the equipment that will enter this wild swamp land tomorrow. What are you talking about?"

Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang faced the aggressiveness of the two men, but looking at the anxious state of Fu Yongan in front of them, they came to understand instantly, hehe said

"Yes, yes, this is what the two of us mean. The two of us know that we will enter this southern swamp zone tomorrow, and come and check the equipment for tomorrow's travel."

"Fu Yongan asks you to wait, don't come alone, after all, there are more things, and we both have to check the equipment."

I have to say that Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang are also savvy, and they work seamlessly together.

Cheng Yiping touched his head, watching Fu Yongan, Zhou Guoqiang, and Fan Gang, the three adventure treasure hunters at the top of the club, said.

"That's the case, it's really very hard, then you have to bother you three more, after all, professional things still depend on the three of you."

Fu Yongan laughed immediately when he heard it.

"It's okay, it's okay. Speaking of top adventure treasure hunters, the experience of the three of us is absolutely leveraged. Honestly, if the three of us who came to find the one-eyed temple in the previous dozen batches have already come, I found it. At least I can come back safely. There is no problem at all. "

As Fu Yongan said, he raised his proud head, like a male peacock with an open screen.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, the light flashed in his eyes

It seems that it is a correct choice for them to leave Fu Yongan, Zhou Guoqiang, and Fan Gang among the three adventure hunters within the three exploring clubs.

Instead, Manager Bai could not help rolling his eyes. Such an unusually charming and moving action, staring at Fu Yongan's eyes, would stare out, revealing a chuckling smile.

"Sure enough, it is true. Manager Bai you like me. Manager Bai absolutely loves me. She and Cheng Yiping are just talking about business. Now Manager Bai does not accept me. This is the test for me, as long as I stick to it. Show my ability in front of Manager Bai, I will definitely be able to grab Manager Bai like me, I will be able to conquer Manager Bai "

Thinking of being able to hold Manager Bai in his arms and wantonly bullying in the future, Fu Yongan's heart seemed to be on fire, his eyes widened.

Licking his lips, he was inexplicably excited, and banged out to Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang who were aggressive.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go and check the equipment now to see what kind of equipment we will need to enter this wild swamp zone tomorrow. Is there anything missing?"

"No, no, Fu Yongan, you have to show that it is your business in front of the beautiful white manager, but you don't need to bring us two, things are already prepared, and now It's not long ago, we still need to go back to sleep and have enough energy, and we will enter this wild swamp land tomorrow. Whoever has the skill can help you organize it again. "

"I went back to sleep, I went back to sleep, keep up my mind, it is most important to enter the wild swamp tomorrow to find the one-eyed temple."

Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang glanced at each other, rolled their eyes and turned away.

They naturally knew that Fu Yongan was only in pursuit of Manager Bai:

But neither of them need

Fu Yongan's eyes were really big, and his eyes narrowed to the back of Manager Bai.

"You are really too irresponsible, because tomorrow is going to be in the barren swamp, so today we need to carefully organize the goods and materials to avoid accidents tomorrow. If you do n’t go, I will go ! "

Having said that, Fu Yongan turned around and hurried toward the place where various weapons were placed.

That looks very motivated.

"Mr. Bai is no wonder that your exploration club has always enjoyed a very high reputation, and even has branches in the countries of Mercury Star. This adventure treasure hunter is really dedicated."

Although Cheng Yiping didn't know Fu Yongan's thoughts, watching Fu Yongan even got up in the middle of the night without going to sleep, he had to reorganize tomorrow's equipment. I have to say that this spirit is quite dedicated.

It is indeed praised.

Manager Bai gave a bitter smile and shook his head slightly.

Sometimes being liked by a man is a very happy thing

But if it is loved by a person who doesn't like it, and it is still the kind of tangled, it is really a headache.

"Where did you get this picture? Can you show it to me?"


There was a clear voice under the moonlight, and Cheng Yiping turned his head, turned out to be the guide Jiang Ting.

"It's really a lot of things tonight, don't go to bed one by one. Isn't it so easy to be so idle?"

The shock in Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed, the photo was raised in his hand, and he said

"Are you talking about this picture?"

Jiang Ting nodded heavily, took the picture in Cheng Yiping's hand with a strange look, stared at the picture straightly, raised his head, and said it word by word.

"Mr. Cheng, Manager Bai, this is my sister. She really followed the adventure treasure hunter into the one-eyed temple. They really found the one-eyed temple. This is my sister."


Is this your sister?

Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai glanced at each other, walked over in two or three steps, took the picture in the hands of Jiang Ting, looked up, and then Cheng Yiping carefully observed.

A woman in a peaked cap found among the group of seven or eight people's adventure treasure hunters showed a bright smile.

This woman is similar to Jiang Ting in front of her, but under long-term sunlight, her skin has become darker and she is older.

It is not the same as the young and beautiful Jiang Ting at present.

It would not have been discovered at all if it had not been observed carefully.

"Sure enough, it really is. My sister found the one-eyed temple. She must be there. Although I don't know what kind of situation they have been trapped in the one-eyed temple, but I believe me Sister must be alive, I will find my sister, I will rescue my sister "

Jiang Ting's excited eyes focused on the light, her two fists clenched tightly

She saw this picture and found the clue where her sister was. She was extremely excited.

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