Super Finding App

Chapter 1740: Adiantum


A word from the medical staff exploded into the ears of everyone's ears instantly, stunned, dumbfounded, but a little overwhelmed.

"No, isn't it really a clematis? This is impossible. The clematis is just a very small parasite. How could it be as big as this red bug, this red bug looks It was more than ten centimeters long. It was like a long earthworm. It was fat and big. How could it be a nematode? This is simply impossible. This is really creepy. Isn't it wrong? How could it be A. elegans? "

Zhou Guoqiang, one of the three top adventure treasure hunters in the Discovery Club, opened his mouth wide. After hearing it, he said that he couldn't believe what the medical staff said.

Fan Gang aside also nodded his head heavily, looking at the moment, his face was still pale and bloodless, and he seemed to be still struggling. He desperately shouted Li Wei, who wanted to drink water, word by word.

"That said, but I have some understanding of A. elegans. I heard that these A. elegans are generally parasitic on small insects and careful animals. Once parasitic on A. elegans, then The host will become very thirsty and need a lot of drinking water. Such symptoms are indeed very similar to Li Wei. Is it really a nematode? "

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible. Come on, if A. elegans can actually be transmitted to a person's body, it would have been discovered medically. It would have been identified as the most terrifying creature, How could there have been no cases so far? A. nematodes can only infect small animals, and the human body cannot be infected at all. Even after infection, it has no effect on people at all. It is almost minimal and cannot be iron. Nematodes, this is absolutely impossible, it is simply impossible. "

Fu Yongan's head shook with rattle and said that he couldn't wait to wait, with a look of horror on his face. He absolutely did not believe that the red bug turned out to be a nematode.

If this is really a bloodworm, wouldn't it mean that everyone will become crazy like Li Wei and me, and desperately drink water, even if he drowns himself in the water in the end?

This is too creepy and terrifying.

Fu Yongan absolutely did not believe that such a thing would happen.

"Adiantum, A. elegans, is it really A. elegans?"

"It's impossible, it's not possible. We also mentioned A. elegans in the biology class we took at school. Once A. elegans has invaded the host, it will control the host and make its host abnormally thirsty. Symptoms are indeed very similar to Li Wei's current situation, but it is absolutely impossible to control them physically. We humans are higher animals, the body is very complicated, and they are not low-level small insects. They can be easily controlled. , This is simply impossible "

Wei Qing of Xizhou University opened her mouth. Of course, as a college student, she knew quite a lot about biology.

Adiantum has also been taught as a parasite. It is very clear that the physiological habits of A. nematodes, but I did not expect that these parasites that have only appeared on insects can also adapt to the human body. A little scary.

"No, this should be an unlikely thing. After all, A. elegans is A. elegans. If it can really adapt to a person's body and invade it, it will cause people's vigilance and warning."

"Just like there are a lot of parasites in our human body, both good and bad, but even if some bad parasites have damaged our body, they will eventually be rejected by our body and metabolized by our body. What it suppresses will not cause our lives to be safe. Where can it be like Li Wei now, this can't be regarded as a nematode, this is already considered a madman, just like a demon. This effect is really creepy. If we can really achieve such a level, the academic world has already been so noisy, and the medical profession has been so noisy, it is simply impossible. "

Liu Wei's head shook like a rattle, his teeth were shaking, and Li Wei looked at him like a crazy look, which could not be described by common sense.

After all, he knew very well that if something really creepy such as A. elegans could infect human beings in this world, it would definitely cause a shock. It would not be possible, as it is now, without any shock at all. This is simply impossible.

"It's possible, although I don't really believe it, but I think it's completely possible. Don't forget that we are now in a barren swampland. All of them are no man's land. There are even a lot of dangerous anomalies in the human zone. Even the people we know today are completely incomprehensible. In this uninhabited zone, if some mutant animals or even some mutated bacterial parasites really appear, it is entirely possible. Is it true that Li Wei did this because he hit some mutant parasites? "

"If that's the case, it's too creepy, how could this happen."

Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai also became paler. Manager Bai opened his mouth and looked at the medical staff brought by Li An.

"Are you telling the truth? Can you really be sure that this bug is actually a jellyworm? You can really be sure that this red bug is the nematode, right?"

The medical staff nodded heavily, and his pale face was very ugly. Obviously, he did not expect that the red bug turned out to be the so-called A. nematode, but the research report explained everything. The red bug is indeed true. Is the so-called A. elegans, opened his mouth and said

"You can question my character and knowledge, but you must not question my professional ability. This red worm is indeed A. nematode, and it is definitely a variant A. nematode, and it is within modern medicine. It has been a major discovery that the nematode has not been found. This kind of worm cannot absolutely flow into the world, otherwise it will definitely cause a great disaster, which will be even more terrible than a plague. "

Listening to the words of the medical staff, he couldn't help but took a breath and thought about it. If this horrible red bug was allowed to flow out, it would definitely cause people's heartache.

As long as the insects penetrate into the body, they can't help but want to drink water. Then one by one, like a madman, jump into the sea and drown in one bite.

At that time, the corpse was swept across the wild, the blood flowed into the river, and the corpse was thousands of miles away.

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