Super Finding App

Chapter 1744: Finding things again (1)

Do I want to find my sister?

Guide Jiang Ting was suddenly stopped by Cheng Yiping.

Does this need to be asked?

There is no need to ask at all.

The guide Jiang Ting's head is the same as the chick pecking

"What do you mean by that? Mr. Cheng, of course I want to find my sister, and now I want to find my sister more than ever!"

"Very good, as long as you want to find your sister, then we have a chance"

He nodded in a calm manner.

Of course, he knew that the guide Jiang Ting would definitely want to find his sister, even if he found the body, he paused and said

"You guys should be very clear. I own the Super Hidden App. Although the Super Hidden App has one now, I think most people do n’t have enough faith points. Even my belief points are used. It ’s difficult to find too many one-eyed temples, but it ’s not a problem to find someone using the remaining faith points. ”

Cheng Yiping said as he took the picture of the previous wave of adventure treasure hunters from his arms, and shook the road gently.

"Since the sister Jiang Ting ’s sister has also found the one-eyed temple, so conservatively, as long as you find the sister Jiang Ting ’s sister, you will be able to find the one-eyed temple. Your sister? "

Guide Jiang Ting froze. Not only that, Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Explore Club, also choked.

Everyone, including Li An, was a little surprised, and Cheng Yiping even told his biggest secret in such a simple way.

"Is the Super Hidden App? I thought this Cheng Yiping really had some skills. It turned out that he relied on the Super Hidden App for a long time. If I knew this was the case, there was no Super Hidden App. He doesn't have any ability at all, so what a risk-treasure hunter, where are we? "

Fu Yongan said in person, looking towards Cheng Yiping with a mockery of irony.

"Please, Fu Yongan, if you think so, it would be very wrong. The Super Hidden Object App is now almost a manpower, both in your phone and in my phone, but why we ca n’t use Super The homing app searches people and finds things. In the final analysis, the super homing app is not important. The important thing is the belief points. This has a level of belief that is enough to drive the super homing app. Super finder app, but just a rogue software "

"This point, Cheng Yiping is clearer than anyone else"

Zhou Guoqiang has a completely different attitude.

"Yes, Zhou Guoqiang is completely right about this. We do n’t have a super-hunting app. The important thing is to use the belief points of the super-hunting app. Cheng Yiping has a lot of faith points no matter what. One thing is the fact, that ’s why he can use the Super Hidden App to help us find the desired target. Based on this, we can only admire. This is no way. Who will let him believe Enough points. "

Fan Gang shook his head with a chuckle and said

But the glance of contempt in the eyes is clear

"But even so, this level of peace is nothing more than that, relying on the super finder app does not constitute any threat at all. Once his belief points have completely dried up, that level of peace is useless."

"Cheng Yiping, is it a super-hunting app?"

The flash of light in Li An's eyes flashed, the index finger of his right hand was slightly bent, and he lightly tapped his trouser legs, thoughtfully, and looked flat.

Obviously, he did not expect Cheng Yiping to tell his secret so easily.

But in fact, even if it is said, for everyone, it has no other effect than a little surprise.

If there is only one super-hunting app in this world, it will definitely cause people to peer.

It is a pity that after uploading the backup system of Super Finding App to the entire Mercury Star, there is almost a Super Finding App in hand.

And whether you can use the super app is very simple, it is the faith points you need.

In the case where everyone can get faith points, no one will have a peeping attitude towards the Super Find App.

This is why Cheng Yiping was able to tell his biggest secret.

There is a guilty guilty conscience, but if this Bi is owned by everyone, then it is no longer just sin, it is just one thing.

What's more, everyone knows that even if Cheng Yiping is not useful, the belief points cannot be transferred.

"Okay, Mr. Cheng, whether I'm looking for the one-eyed temple or the sister of this guide, I just need to find the one-eyed temple. My only requirement is one. As long as I find the one-eyed temple, I will definitely pay a lot. Give you"

Li An raised his head excitedly and said, and reached out and patted his palm. For him, as long as Cheng Yiping can find the one-eyed temple, no matter what method is used, even the harshest method doesn't matter.

All he wants is results.

Cheng Yiping nodded, looking at the excited guide Jiang Tingdao

"Then Miss Jiang, if you want to, can you think about your sister, the more clearly and carefully you think about your sister, the information collected when the Super Hidden App finds it The more faith points I need, the less I need. "

Cheng Yiping said directly to Huyou.

Jiang Ting nodded as quickly as the chicken pecking

"No problem, no problem, I can find my sister now. I remember my sister's affairs very clearly, and I remember my sister's affairs very clearly."

Guide Jiang Ting hurriedly said, remembering the appearance of her sister in her mind.

It was a woman who was full of heartiness growing on this Xizhou Road.

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking is starting ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

next moment.

Cheng Yiping instantly clicked into the mind of the Super Hidden App in his mind, the bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and the infinitely deep and distant unique pupil appeared.

at the same time

Cheng Yiping pulled out his mobile phone, and pretended to open the Super Find App in the phone to make the pattern coincide with the real Super Find App in his mind to synchronize.

At the same time, a light beam in the deep and distant one-eye pupil of his own mind shot into Cheng Yiping's cell phone instantly, and then, with the help of the one-eye pupil in Cheng Yiping's cell phone, directed at the guide Jiang Ting in.

Super text-finding APP interface emerged from the text on the phone.

[Super Finding App Belief Finding Connection Successfully]

[Please find what you are looking for ...]

[Inspecting the items found by the Super Find App ...]

[Super Finding App Belief Finding Success ...]

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