Super Finding App

Chapter 1746: Stay

"Do we really stay like this? Do we really not go with them? I always feel that it is not safe for us to stay here. Although it is said that this is a gas station that can shield the wind and rain, but we know it is here Will there be any other dangers? I think it is safer for us to follow them. "

Wang Yan, a college student from Xizhou University, looked panic-stricken, looked left and right, and cleared a rest area at the gas station with sweat on his forehead.

Looking up, Li Wei was **** on a broken chair in the middle, and he was tied tightly, his arms, his feet and his body were really tied.

At this moment, Li Wei's face was unusually pale, the veins on his face were prominent, but he was in a coma.

"This is no way out, Wang Yan, do you still want to continue with this group of adventure treasure hunters? Although they said that this time they did not go to find the one-eyed temple, but to find the sister of the so-called guide , But do n’t think about it and know that they will definitely look for the one-eyed temple. What do you think if we continue to do it next? Li Wei needs someone to take care of it. The main thing is what should we do if we encounter danger again? "

"I used to take too much for granted. It would be too easy to take risks. If it weren't for me, Li Wei would not be like this now."

Wei Qing said earnestly, her face became more and more ugly, carefully gathered around, while using a broken bucket to support a lot of water, carefully placed on the side of Li Wei's body, wiped the sweat from the forehead.

"Wei Qing is absolutely right. Wang Yan is just like what you are worried about. If we continue to follow it, the danger is quite great. Although this gas station belongs to the depths of this wild swamp, there is a crowded place after all. I I believe that if this group of adventure treasure hunters really found the one-eyed temple and came out of the one-eyed temple, they would definitely come to this gas station for a break, in other words, we just need to wait here for their return "

"The main thing is that we have to take care of Li Wei here. Just as the medical staff said, we do n’t know if there are eggs of A. nematodes in Li Wei ’s body. I want to poke out the A. elegans to destroy it, otherwise we will be in danger. "

Liu Wei raised his head to see Li Wei's face with some ugliness and worry.

He vowed to swear that if he didn't say that the road back to the city was really dangerous, he would never stay in this gas station if he was not sure.

Although everyone belongs to the graduates of the Photography Department of Xizhou University, if they give their lives for classmates, their feelings will not be so noble.

"I know, I know, but I really have some concerns. You say what Li Wei will look like in the end. I still hope to bring Li Wei to a big city for treatment as soon as possible. This is the best. . Otherwise, we do n’t know when Li Wei ’s injury will be healed, and whether there are eggs of A. elegans in his body. ”

Wang Yan shook her head and came to Li Wei.

At this moment Li Wei was still weak and unconscious, and sighed quietly.


The pretty pupils shrank sharply. He clearly saw on the back of Li Wei that there were several traces of worms in the original smooth skin. They crawled under the skin, scaring Wang Yan. Shouted.

"Come on, come on, Li Wei has bugs on his back, and Li Wei has bugs on his back."

"Abominable, abominable. It seems that the medical staff really said it. Li Wei's body still has the eggs of A. elegans. Hurry up and bring the knife."

Wei Qinghong stood up, gritted his teeth, and watched Li Wei's worms squirming.

Originally there was only one, and then it gradually became two, three, more and more, hissing shouting exhausted

Liu Wei quickly took the knife from one side and handed it to Wei Qing's hand, both hands were shaking constantly.

"Hold Li Wei quickly, remember, no matter what, you can never let him drink water, we must quickly drive this bug out and destroy it, otherwise God knows what will happen"

After saying that Wang Yan and Liu Wei would hold the comatose Li Wei to death.

After a moment, Li Wei suddenly woke up, making a heartbreaking roar, shouting in struggle.

"I want water, I want water, I want to drink water, I want to drink water."

"Hold him down quickly, hold it fast, he must hold Li Wei to hold down, don't let him run around, don't let him run around"

"Only if Li Wei is not allowed to drink water, the nematodes in his body can run out of the wound under the condition of lack of water, and hold him quickly

Wei Qing shouted exhausted.

Wang Yan and Liu Wei quickly controlled Li Wei.

Fortunately, Li Wei was tied to a chair. Otherwise, Li Wei might not be able to control it with his powerful power:

Wei Qing carefully made a long mouth on Li Wei's back facing the place where the bug was.

After a while, I saw one worm crawling out of Li Wei's back wound, and plunged into the bucket, swimming in the water for a long time, one after another, reaching ten. A few, creepy and terrifying.

When these A. elegans crawled out of Li Wei's body, Li Wei, who was originally earning, then plunged to the ground and fainted again.

Wang Yan and Liu Wei have been cold all over the body, sweating heavily.

Wei Qing, Li Wei, and Wang Yan were all relieved. They sat on the ground with a splash and sweated.

Liu Wei watched a dozen elegans inside the bucket with a terrified expression.

"I have always thought that A. elegans is just a parasite, and it has no threat ability at all. Now it looks almost creepy. Who can think that this worm has the ability to control people, which is simply too scary. Up "

"Now think about sending Li Wei to the city may not be a good decision."

"What, Li Wei is so dangerous now, do you think it is a good thing not to send Li Wei to the city?"

Wang Yan's eyes widened, and said something incredible.

"I say this for a reason"

Weiwei wiped the sweat from his forehead

"The mutated A. nematode is so horrible. If it really comes to the city and spreads out due to medical treatment, you can think about how bad the impact on the entire city, and even how much panic it will cause."

Liu Wei opened his mouth, seemed to think of some horrible scene, and shook his head.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it, or what I hope most about these wires now is that this group of adventurers will come back and send us back to the city."

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