Super Finding App

Chapter 1749: Survive

"I never thought that the development of things would turn out like this. There would be so-called A. elegans, and it was a mutant A. elegans. All these things were originally only in the horror movies or science fiction. How could it be in Appear in reality? "

The first jeep was slowly moving forward according to Cheng Yiping's instructions.

Manager Bai took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. As a girl, she was naturally scared and disliked things like bugs.

Especially scary bugs that can control people like A. elegans are even more creepy.

"It's true. I am afraid that this should be a mutation that can only occur in the special environment of the one-eyed temple. After all, there are certain things that change in a specific environment. This is probably why there are some Grave robbers or archaeologists will enter into the tombs and cause accidents. After all, some graves have been closed for hundreds or even thousands of years. In a closed environment, God knows what will happen, even if it is originally not human. The harmful germs will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and once this thing flows out and is inhaled into the body, it will cause people to hallucinate, or even cause them to violently die. This is also called a curse. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently. He didn't understand the so-called curse in the ancient temple before, but now after experiencing many events, he feels that everything in the world can be described and explained by science.

If science cannot be used to explain it, it is enough to show that the current science and technology is not enough to explain the development of things.

Although there are indeed many incredible things in this world, even if it is the so-called cultivation, even the so-called deity, and even the so-called new god, their operation naturally has another set of reasons that can be explained, and things cannot appear out of thin air. .

Therefore, compared with the variation of this A. elegans, the most reasonable explanation is the variation that occurs in a closed environment.

After all, if the ancient temple is really sealed for hundreds or even thousands of years, God knows what will happen eventually.

Even an ordinary human being, if it has been closed for thousands of years in a closed cave, I am afraid that his offspring will also change dramatically and become a so-called savage, or another creature.

"My sister will be fine, my sister will be fine"

Guide Jiang Ting's eyes revealed nervousness and excitement. He turned his head and looked into Cheng Yiping's face with a hopeful look, and asked carefully.

"Mr. Cheng. Even if you can find my elder sister, please tell me if there is anything wrong with my elder sister. She will be fine. She will certainly be fine."

Cheng Yiping's face changed slightly, he shook his head and said

"Guide Jiang Ting, you also saw it. I use the Super Hidden Object App, which can show where your sister is, but whether your sister is alive or dead, I honestly do n’t know, only when I reach the destination Be able to know ... "

Cheng Yiping is very clear. As the saying goes, the husband is not guilty and cherishes his guilt.

Although the current Super Hidden App can no longer be called a treasure, almost everyone has one, but for most people, the Super Hidden App is really just to help them find the goal, and it is impossible to know the goal. Life and death.

Although for Cheng Yiping, he can learn all this through his soul avatar, but he can never say it in advance.

After all, the effect of a super finder app that can help people find things is different from an app that can know the past through the super finder app, or even know what happened thousands of miles away.

Cheng Yiping knows very well that you are a genius one step ahead and ten steps ahead, and you are crazy.

The result of the lunatic was either sent to a grill or sent to a mental hospital.

"I understand, I understand, my sister will be fine, my sister will be fine"

Guide Jiang Ting nodded like a chick pecking, no matter how she believed her sister would be fine.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, turned his head again, and looked forward.

A red sign appeared suddenly in his eyes, the most important thing was that he controlled the soul to walk carefully in the wild swamp land ahead.

As a soul avatar, he naturally has no fear of swamps and no danger. In fact, when he finds the danger, he will immediately appear in the sight of Cheng Yiping. He will notify the jeep to change the driving direction in time.

Although dangerous and anomalous in this wild swamp, the three jeep led by Cheng Yiping were driving slowly and without risk, and eventually reached an oasis in the wild swamp.

The red mark soared into the sky, and even across the distance, Cheng Yiping could see clearly.

The soul fell silently on the edge of a sky full of strangely colored trees, standing quietly.

Cheng Yi slowly opened his eyes and said

"found it!"

"Be careful, be careful, hold him, hold him, hold him quickly. How can this be, how can this be?"

"I told him long ago, do n’t drink water wherever there is a water source. Why did n’t he believe it? Why didn't he believe it? Why go to the water source? There is a wireworm in the water If you are not careful, you will drink into your stomach "

His face was thin and his face was dirty, and a man like a savage held a man firmly with his hands.

The man was struggling hard at the moment. In his abdomen, countless insects were constantly crawling under the skin, and he screamed desperately.

"I want water, I want water, I want water"

"What the **** is this? Even if it is true to go to the water source to drink water, isn't the nematode so big that he can't see it? Can he just swallow it into his stomach?"

The thin-skinned man shouted loudly, with a look of panic and anxiety on his face:

He was really at a loss.

Jiang Yan shook her head, her face pale and pale

"If it is an adult A. elegans, we can naturally see it. Then a long A. elegans can be seen clearly, but you must not forget that this A. elegans will lay eggs. The eggs it lays are very small. If they are mixed in water, they ca n’t be found under ordinary circumstances. People drank water to drink these small eggs into their bodies. Possible "

"The eggs of these mutant A. elegans once they enter the human body and then hatch, the consequences are simply unthinkable."

"After all, the surrounding environment is too dangerous"

Jiang Yan gritted her teeth and said, while talking, she helped her companion hold the man down, and said

"Hurry up to find the knife, to find the fire, be sure to get rid of these A. elegans, or to poke them out, otherwise he will die."

Just then, the sound of a car whistle suddenly came from outside ...

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