Super Finding App

Chapter 1751: Wu Wei

Cheng Yiping's brain is turning quickly. Although the current Super Finder app has evolved into a Super Finder app for belief finder, the finder value has also become a belief point.

But for Cheng Yiping, he still hopes to be able to obtain or find the conditions and elements of a lot of faith points when he finds the super object-seeking APP.

Now it seems that like the search value of the Super Search App, the happiness of the searchers also accounts for most of them.

If this is the case, in Cheng Yiping's view, artificially increasing the faith points is completely possible! The crowd followed Jiang Yan carefully through the barren swamp.

Finally came to the front of a big tree, there came a terrible mourning voice, listening to everyone's scalp numb, creepy.

Jiang Yan turned pale and turned her head to say

"There are two of my companions in them. They are also the adventure seekers of the Discovery Club, that is, they commissioned me to find the one-eyed temple. There are eight people in our group. Only three people survive. My companion is Jiang Wei and Wu Wei "

"And Wu Wei is now cursed and invaded by bugs!"

While pointing at the opening of the tree, Jiang Yan said, her face was pale.

"What, are you talking about Wu Wei already infected with A. nematode?"

Zhou Guoqiang of Exploratory Club yelled in surprise. Obviously, it seems that they are quite familiar with Wu Wei and Jiang Wei.

Manager Bai nodded slightly, and immediately looked at Li An at the back and the medical staff around Li An.

Li An didn't say too much about it.

"That being the case, the medical staff will leave it to you, no matter how you take the bug out of your body before you talk!"

With Li An's order, the medical staff nodded, and quickly followed Jiang Yan into this small tree cave.

Cheng Yiping followed closely into it

Li An didn't get into it, but he considered it quite carefully.

Li An did not mind Wu Wei's death or death. He was concerned about Jiang Yao, Jiang Wei, and others. Since these two are survivors, they may be able to know the situation of the one-eyed temple from their mouths. This is the most important thing. !!

"Hold it down, hold it down, hold him down quickly, you can't let him run around!"

In comparison, although the nematodes in Li Wei's body at Xizhou University appeared to be numerous, they were quickly cleared away, and Wu Wei was now even more horrified.

There are countless A. elegans on his chest, behind his chest, and even on his limbs, twisting under the skin, as if the entire person has become a worm's lair, creepy, and looks extremely disgusting feel.

Even the medical staff seemed to meet for the first time. In this case, some people were frightened. The people tied Wu Wei together, and then the medical staff carefully took out the knife and opened the mouth gently. There was a plastic underneath. Bucket filled with water.

After a while, I saw a nematode crawling out of Wu Wei's body, and then one by two and three endlessly came out, watching people creep.

This long and large worm can survive in the human body, and can also control people's thinking and movement. It is just creepy and terrifying.

Even if Jiang Yan, who has always been optimistic, saw this scene, her body was shaking constantly.

"Water, water, I want water, I want water, I want water"

Wu Wei was desperately struggling, screaming, and Jiang Wei and a few security guards on the side kept him under control.

Even so, behind Wu Wei, the nematodes came out of the wound one by one, but Wu Wei was still desperately struggling and roaring.


The whole person was weak and fell directly to the ground, without interest.

After a while.

I saw a crunching sound on Wu Wei's skull, and one bug after another emerged from the crack in the skull.


"He is dead"

The medical staff looked pale and looked at the nematodes in the bucket, which were almost full of stunners. They stunned and handed them over to the security personnel. They took them outside for disposal.

Any one of these A. elegans getting into a person's body is definitely a disaster.

Then the medical staff carefully checked Wu Wei's physical condition, shook his head and said.

"How is it possible, how is it possible? How could Wu Wei die well, we have obviously forced the nematode out of his body, how could he still die, what is going on?"

Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan looked at each other with a look of astonishment.

A little puzzled and puzzled.

"It's brain plasma. His head has been completely emptied by A. elegans"

The medical staff member said ugly, reached out and gently squeezed Wu Wei's head.

The brain that was supposed to be strong at this moment was abnormally soft, and a groove appeared with the fingers of the medical staff, and he said,

"We underestimated the nematodes. We could not give them water after bundling the host. Although there were buckets on the side that attracted a large number of nematodes to get into the water, there were too many iron wires in Wu Wei's body Then, some A. elegans can't wait to become hungry, and it will find the source of water other than the body of the host, that is, the brain. "

"Wu Wei died after being swallowed by the nematode!"

Creepy and terrified.

Cheng Yiping took a breath of air, and even if he had seen so many terrifying scenes, he would never be as creepy as he is now.

How could he be swallowed up by a bug?

I can imagine how bad and cruel the situation was then.

How much pain did Wu Wei endure, perhaps death was the only relief for him!

"Enough. Enough. Anyway, Wu Wei has died. Hurry up and dispose of his body. There is still a wire in his body. I don't think any of us want to be invaded by the wire worm!"

The medical staff wiped the sweat from the forehead and raised their eyes and said.

Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai, and the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club, Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan took a breath of air at the same time and agreed.

Although Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan were a little bit reluctant, they nodded.

They know very well that Wu Wei's body does have the presence of A. nematodes. If they really let out the A. elegans and then enter any one of them, they will become the second Wu Wei!

No one wants to die!

Dealing with corpses is a dirty job, but fortunately, there are 7 security personnel brought by Li An here

These security personnel were well trained and did not seem to have too much fear of the corpse. Wu Wei's corpse was wrapped in a car, and then taken outside for processing.

Whether sinking into the swamp or directly cremating it, it has only one purpose and must not allow the nematodes in Wu Wei to spread.

Otherwise, everyone will suffer.

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