Super Finding App

Chapter 1756: agree

"Mr. Li, I don't think there is any problem with this proposal. After all, what you want to find is only the intersection of the one-eyed temple, not to enter the one-eyed temple. Although Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan have entered In the one-eyed temple, but they have only entered two layers at most.

"The two of them are also completely correct. If we can't fight the A. elegans, it will just be dead after entering."

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and looked at Li An with a somber expression.

He is very clear that what Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan said is really important. After all, if the two floors of this one-eyed temple are really filled with water as the two said, and there is a nematode in the water, it is true. It can be very troublesome.

The Adiantum worm will surely die when it enters the body. This is a more terrifying existence than a curse.

Li An looked deeply into Yiping, and then looked at Jiang Wei and Jiang Wan and the three top adventure treasure hunters Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan of the Explore Club, and their eyes fell on the horrified white manager. A bright smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she clapped her hands.

"Since Mr. Cheng has spoken, of course I am willing to listen. Indeed, if they are willing to accompany us to find the one-eyed temple entrance, there is no problem if they let them go. I am only looking for the one-eyed temple entrance."

Hearing Li An's reply to Yiping's hanging heart relaxed slightly, and looked at Li An's eyes with a wary look.

"This Li An is really not a general generation."

"It is true to think about it. Being able to easily carry a bodyguard is not excessive. It may be complicated if the bodyguard has a firearm. After all, the management of firearms in the Tang Dynasty is quite equivalent. strict"

At the same time, Li An, Cheng Yiping is even more frightened.

But on the surface, Cheng Yiping did not show much worry and coldness, turned his head to Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan and said.

"Mr. Li has agreed now, and I don't think you two should have any opinions. This is also a very good thing for you. After all, we have left us in the barren swampland. I don't believe you can Leave the wild swamp safely, otherwise you would have already left, why not hide in a tree cave in this wild swamp. "

"This gentleman, you do say so, but as I said just now, even if I told you the specific location of this one-eyed temple, if you enter it, the whole army will not come out. We are not Is it also inseparable from this wild swamp? "

Jiang Wei faced with hesitation, biting his teeth and said that he was still struggling.

"Mr. Jiang Wei, it is true that what you said is possible, but you haven't thought about it, even if we all annihilated in this one-eyed temple, there will be no loss to you, at least you can get Our jeep, our food, and our equipment are used as supplies. In contrast, if you are unwilling to cooperate, you only rely on the two of you, even if you add the guide Jiang Ting, the three of you, two women and one man are in the wild swamp. Barren land, no cars, no supplies, are you sure you can get out of this barren swamp uninhabited area? "

In the face of Cheng Yiping's compulsion, Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan looked at each other, their faces paled.

Jiang Wei opened her mouth and needs to continue to explain.

"Okay, I see. Mr. Cheng, if you say so, we are willing to take you to this one-eyed temple, but let ’s say first, we just take it to the entrance of the one-eyed temple. After all, we will enter the one-eyed temple. It ’s also dead, by contrast, I would rather die under the gun, at least without pain. "

"Rest assured, there is no problem at all, just take us to the entrance of the one-eyed temple."

Cheng Yiping showed a bright smile, and his hanging heart relaxed.

As long as you can find the one-eyed temple, you will save hundreds of thousands of faith points. This is enough to show that the object-seeking goal of the Super Object-Finding App is indeed very important, but it does not mean that there is no other method.

Since the one-eyed temple cannot be found directly, other things can be found. You can find the one-eyed temple by turning around.

As people say, there is no junk skill in this world, only junk players.

"Haha, okay, okay, okay, wouldn't it be okay to say this earlier? If this is the case, wouldn't everyone be able to make a fortune together? You don't need to be so furious."

Li An smiled softly, and his face changed instantly. The moment before was still like ice and snow, but it was warm and bright like the sun.

This face-changing expression fell on the face of an equal person and was even more creepy.

You can change your emotions so freely at any time, which shows that Li An is definitely not a simple guy.

A person who can threaten you with a gun the moment before and smile like a flower the next moment is definitely a dangerous terrorist.

With Li An's words, the bodyguards took back the guns and returned to Li An. Without the threat of firearms, everyone was relaxed and began to talk about it. Packing things will be led by Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan Go down to the one-eyed temple.

It's just that everyone's emotions are not high, looking at Li An's face with a wary look.

"Jiang Yan, why did you agree to them? You also know that this one-eyed temple is really very dangerous, and I really have no confidence to enter it again."

Jiang Wei, looking at the guide Jiang Yan, carefully asked while packing things that were not too much, with a hint of complaint in his tone.

"Jiang Wei, I know what you think, I ’m scared, but you have already seen the situation just now, that person has a gun, it is a genuine firearm. If we do n’t agree, he will definitely kill us. Yes, when you find a swamp in this wild swamp land and throw people down, you really ca n’t see people, you ca n’t see dead bodies. ”

"Although we have entered this one-eyed temple after nine deaths, but compared to being killed now, I don't think it is a too difficult choice."

Jiang Yan smiled bitterly, shook her head and said

"What's more, Mr. Cheng also said that we only need to take people to the entrance of the one-eyed temple. Even if they can't come out of the one-eyed temple at that time, we can still get the jeep, the ratio of food and supplies We are strong now. "

Jiang Yan said hesitantly as she spoke.

"At least one thing, Mr. Cheng is absolutely right. If we do n’t have a jeep and food, we would want to get out of the wild with our two legs and out of this swamp uninhabited area.

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