Super Finding App

Chapter 1763: mural




Within the dim stone staircase, Cheng Yiping held the light stick in his hand, and the light emitted after folding illuminated the surrounding. The white manager behind him, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the exploration club Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan were in the same hands. Each holding a light stick, followed by the light sticks of Li An and his 7 bodyguards illuminated the dim one-eyed temple, which looked unusually clear around.

Entering the entrance of this one-eyed temple, you can clearly see the mottled traces on the surrounding walls, and even moss and green vegetation. There is a cold and wet feeling in the hand, and there is even a pungent smell from the swamp. the taste of.

But even so, you can clearly see the artificial cuts on the wall.

"Here are artificial excavations, not naturally formed. Sure enough, this is indeed a temple. If there is no mistake, this should be the entrance to a mausoleum."

Fu Yong'an reached out and stroked the damp wall, peeling the green moss and plants on the wall, exposing the original color, which can be analyzed clearly even through protective clothing.

"Fu Yongan, do you mean that this one-eyed temple is more like a mausoleum than a temple?"

Zhou Guoqiang trembled and asked.

"It is indeed possible. In the past, temples and mausoleums were actually complementary. Among many tribes, temples were generally built on top of mausoleums, meaning to bless the ancestors. If not, In the event of an accident, I am afraid that there should be a mausoleum below this one-eyed temple. We are now on the first floor, and the second floor is full of standing water. If it is a tomb, it should belong to the standing water layer. On the third floor, To enter the true center of the mausoleum. In other words, if you really want to find something, you must reach at least the third floor. "

Sure enough, there is a specialty in surgery.

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly. For everything in this one-eyed temple, he could use the soul avatar of the super-hunting app to know the situation inside the one-eyed temple.

Even in a maze, Cheng Yiping is confident to find the right exit.

But for the history of this building, even some institutions and the like can't help.

After all, he is not a professional adventure treasure hunter.

"Everyone be careful, everyone be careful. We have to find out where the entrance in the one-eyed temple is. Everyone is very familiar with it. The second floor has A. nematodes, but we do n’t have any at all if we wear protective clothing The main problem is to find the entrance of the third floor and enter this one-eyed temple. "

Li An became quite excited, his eyes widened, and he looked left and right, obviously his emotions were quite excited.

They followed the dim path to the first floor of the One-Eyed Temple, which is the lobby on the first floor.

Inside the hall, there are several incomplete pillars towering. What is eye-catching is the huge murals carved around the hall.

With the help of fluorescent lights, everyone walked over. Although Cheng Yiping did not understand the meaning of the mural, it seemed that he could clearly see what was carved on the mural.

The first mural from left to right is a huge eye. Even after years of erosion, the eye can feel the carved eyes full of infinite power, and it seems to be shining on the whole world.

The second painting has huge eyes, and a group of humans worship at the bottom.

The third painting is a man standing in front of huge eyes praying prayerfully.

In the fourth and fifth paintings, the light from the huge eyes seems to guide humans in front of them, and those beggars have led many people to the search.

The last painting is that the people are already kneeling in front of the one-eyed, praying and kneeling, the clothes they have put on, and the surrounding environment has become a tribe.

"This is the mural of the one-eyed tribe. It is also the most primitive way to record the text of the primitive tribe in the primitive jungle."

Manager Bai looked up and borrowed the white light to look at the murals around him. This mural is really quite rude to the real learner of painting, just like the graffiti painted by children.

But it is undeniable that after years of baptism, even this kind of graffiti has a strong historical flavor.

I can't help watching it. I'm afraid this tribe and the one-eyed totem are on the mural.

"According to the mural's guidance, it should be the people of this tribe praying with one's heart and one-eyed prayer, if so, it would be strange."

"Does it really have one eye in this world?"

"What is this drug addiction?"

"Is it an alien?"

Fan Gang shook his head and felt very strange and confused.

"This is indeed possible. After all, there are so many amazing things in this world, especially as we can encounter rare and strange things as we venture to find treasure."

Fu Yongan hesitated and said.

"I'm afraid that's not true. In fact, in ancient times, many so-called myths have their original forms in reality, but with the IQ of ancient people and their wisdom, they can't understand this magic phenomenon at all. God, just like the one-eyed man in front of you, can you be sure that he is really one-eyed, and not that he is a strange creature? But all this is really strange. "

Zhou Guoqiang shook his head and asked.

Compared to Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan's aunts were hesitant and confused, Cheng Yiping's eyes revealed a look of astonishment.

He can clearly see that the one-eye in front of him is exactly the same as the deep and distant one-eye pupil of Super Find App in his mind.

Although the mural is painted in the shape of a graffiti, when looking at the graffiti with a flat eye, the first thing that comes to mind in the mind is the deep and distant one-eyed pupil appearing in the Super Hidden Object APP.

"Sure enough, this is the case. This one-eyed temple really has something to do with the Super Hidden Object App. Could it be that this Super Hidden Object App actually appeared in the world in the past, but not just now? "

Cheng Yiping was excited, watching the fresco in front of his brain turning quickly.

If the one-eyed eye shown on the mural in front of me is really a super-hunting app, it is enough to show that this super-hunting app has existed in the world for a long time, almost reaching hundreds of years.

If that's the case, this super finder app would be amazing.

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping felt some dizziness and incredible in his brain.

Originally he thought that this super-hunting app was either an alien device or a vessel made by a god, which was very advanced.

But looking at the mural in front of him, Cheng Yiping felt very hesitant and doubtful. The mural has existed for at least hundreds of years. In other words, this super-hunting app has existed in the world for at least several hundred years. Years ago?

Is this super finder app still an antique?

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