Super Finding App

Chapter 1777: Dead body

Hundreds of years ago, the one-eyed tribe, what kind of customs and customs, I am afraid that all people present did not know.

Listening to Manager Bai ’s explanation will make sense.

"Okay, okay, you don't care about these so-called coffins and other messy things. Where is the thing I'm looking for, Cheng Pingping. This is already the fourth floor of the one-eyed temple. Where is the thing I'm looking for? "

Li An felt more and more that he could not wait any longer, and his breathing became more rapid.

Although Cheng Yiping was full of doubts, he looked up and saw an ominous feeling in the dense coffin in this dim room, but shook his head and retreated, returned to the dim aisle, and continued to move forward. Walking, and finally came to the middle.

Here is a circular hall, if you look closely you will find that the entire fourth floor of the circular hall is surrounded by rooms.

Each room is covered with coffins, as if protecting a large circular hall.

At the very center of this hall is the Gendai, which is the half-eye statue.

The soul was standing silently on the edge of the statue of the eye.

"Mr. Li An, if I read correctly, the half-eye statue on the round step is what you are looking for?"

Cheng Yiping sighed, pointing his finger at the items on the high platform in the rotunda!

"Yes, yes, this is what I am looking for, this is what I am looking for"

"Half-Eye Statue"

Li An's excited whole body was shaking, as he was walking, he dragged down the heavy protective clothing on his body, and fell to the ground, he didn't care about the danger and walked towards the hall.

He pulled out his mobile phone and opened the yellowed picture. The half-eye statue above was a pair of the half-eye statue in front of him.

Two or three steps to the half-eye statue, carefully holding up the half-eye statue, his face filled with excitement.

"I found it, I found it, I finally found it, I finally found it, I finally fulfilled my wish four years ago, and I finally found it!"

"Strange, weird, this is really weird. What is going on with this one-eyed temple? Hundreds of years ago, the people of this one-eyed tribe built this one-eyed temple for exactly what you are doing. Let ’s talk about why they built a one-eyed temple here, with a total of four floors. Is it finally to prevent the half-eye statue from being stolen? ”

"I think it's weird and weird."

Zhou Guoqiang looked around really really strange

"If you think about it, this one-eyed temple actually has no nematodes and bloodthirsty on the first and second floors, and the third and fourth floors don't really pose any threats. If you say so, this second floor And A. elegans and bloodthirsty vines are to prevent people from entering the one-eyed temple. If it is to prevent entry to the one-eyed temple, why it is too strange to live in it. "

Fu Yongan also showed a very strange and doubtful color.

I thought it would be possible to understand the context of the one-eyed temple by reaching the seventh floor of the one-eyed temple, but now it seems that it is more difficult and more puzzled and puzzled.

"This is not the main thing yet"

Manager Bai said solemnly,

"All the fourth floor rooms are coffins. Why are there so many corpses in these coffins, are they buried here or are they used for other purposes?"

"If you look closely, you will find that these houses completely surround the circular hall in front of them, as if they are protecting the hall. This is too strange."

"Wait, wait, it's like protecting this hall ..."

Sometimes the speaker is unintentional and the listener is attentive.

Cheng Yiping's eyes suddenly lighted up, showing a hint of surprise, turning his head

"Manager Bai, repeat what you just said"

Mr. Bai's face was frightened, he paused, and then said at half a moment

"I just said that the one-eyed temple is full of coffins."

"No, that last sentence."

"Here the house surrounds the circular hall in front of it, as if protecting the hall."

"Yes, this is the sentence, this is the sentence"

Cheng Yi burst his hair instantly, with a look of horror on his face.

Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan were equally frightened, their teeth were groaning.

"No, no, it won't be the very old-fashioned plot in a TV series."

There is a good spirit, a bad spirit.

The words of Zhou Guoqiang and others just came to an end, and I saw the clicks, clicks, and booming sounds in the surrounding rooms.

Cheng Yiping was so frightened that Han Mao straight tree turned his head and rushed to one of the rooms.

In an instant.

I saw the coffin lid of the coffin in the room fell to the ground, and the whole space was abnormally weird, exuding a sense of anger.

Click, click, click

The sound like a broken bone echoed in the space, and the dead bodies inside the coffin sat up one after another.

It is amazing that these bodies still have their original flesh and blood instead of being turned into bones like the third floor of the one-eyed temple.

"Zombie change, corpse change, run quickly, run quickly"

Cheng Yiping yelled in horror. Although I don't know why this is happening now, I want to know with my buttocks that this is absolutely not easy and absolutely frightening.

Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan ran out of the room and took a breath of air.

In the surrounding room, the dead zombies turned out one by one from the room.

Everyone's skin was abnormally dry, like dry flesh.

But there is no human emotion in a pair of eyes, which makes people seem unusually horrified and can even make people's hearts tremble.

Cheng Yiping was forced to step back, and finally concentrated in the circular hall, surrounded by hundreds of dense zombies, unlike zombies and zombies.

"What to do, what to do? What should I do now? What to do?"

Zhou Guoqiang shouted in horror, with a flustered look on his face, and saw a nearby corpse smashing the package in his hand, easily smashing the zombie's head out of a 360-degree turn and fell on On the ground.

Immediately afterwards, this dry corpse slowly climbed up from the ground, his head wandered a few times, and he made a rattling noise, which even hung on his chest, and continued to walk towards Zhou Guoqiang and others!

"Abominable, abominable, die for me, die for me, die for all"

"I will not let anyone stand in my way, I will not let anyone stand in my way"

Li An shouted in anger, he finally found the object he wanted to find, and he would never allow anyone to hinder himself.

It doesn't matter whether it is a person or a ghost!

Shouting angrily, he took out a pistol and fired at the surrounding corpses. The bullets fell on these corpses, taking them back a few steps, but they had no effect.

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