Super Finding App

Chapter 1780: get away

"Fu Yongan, Fu Yongan, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"Everyone be careful, everybody be careful, this is not right, this is not right, this is not right at all."

Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai, Zhou Guoqiang, and Manager Li walked in the dim aisle, and their faces became abnormally pale.

Looking at Fu Yongan, who looked like a monster in front of him, was stunned, with a small expression of horror on his face, and receding heartily.

No one knows what happened.

Fu Yongan snarled and grinned, his face was full of various tendons and veins, moving forward little by little, the muscles on his body, the blood veins were flowing fast.

In front of Cheng Yiping, it was easily turned into a dead body, and then he fell to the ground with a thump, his body was constantly twitching, his mouth opened wide, his eyes were protruding, as if he saw something unusually scary. The whole body is constantly twitching.

A few minutes later, he threw himself on the ground and died.

Originally, a big living person was in front of becoming an equal person, and it became a dead body in a few minutes.

"Dead, dead, Fu Yongan died, Fuan died, what is going on? What is going on?"

"He turned into a corpse within a few minutes. What the **** is going on?"

Li An's face became extremely pale, his teeth were gritted, his body was cold all over, and his back was wet with sweat. Within a few minutes, he saw a person easily turned into a dead body in front of himself. It is absolutely impossible to say that you are not afraid.

The main thing is that this is simply not acceptable to humans.

Within a few minutes, the person has become a dead body. Are you shooting a horror movie?

"Look at it, look at the body of Fu Yongan, look at the body of Yongan"

Bai Jing shouted in horror, pointing his finger at Fu Yongan's dried body.

The full body had become extremely dry at this moment, and there were countless bugs under the surface of the dry skin.

The constant squirming of these bugs seems to treat Fu Yongan's body as a hotbed, and the people watching are creepy and sweaty.

"Adiantum, A. elegans, no, to be precise, this should not be A. elegans, or a virus, or some kind of special worm. After these worms enter the human body, they should treat the body like A. elegans. Destroyed "

Cheng Yiping's complexion changed greatly, and even in the face of even more dangerous things, there was absolutely no more terror than the sight in front of him.

"I see. If the nematodes are absorbing water from the human body and want to drink water, then these bugs in Fu Yongan's body should be the dry corpses we just encountered on the fourth floor of the one-eyed temple. Similarly, Fu Yongan should be infected with an unknown virus in the dead body or a certain kind of worm when dealing with dry corpses. After these worms entered Fu Yongan's body, they started to use Fu Yongan as a hotbed. Growth, eventually turning Fu Yongan into a dead body. "

"No, there is a problem. If this Fu Yongan is really infected with a virus or some kind of bug, he should at least be able to move like a corpse in the fourth city of One-Eyed Temple. How could it be like It ’s as straightforward as it is now dead, that ’s not true at all ”

Zhou Guoqiang shook his head like a rattle, with an unusually solemn expression, and raised his objections.

"It should be some kind of difference."

Manager Bai stepped forward cautiously and kicked Fu Yongan's corpse with his feet. Without moving, the worms under the skin continued to squirm, which was extremely disgusting.

"I don't know what the tribe in the one-eyed temple hundreds of years ago did, but they were able to place the bodies of hundreds of people on the fourth floor of the one-eyed temple. It must have undergone special treatment in the coffin. "

"Fu Yongan has not been specially treated by him, so this is the situation it is now."

"Enough. I don't know what happened. Guys, let's leave here as soon as possible. The farther away we are from this body, the better. Some kind of bug is infected, it's okay if you want to, but don't get involved with me anymore. "

Li An has obtained the half-eye statue he was looking for.

For Li An now, he is very clear that the main thing is to leave this one-eyed temple safely.

As for whether Fu Yongan was infected with a virus or a certain worm turned into a dead body, it didn't make any sense to him.

"Mr. Li is right. We don't care about Fu Yongan anymore. The main thing is to run away from here and leave here."

"Although Mr. Cheng has now found his first exit from here, God knows whether this exit is safe or unsafe. There is a way to be careful to make Wannian Ship."

Zhou Guoqiang quickly said, wiping the sweat from his forehead, watching Fu Yongan's teeth on the ground snoring.

The three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club have now completely killed two, leaving only one of him.

Zhou Guoqiang didn't want to die.

"Yes, you are right, let's go quickly. The Super Find App indicates that the exit should be right in front of this. Let's get out of here."

Cheng Yiping nodded, his face was covered with dirt, and he bit his teeth.

He knew that it was impossible to return to the one-eyed temple now. In other words, even if he wanted to go in, he had to go in through the entrance.

The passage in this seventh floor is already full of corpses, and God knows when these corpses can be calmed down.

Even if you want to enter the fourth floor of the one-eyed temple from here, it will take a while, not now.

One way is to sail carefully for thousands of years.

It's safest to leave here first.

Now that you know where the one-eyed temple is, the next step is to wait for the opportunity to explore the one-eyed temple.

Even if there are no fragments of the pathfinder of the Super Finding App in this Duye Temple, there will be certain clues to find the fragments of the Pathfinder.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to use hundreds of thousands of faith clicks when searching for the one-eyed temple by using the Super Hidden Object App.

The amount of faith points depends on the importance and difficulty of the required items.

This one-eyed temple is indeed strange and dangerous.

However, in the view of Cheng Yiping, it definitely does not reach the level that requires hundreds of thousands of faith points. In other words, using the super-hunting app to find the hundreds of thousands of faith points required by this one-eyed temple absolutely depends on what is required. The joy and importance of the item you are looking for

A belief point that can reach hundreds of thousands is enough to show that the one-eyed temple must be of great importance to itself.

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