Super Finding App

Chapter 1783: boiled

"You're crazy, you're crazy, you even drink the water in the swamp. Don't you be afraid of the existence of the nematode in it? Did you forget how Zhao Gao died? Are you crazy?"

When Jiang Wei returned to the jeep with the turbid water in the swamp, the two women, Jiang Yan and Jiang Ting, suddenly looked terrified.

Seeing his gaze is more like a neurosis

"Calm down, calm down. Of course, I know A. elegans, so when I looked for it, I looked at it specifically. There was no A. elegans in the water."

"Even if you do n’t have A. elegans, do n’t forget that A. elegans lays eggs, and the eggs are invisible. If it enters your body, you will immediately be regarded as a host by A. elegans. Zhao Gao died of thirst "

Jiang Yan said angrily, with a look of horror on her face.

She wanted to talk about many ways, but she didn't really think about how Jiang Wei wanted to drink the water in the swamp. This is simply the act of seeking death.

"Shut up, shut up. I know what you say, and of course I know what you say, but do we have any other way than this? There is no other way."

Suddenly Jiang Wei shouted, his face became abnormally martyred.

"Look, today is the fourth day after the past. The people in Cheng Yiping and Tanyou Club never came out of this one-eyed temple. There is a 90% chance that they will all die in this one-eyed temple. Coupled with the fact that the jeep is not working at all, the boxes containing food and water cannot be opened at all. Under such circumstances, we will drink all the food and water sooner or later. What should we do then? Tell me, that What should I do? "

In the face of Jiang Wei's loud reprimand, Jiang Yan was speechless for a moment.

After all, the cruel crowd facing the reality is really helpless.

Panting Jiang Wei vigorously, looked up, and said coldly

"Food, we can eat some leaves in this wild swamp, even the bark can survive, but the water is daily we must drink. Once there is no water, we do n’t need three days to I was completely thirsty, so do n’t say that if you walk out of this wild swamp, it ’s a question of survival. ”

"So do you understand? We have to drink water. Since we drink it early and late, it is better to think of a way to drink water. There is no A. elegans in this bottle. Even if there are eggs, we can boil it. The bog water was burned into hot water. It is believed that under the condition of high temperature boiling, this egg can be completely burned to death. "

"Dead eggs cannot hatch, just like antivirus!"

Jiang Wei said proudly, seeming to be very confident in the method he thought of, and his face became abnormally excited.

"According to scientific research, 90% of germs in nature can be killed by high temperature. This is why we now need to boil the water before we can eat it. In order to be able to Kill the germs in this water "

"The same is true when making food. Although some of the nutrients in the food are evaporated under high temperature, it is all worthwhile compared to viruses. We can also use the same method. "

"This is what Jiang Wei said, but have you forgotten Zhao Gao? The same is true for Zhao Gao. He also burned the water when he drank it, and it turned out to be the eggs of the nematode, which is very dangerous "

Jiang Yan said with a worried look on her face.

"That's because he didn't burn it long enough. Once, not twice. Three times. I don't believe that the eggs of the A. elegans are immortal? They must be able to boil and burn them. They must be able to burn them. Boiled to death, completely boiled to high temperature, surely! "

It seems like talking to Jiang Yan and Jiang Tingting, and cheering up like they are cheering themselves up, the more excited they become.

Then he panted vigorously, turned around, and slowly left.

In the stunned eyes of Jiang Yan and Jiang Ting, Jiang Wei lit a fire, then poured the water from the mineral water into a jar and started to ignite and boil.

He squatted aside and waited quietly.

"Sister, do you think it's okay? Are you saying that Jiang Wei's method is useless? Is it true that the water in these swamps can be eaten after being boiled at a high temperature, and whether the eggs of the nematode can be burned to death It's up! "

"If what Jiang Wei said is true, it is really possible to burn the eggs of this nematode through high temperature, then at least we don't need to find water, which is a good thing for us."

Jiang Yan's face was unusually solemn and ugly, and she nodded slightly.

"It's true. If the water in the swamp can be taken, even if we can't take out the food and water in the box in the jeep, at least the guaranteed water source, as long as there is water, we can survive."

"In this wild swamp land, you may be able to leave here, leave this uninhabited area, and return to the city, but it all depends on whether the water in this swamp can be taken!"

Jiang Yan is very clear that water is the source of human life.

If you really have water, then for people, even if they do n’t eat or drink, at least drinking water can sustain their lives.

Water is too important for humans.

"Yes, it can, it should be, it must be, this A. elegans cannot be found everywhere in the swamp, and it is impossible for all swamps to have A. elegans. If this is the case, it would have been long ago. What scientists have discovered is that it should be said that there will be no A. elegans in certain areas. As long as there are no A. elegans, no eggs, and water can drink, I believe we should have the chance to survive, it should be possible! "

Jiang Yan nodded heavily and said.

I didn't care, but the eyes of the two fell on Jiang Wei.

If Jiang Wei can really take the water in this swamp, and he can survive unharmed, it is enough to show that the water in this swamp is indeed edible.

In this case, the two of them are also considering whether they can really leave the jeep and no longer wait to be an equal person.

In other words, there is a hint of confidence in being able to survive in the deserted marshland's uninhabited area and even out of the deserted marshland's uninhabited area.

Three people gathered all their eyes into the marsh water that was gradually boiling in a small pot

This is not a simple swamp water, but a hope that they will live on.

"It must be, it can be, it can be drunk, it can be drunk, I will definitely leave here alive, I will definitely leave here alive"

Jiang Wei sat on the ground, holding his hands on his knees, and stared directly at the burning pot above the campfire in front of him.

The water in the pot was boiling, which had been burned twice.

Jiang Wei was waiting to burn for the third time, muttering to himself constantly in his mouth

"I will live, I will live ..."

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