Super Finding App

Chapter 1785: escape

"Hurry up, hurry up, the exit is ahead, the exit is ahead"

Cheng Yiping walked carefully in this dim aisle.

If it weren't for your own eyes that you could clearly see the path taken by the soul avatar, I'm afraid I would have lost my way here.

Who would have thought that this so-called emergency exit also has intricate passages, just like this maze.

"Whoever says that ancient people are idiots, if they are not smart, I will be anxious with him, I must be anxious with him"

Zhou Guoqiang walked behind and followed, grinning his teeth.

"Look, this escape route is also done like a maze. What did the ancients think? Isn't he afraid that he will be trapped in the maze at the end, and will eventually be trapped inside?"

"Should the so-called emergency escape route be able to escape quickly?"

"This may also lead to chasing troops. I am afraid that the establishment of this escape channel is because of this. A few more forks have been set up so that those who chase will get lost and increase their chances of escape. It seems that people from the one-eyed tribe hundreds of years ago were really quite smart. "

Manager Bai spoke as he walked, showing a look of admiration.

"Is it time for Manager Bai to agree? Now it's not at all. I want to leave here quickly. How do I think this place is terrible and gloomy. God knows what happened in this one-eyed temple hundreds of years ago.

Zhou Guoqiang smiled bitterly.

If he had known that the one-eyed temple was so dangerous and abnormal, he would never join in the exploration of the one-eyed temple.

After all, it is a good thing to have money to make money, but it also has to be spent. If there is no life, it is useless to give more money.

"Gossip less, gossip less, go faster, go faster, how much distance is left from the exit?"

Li An, who walked at the end, said loudly, with an anxious expression on his face, and he stroked the walls around him, his bones were cold, his other hand was tightly covering his chest, which was his most precious thing, and Objects found in the one-eyed temple this time!

"It's almost here, it's almost there, just ahead, just ahead"

Cheng Yiping panted vigorously, and everyone came to the exit. The eyes were lush bushes, and he stretched out the bushes little by little and finally ran out.

Looking up, the sky is full of stars, beautiful like a galaxy.

"Come out, come out, we finally come out alive, we finally come out alive"

Manager Bai, Zhou Guoqiang, and Li An followed them out from the bushes, and the lion snarled, with the look of the rest of the horror on his face.

"I didn't expect this channel to be here. We should be fortunate that we haven't changed the beginning of this last safe channel into the swamp for hundreds of years. Otherwise, all that is waiting for us is a dead end."

Manager Bai raised his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead. A few meters below his feet was a huge swamp.

There are also disgusting bubbles inside the swamp. It is conceivable that as long as a few meters have passed, all people will kick into the swamp, and then it will be undoubtedly dead.

"It's true. It was absolutely impossible for the one-eyed tribe hundreds of years ago to establish the exit in the swamp. Only after hundreds of years, the topography and landscape here have also changed. We are really lucky."

Zhou Guoqiang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a bit of anxiety

"Let's go, let's go. Now that we're out, let's go find the jeep. After all, with a jeep, with water, and food, we can leave here alive."

Cheng Yiping panted vigorously, turned his head and said.

The danger has not yet been completely lifted.

"Rest assured, there is no problem. Although we left Jiang Ting, Jiang Yan and Jiang Wei in this jeep, I took the key of the jeep and locked most of the water and food. In the safe, unless we leave alive, the three of them will not be able to drive even if they want to drive. There is no food and water. They have no way to leave here. Now they should still be waiting for us to help us. "

Li An said, with a bright smile on her face.

this is okay too?

Is this OK?

Cheng Yiping's eyes widened. He looked at Li An, opened his mouth, and didn't say much.

After all, what Li An did was indeed for the sake of others and others.

Think about it. If you waited for someone to leave the one-eyed temple and ran out alive but found a jeep, all food and water were taken away by Jiang Wei, Jiang Yan, and Jiang Ting, and the vehicle was driven away. Wouldn't it be to die here in vain?

"Mr. Li An, you are thinking too much, you are thinking too much."

Zhou Guoqiang said excitedly when his eyes were staring.

"Mr. Li An, you are really amazing. I am still worried about whether the jeep and the food and water in it have already been taken away by the three people who left it. I did not expect you to make it. It ’s really amazing to have such a measure. "

"Let's make a badass, hurry up, hurry up, you rest assured, promised to pay you, and after leaving the wild swamp land safely, I will give you all"

Li An knew very well that Cheng Yiping and Mr. Bai and Zhou Guoqiang were not their own confidants and would never die for their own birth.

To be honest, they all came here for money.

Zhou Guoqiang is for remuneration. Manager Bai and Cheng Yiping are more likely to be forced by themselves in some way. It can be said that everyone's relationship is not a tacit understanding.

If six bodyguards haven't died yet, Li An is certainly fearless, but now it's different, he is alone.

Once these three people are provoked, the consequences are definitely very bad for themselves.

Li An knew very well that there was nothing wrong with his death, but the half-eye statue in his hand must not be lost.

This is a wish for four hundred years!

"Mr. Li will wait for us to leave this wild swamp land safely. After all, we have not escaped the danger. This wild swamp land is also dangerous and abnormal."

Cheng Yiping raised his head, and to be honest, what happened inside the one-eyed temple was really unexpected.

It was a good thing for Cheng Yiping that Li An ’s Liu bodyguards disappeared. At least, he did n’t need to use the pistol's gun skills to face Li An and face up.

Just thinking of this possibility, Cheng Yiping has some heartbreaking belief points. After all, the search of the super finder app can require a thousand points of faith.

This is definitely not a small number.

Taking advantage of the night, shining in the stars, Cheng Pingren walked towards the parked jeep.

When I saw the three jeep just now, panic and panic came from my ears.

"Let go, let go, Jiang Wei, let go of my sister quickly"

"Hurry up and let go of Jiang Ting ... help, help, help ..."

"Come, help, help ..."

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