Super Finding App

Chapter 1787: Back to the city

"What's going on? What's going on with this Jiang Wei? He has A. nematodes on him, and he's got A. nematodes again. What's going on?"

"Let you stay in the car obediently, why does it appear here? And Jiang Wei was invaded by the nematode"

Because of Cheng Yiping, Zhou Guoqiang, Manager Bai and Li An appeared in time to rescue Jiang Yan, and at the same time, he pulled Jiang Ting out of the swamp with a rope made of his clothes.

"Blame us? Does this blame us? This blame you at all"

Jiang Ting, who was pulled out of the swamp, stared fiercely at Cheng Yiping.

"It was nice to say at first, as long as you brought you into this one-eyed temple at the entrance, you left us the car and food, but as a result, you did leave us their jeep and food and supplies. But you took the car keys away from the jeep, you put the food and water in the safe box, and we could n’t open it at all. Are you leaving it to us? You just want us to live hungry. dead!"

In the face of Jiang Ting, Cheng Yiping touched his chin awkwardly.

After all, it wasn't Cheng Yiping who made such a thing, but Li An.

But I saw Li An step forward and said coldly

"You should think so, thankfully I have guarded you, otherwise if we came out, would you just drive out of this wild swamp land with food and water in a jeep and leave us all here?"

"You have to feel fortunate, at least the jeep here can keep you sheltered from the wind and rain, and leave enough food for you for 4 days, and enough for your livelihood, if not for your own chaos Wait four days, can we all leave here before we come out? "

Jiang Ting and Jiang Yan gritted their teeth, but some helplessly said coldly

"You are coming out of the one-eyed temple now. If you haven't ran out of the one-eyed temple, what do you say now? Then we will wait for death alive?"

"Okay, okay, don't be noisy, don't be noisy, no matter what, now we have safely come out of the one-eyed temple, we quickly return to the jeep, and leave this wild swamp land earlier, here is after all It's a no-man's land and it's quite dangerous. "

Zhou Guoqiang stretched out his hands to stop the quarrel between Jiang Yan, Jiang Ting and Li An, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Although Jiang Yan and Ting Jiang had some dissatisfaction, they calmed down.

They knew that they had no hole cards, and that was the main thing to leave. They looked up and looked at Cheng Yiping, Zhou Guoqiang, Manager Bai, and Li An.

"Why are there only four of you, the others?"

"They all died in the one-eyed temple"

Lee An cold voice

A terrifying sense of fear ran through Jiang Ting and Jiang Yan's minds instantly, making them look at each other and swallowed.

Three top adventurers, including Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai, and Zhou Guoqiang from the Explorers Club, plus Li An and his six bodyguards have definitely reached more than a dozen when they entered the one-eyed temple. Only 4 people are now alive. Stepped out of the one-eyed temple.

It can be seen that this one-eyed temple is absolutely terrifying and extremely dangerous. Fortunately, it did not go down at first, otherwise God knows whether the two of them can come out alive!

"Okay, okay, don't say any more, leave here quickly, the main thing is to leave here quickly"

Manager Bai started the round, and everyone hurried to the direction of the jeep.

Quickly came to the jeep, looked around for a week, and found no Jiang Wei.

"What the **** is this Jiang Wei doing? I thought he would run to the jeep, but he did n’t expect to run to the jeep. Does he want to run out of the wild swamp alone? In the absence of cars, food and water Under the circumstances, it is impossible for him to survive. What is going on? "

Cheng Yiping said slightly hesitantly.

Yu Jiang Wei had some worries. Although invaded by the nematode, it was a life after all.

"Enough, enough, don't talk about it anymore, no matter what Jiang Wei is like, he is willing to come over and come over, it is his own business if he doesn't want to, now we leave here and leave here overnight."

Li An said hurriedly that he was already waiting for some to leave this wild swamp land,

Without saying a word, the crowd got into the jeep after simply packing their luggage.

Since there were three jeep cars this time, everyone didn't have to squeeze into a jeep.

Then headed towards the periphery of the southern swamp land.

Cheng Yiping was still sitting on the first car of the jeep and taking the road, watching the distance of the one-eyed temple behind him getting farther and farther, and then he was relieved ...

"Look at it, look at it, that's Jiang Wei, that's Jiang Wei."


Jiang Yanni on the second jeep shouted in horror, pointing her finger outside.

With the light of the moonlight shining down, everyone looked over, and saw Jiang Wei shouting in a swamp in the darkness.

The clothes on his body had been completely torn off, and the full body had become thinner, and plunged into the swamp, drank the water with a big mouth, and then yelled in the sky.

Under the light of the moonlight, I can clearly see the countless worms moving in his back.

Jiang Wei has been completely occupied by the nematode ...

"Terrible, terrible, it's really creepy. Compared to the real fight and kill this kind of bug, maybe it is really terrible."

Cheng Yiping's teeth were shaking, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Looking at further and farther, but gradually disappearing in the swamp Jiang Wei a creepy feeling from the spine to the brain.

This is the horror of nature. Sometimes, even inadvertently, a small bug can make people die.

But no matter what, I left this wild swamp alive.

Three days later, three jeep cars drove into the city. Everyone came down from the jeep. They were all dirt, their skin was yellow and their skin was thin, and everyone was decadent.

Even so, the crowd did not take too much rest, but simply gave a few words of sympathy and parted ways.

Perhaps for everyone, this one-eyed temple is really not a wonderful journey.

Similarly, everyone is not a concerted partner.

"Mr. Cheng really thank you so much. I didn't expect that the one-eyed temple this time would be so dangerous. Without your help, I am afraid we will really die in this one-eyed temple this time."

After washing, Manager Bai returned to his original appearance and expressed his gratitude in front of Cheng Yiping.

"This one-eyed temple is indeed quite dangerous, but fortunately we have all left without fear."

"Li An has already got the so-called half-eye statue he is looking for, shouldn't he entangle us any more?"

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