Super Finding App

Chapter 1806: select

The bustling Tianwei City at night presents a completely different scene from the daytime.

The rapid development of science and technology has improved people's living standards, but it is strange that the towering buildings after the improvement of living standards are very similar in each city, without the characteristics of each city in the past.

Cheng Yiping walking in Tianwei City even had the illusion that he hadn't left Jiangzhen City, as if he was still in Zhenzhen City, but reasonably told him that he was indeed in Tianwei City.

Highly developed cities have made each city very similar, and even make people feel like they are not out of the city.

The buildings and culture peculiar to the Tang Dynasty have gradually disappeared.

Cheng Yiping drove Professor Lu Shaofang's car on the road in Tianwei.

Professor Lu Shaofang sat on the co-pilot seat, turned his head to look at the bustling Tianwei City through the window, and with a hint of confusion he opened his eyes and said

"I still remember when I came to this Tianwei city more than thirty years ago, it was just a civilian house, there were green hills and green water, and there were earthen houses, but now they have completely changed. The high-rise building has become a downtown area, and time is passing too fast. "

"It's true, Professor Lu Shaofang, although I said that some of them are too young, but the times are really developing too fast, and there has been a big change in almost two or three years, let alone 20 or 30 Years, I am afraid that after returning to the same place 10 years later, you will find that you have completely denied it. It is not clear at all about the northeast, southwest, and the changes in the city. The changes in the construction of cities today are too fast. . "

Professor Lu Shaofang nodded, hesitated, and said

"Mr. Cheng, can you really be sure, Liu Fengqi is really in this city, did you not lie to me?"

"Of course it is true, Professor Lu Shaofang, you have not used the Super Finding App, and I use it often, so I can tell you that the Super Finding App has never let me down, no matter what It ’s true that the super-finding app can find everything perfectly. If you do n’t talk about other things, as long as the super-finding app can find it, it must be foolproof. ”

"I just didn't expect that he would be so close to where you live. Everyone in the same city didn't even meet. This has to say that the current city is really too big. It really has a chance to meet thousands of miles. Opposite sides don't meet ... "

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile, remembering that when he was young, we can say that everyone lives in the courtyard, and can be met almost every day.

But now it's different. Even the neighbours sometimes don't meet at all.

I have to say that the development of the city does not know whether it is progress or regression for people ...

"Yeah, there is a chance to meet on the opposite side, but the opposite side does not meet, this is indeed the world. I did not expect that I would be in the same city with him. If I had known this, I would have seen each other, not like now I have n’t even seen each other for decades. I do n’t know if he is doing well now or not. ”

Professor Lu Shaofang seemed to be in deep thought. His face was pale and pale, and the embarrassment and uneasiness that appeared on his face were more memories.

Thirty years ago, Tano.

The evening glow shines in the city of Tianwei, and many of the students who leave school at Tanaka University are coming out in pairs, either talking or giggling.

For them after the day of study, school is their happiest time. The girl with pigtails took a brisk step, walked out of Tian Wei University with a look of surprise on her face, and looked at Qing Qing's face with joy.


His eyes lit up suddenly, and he ran quickly in two or three steps. Not far from the gate of Tianwei University, a teenager pushed his bicycle to show a bright smile.

I saw the girl with a ponytail coming over and greeted me immediately

"It's hard, is it hard to go to school today?"

"No hard work, no hard work, it's you, why are you free to come and pick me up today, don't you have to work today?"

"It's okay. I'm on the night shift today, so I'm free during the day. Let's go. I'll take you to eat delicious food today. I'm paid today."

"No, no, although today is Sunday, but I still need to study late at night, so I ca n’t stay for a long time."

"It's okay, it's okay, have you forgotten my driving skills? Come on, hurry up and get in the car, and promise to send you back to the school on time before the dormitory closes at night. Do you still believe my driving skills ? "

The teenagers laughed and sat on the bicycle and patted their breasts. Obviously, they have happened many times.

The girl with pigtails looked at the boy in front of her, shook her head funnyly, and sat on the back of the bicycle with her buttocks.

The teenager rode on the bicycle at once, pedaled vigorously with both hands holding the handlebars, and after the bicycle staggered a few times, he rode very smoothly.

Under the light of this sunset, a teenager was riding a bicycle, and behind him was a young girl with a ponytail and a pigtail.

The setting sun shone on them, it seemed that everything was so beautiful.

This is childhood, this is the greenest memory, and this is also the best memory.

"Liu Fengqi, do you know? The teacher said that I am studying very well now, I can be sent to university, I heard that I can still take the postgraduate entrance examination, and even if possible, can help me study abroad, I never really thought that there would be Opportunity, I can still study abroad, I can continue to go to school, and I can take the postgraduate entrance examination. This is like dreaming to me. "

"Really? That's really great, but can you be sure? Do you really want to take the postgraduate, continue to school, or even go abroad?"

The teenager is riding a bicycle hard. Although the road is relatively rugged, sometimes even uphill, and there is a wonderful young girl sitting in the back, but for the young girl, it does n’t feel any burden at all, but it is fun. Among them.

"I don't know. I'm thinking about it now. If I go to graduate school, I will continue to study for a few more years, but if I study abroad, I am afraid that I will leave the country for at least three years."

The boy suddenly froze and fell into silence and said

"Three years, do you mean that you may go abroad for three years and not see you in three years? So what do you think? Do you really decide to want to go abroad?"

"I don't know, I don't know, I'm thinking about it, I want to go out, but I don't know what it will look like after three years out. I really don't know"

"Liu Fengqi, if it is you, what do you think I should do, should I stay in this school to continue school, go out to work or go abroad to study?"

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