Super Finding App

Chapter 1811: Dog blood

on purpose

on purpose.

Professor Lu Shaofang was intentional!

Cheng Yiping understood it in an instant, and his mouth was a little big, it was understandable.

Professor Lu Shaofang is also an honorary professor in Tanaka University. His knowledge is quite high. How can he suddenly become a scolder everywhere like a vixen?

All these are the calculations of Professor Lu Shaofang.

She knew very well that in this old community, if Liu Fengqi really did not recognize him, she would have no choice.

But scolding is really useful and the most practical. This is a method summarized in the lives of ordinary people.

If not, it will not be used for thousands of years.

"Enough, I know, you come in, you come in"

Obviously after measuring everything, Liu Fengqi bit his teeth and sighed, letting go of his body, and introduced Cheng Yiping and Lu Shaofang into the room.

This is a very ordinary house, with one and a half bedrooms and one living room, which is enough for one person.

However, looking at the room and the decoration should be a single dwelling, without the wife and children's belongings, the room also looks slightly old and mature.

"What's wrong? Liu Fengqi, do you think of me now? Why, do you know me now?"

Entering into the room, Lu Shaofang sat on the sofa, raised his head, and stared at his eyes with beautiful eyes, looking for Liu Fengqi, whom he had not found for more than 30 years.

"You and I have said I don't know you. Why do you have to be strong? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Isn't it so bad? Why do you want to come over?"

Liu Fengqi seemed to be completely compromised, sighed and sat opposite, frowning and looking at Lu Shaofang's eyes with a complex look.

Eyes fell from Lu Shaofang to Cheng Yiping again

"Who is he? He is your student?"

"Oh, don't care about me, I'm just a passerby, I'm just passing by"

Cheng Yiping said quickly.


Liu Fengqi looked with confusion in his eyes, shook his head, looked at Lu Shaofang's body, and sighed.

"Why do you have to come and find me? We haven't seen each other already. Isn't it a good thing for me to live my own life?"

"Why? Because I have a question, this time buried in my heart for 30 years, I must ask an answer today."

If it was a few years ago, Lu Shaofang would not have made such a move at all, after all, she also has the dignity of a professor as a professor.

In this world, it is not that without a certain person, it will not work, nor will it be impossible for someone to survive without someone.

To think that you can't survive without someone, that's just the idea of ​​this person's self-hypnosis

But for Lu Shaofang now, she must ask a 12345, and she must ask the reason, because she knows that her time is running out.

"What do you want to ask?"

Liu Fengqi opened his mouth and trembled slightly. He sat on the sofa with his hands in the middle of his legs, his thumbs rubbed constantly, forbearing, showing a very calm look, but his fingers were turning quickly. With.

"Liu Fengqi, why did you leave before 30 years ago"

This is the biggest group that has been buried in Lu Shaofang's heart, and it is also the thing she couldn't understand.

She really didn't know what happened that year, although she thought about many possibilities, but she really didn't think those possibilities would happen to herself and Liu Fengqi.

Liu Fengqi, who was originally nervous and uneasy, suddenly showed an infinitely repetitive look, slightly straightened her body, and her face with flowers on her face was a bitter smile.

"What do you want to ask? It turned out that you had to ask this for a long time. Lu Shaofang wouldn't, it's been a full 30 years. Do you still care about this thing 30 years ago? Right "

"Answer me, please answer me, what happened 30 years ago, don't you know that I actually gave up studying abroad 30 years ago, even if I still have the qualification to continue my postgraduate study, I am going to give up, I just want to stay With you in the city, but why do you leave me, why? "

Lu Shaofang bit his teeth lightly and said, his voice was unusually excited.

No one knows better than her how much courage it is to give up studying abroad alone.

She also turned around a lot of talented decisions that year.

But it was Liu Fengqi's breakup, a disappearance and a letter.

For Lu Shaofang. The blow is too great.

Liu Fengqi's shortness of breath, eyes dilated slightly, his hands clenched tightly, seemed to be quite emotional, took a few deep breaths, and the breath of his chest continued to rise and fall.

Suddenly, he took a long breath and raised his eyes, revealing a scornful expression.

"Please, please, Lu Shaofang, I have already spoken so clearly. I have written a terrific letter 30 years ago. You will not be in the mind until now. For 30 years, are you still Tangled with this thing? "

As Liu Fengqi said, she looked cold.

"There is a way to get together and to be scattered, this is our best result, why bother to ask things so clearly, that was already 30 years ago, why are you still in trouble, some things are still not Clearly better "

"No, no, I absolutely have to know what happened. I absolutely have to know why you left 30 years ago. I need this answer."

Lu Shaofang said with gritted teeth.

Although Lu Shaofang was looking for the answer 30 years ago, it was more about the end of his past feelings.

She needs to know the real reason.

"Okay, okay, since you have to know, I'll tell you the truth"

Suddenly Liu Fengqi became very relaxed. He sat up and raised his head slightly. A cold look appeared in his eyes of Hua Jia.

"Lu Shaofang, because I fell in love with other women."


Did you fall in love with other women?

Lu Shaofang opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible, this is simply not believed at all"

Liu Fengqi sneered

"Impossible? How can it be impossible, please Lu Lu Shaofang. At that time, you spent most of your time studying in school, and I was at work, and naturally I would meet a lot of people, including one woman who is very Like me "

"Later we were together too, but she was so much better than you, but I really did n’t want to hurt you, so I left a letter and never looked for you since we left I haven't seen you for 30 years. Do you think I will use this to lie to you? "

"Honestly, I think you are really too naive"

"Thirty years, you are still struggling with such things, it is ridiculous."

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