Super Finding App

Chapter 1822: Hypnosis

The bright sun shone on a peaceful campus.

The campus is quite peaceful. The girl stood quietly in the corridor of the campus and raised her head. The harsh sunlight shone on her eyes. There were some glare and she closed her eyes slightly.

Turning his head to look at the campus in front, the buildings in the distance have gradually blurred, and it seems that he can't remember it at all.

But with the thought of the girl, the distant buildings are clearly visible.

"" I know this is the campus, it was my high school, how did I get here, I remember I was here, who was waiting for? Who is it? What exactly is going on? "

The girl was feeling strange and confused, and confused

[Forever friend, forever friend ...]

There was a strange song suddenly heard in the empty teaching building. The sound of this song was soft and slow, but it was quite horrible. He heard the trembling in his heart, the drum in his heart, and even the sweat on his forehead.

The girl didn't know where the voice came from, but her instinct told her to run away. The farther she got, the better, and the farther she got, the better.

The song in front of me seemed to have great fear

The girl panicked and ran desperately. She didn't know why she ran, but she knew that only escape was the most correct choice.

The girl was desperately running and running in the empty school, with a look of horror on her face, unable to turn her head and saw a woman wearing a school uniform slowly in the aisle of the school behind her. Walking.

As she walked, her body was constantly being twisted, eventually mutating, turning into a monster, and rushing towards her with grinning teeth.

The girl was terrified and panicked and ran hard.


Four women in school uniforms appeared in front of her, and she said with a breathtaking look on her face.

"Save me quickly, save me quickly, there are monsters, there are monsters"

What was unexpected was that the four women in front of her didn't have any expressions, their faces were constantly changing, their bodies also changed, and the avatars became four completely different monsters, dreaming of jumping at her.

The girl trembled in shock and threw herself to the ground, her body being stabbed deeply by the monster.

Just as he was on the verge of despair, the monster that was chasing behind him opened his mouth wide, slammed forward, and scuffled with the four girls.

The only thing the stunned young girl can see is the monster's chest, and the torn school uniform has this beautiful name.

Qiu Yuyun.

"Ah ........."

A terrified shout came from the girl's mouth, and she woke awake from the bed, cold all over her body, sweating and raising her head, her eyes looked confused.

I reacted after a while, seemed to know where I was, and the psychiatrist on the side said solemnly.

"You have nothing, you have nothing, do you know what your name is?" Shao

The woman nodded slightly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I know, my name is Yang Shuwen"

"Very well, it seems that you haven't forgotten your identity. This time the hypnosis seems to be effective. Although you didn't recall all your things at once, you can still remember a general In the process of hypnosis just recalled, we already know that the monsters in school uniforms you encountered in school are probably the source of your nightmares, and one of them can know The name is Qiu Yuyun "

"I think if you can find this Qiu Yuyun, you might be able to know your lost memory, you can know what happened to you before, and maybe you can know the truth!"

The psychotherapist explained, paused and continued.

"Of course you can also continue hypnosis treatment and use hypnosis to remember what happened in the past, but according to this experience, you have seen monsters during the hypnosis process, which is undoubtedly your self-consciousness. To protect your brain "

"It can be seen that once you really think of everything, I am afraid that you can afford it, that is still a problem, and may even collapse, so you need to think clearly!"

The psychotherapist is very clear that the girl in front of herself remembers everything and learns the truth from the mouth of others, which are completely different concepts and endings.

If you think of it, it is totally equivalent to being there, and the impact on yourself is quite huge.

What happened in the past actually opened the self-protection process and amnesia in front of the brain, but if everyone knows the truth from other people's mouth, there will be a feeling of being told by a third party

Although there will be shock, this shock and impact is far less severe than when I remember it, at least there is a psychological preparation and buffer period!

"I understand, I understand"

The girl sat up slowly, her face pale, her heart beating fiercely, and she said

"I know, as long as I find it, I want to find Qiu Yuyun. I believe that someone in my previous school should know her. As long as I can find her, I will know why I have nightmares.

In today's society, finding a person is very simple. After all, each person has a unique identity card. As long as he has a certain method, it is quite simple to find people through various advanced idea systems.

But it is also very difficult to find someone in this society.

But for the girl Yang Shuwen, this is not too much.

I could go to high school, and I remembered Qiu Yuyun.

This Qiu Yuyun must have been in touch with himself when he was in high school. As long as he returned to his previous college to look for it, there should be clues.

If it doesn't work, you can call a former high school student and ask for the necessary information.

Not much to say, after the girl Yang Shuwen returned home, she immediately went to her high school to find it.

Then I called the high school classmate. After three days of searching, I finally learned that Qiu Yuyun was a classmate in her high school.

But if this is true, it makes Yang Shuwen even more strange.

Since you are a high school classmate, then you will also have an influence, but why you have no impression at all, just like this person has never appeared in high school for three years, which is really strange.

Especially when he called a call from one of his former classmates, he was even more surprised by what he said.

"Did you say Qiu Yuyun? You want to know where she is, why did you come to ask me, when you were in school, didn't you have the best relationship with her?"

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