Super Finding App

Chapter 1828: Newspaper

"What's wrong? Yang Shuwen"

Cheng Yiping and Yang Shuwen sat in the taxi and obviously felt that Yang Shuwen's expression just seemed to be a little embarrassed.

Cheng Yiping asked in confusion.

"Sorry, I just remembered something, but I didn't seem to remember it"

Yang Shuwen frowned and shook her head. Just now she seemed to really think of someone, but when she was thinking about it, she couldn't remember anything. She just felt that her heart was empty, as if everything was important. Something is missing.

But whenever I think about it, I have a headache.

"Does it seem like you don't remember anything? Is it that your memory is recovering?"

Cheng Yiping sat frowning in the back seat of the taxi and said

“I ’ve heard people say that although I ’ve heard of hypnosis, I wo n’t remember the past, but it ’s like an institution turned on the switch, it will gradually remind people of things that were forgotten in the past. In this state, will you gradually remember a forgotten thing? "

"Is this really the case? If that's the case, that would be great. Although I don't know what I have forgotten that makes me have nightmares every day, I am no longer in high school. I, I will definitely remember, no matter what happens, I can bear it "

Yang Shuwen nodded heavily, as if cheering himself up, as if talking to Cheng Yiping.

After all, he was very clear that the things that can make him forget his memory are really a big shock for him.

But Yang Shuwen was very clear. Even if the impact is so big, she must know the memory of the past.

She really couldn't bear the feeling of having nightmares every night. The horrible face in the nightmares and the monster in the school uniform was chasing and killing her constantly. Yang Shuwen was really afraid that she would be scared to death that day.

"If it is really possible to restore the memory that was lost in the past, this is the best thing for me, but no matter what, I believe that as long as Qiu Yuyun is found, everything should be able to reveal the truth. I really ca n’t think of my past with her. What the **** happened? "

"No problem, no problem"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders, looked up, and looked at Yang Shuwen sitting next to himself. This is a woman with a beautiful face. In her heart, what kind of past will it become?

"What do you want this to do"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders

"The Super Hidden Object Searching App can help you find Qiu Yuyun, but can you know what memory you lost in the past? This has nothing to do with me. I hope you can know this."

Cheng Yiping noticed that Yang Shuwen in front of him seemed to be looking for someone from a young age, and he has paid more attention to his lost memories.

But the Super Hidden App can only find people, but not the so-called lost memories. This can be said to be clear in advance.

Yang Shuting nodded slightly

"I see. As long as Qiu Yuyun is found, I believe I can find all the answers."

"I hope so"

Cheng Yiping's gaze was inexplicably glorious.

The taxi quickly moved under the command of the previous one, and finally landed in front of an office building.

There is a sign in front of the office building, which is the Jiangzhen News Agency.

"Why do we come to the newspaper? Does Qiu Yuyun work in the newspaper?"

Yang Shuting looked surprised and came over quickly.

"Yes, Qiu Yuming does work in this newspaper."

Cheng Yiping said as he opened the car door. In his eyes, the soul was standing quietly inside the newspaper office. The red light that marked the object-seeking target was bright and visible at a glance.

"Let's go, let's go in"

Cheng Yiping said

Jiangzhen City is divided into many newspapers, and this Jiangzhen City newspaper is not a large newspaper, but the scale is quite good. The business of the original newspaper is quite good.

With the advent of the Internet, the sales of newspapers have plummeted with a mobile phone. After all, as long as you hold one hand, you can basically see all the news. Who will go through the paper again?

But even then, the paper printing of newspapers is still published by daily publishers. Of course, sales are not as good as before, and most of the focus has been put on online and online newspaper websites.

The website has gradually become the central point, but all this does not make much difference to the staff in the newspaper.

After all, they do the same thing whether they publish articles on paper or publish articles on web sites. The only difference is that they have different carriers.

Of course, if there is really a problem, it is that with the advent of the Internet era, a large number of self-media have emerged at the historic moment. These self-media can be said to be a mixed bag, some do well, some do poorly, and do well. No less than a traditional newspaper.

If traditional newspapers want to survive the tide of this era, they must change.

People now are completely different from before. They need faster, faster and faster messages to attract them.

After all, when there was only a newspaper, a news can be talked about for a few days, but now the rapid development of the Internet has made it possible for the entire people to receive a lot of news and information.

Some headlines that used to look very hot are just now commonplace

Maybe you were a headline news the moment before today and will be replaced by another new news in the next second. The competition is quite fierce.

Therefore, for the editors and editors-in-chief of the newspapers, their pressure is also considerable.

They need to dig up the latest news all the time, write the most sharp articles, and the articles must conform to the central idea and central point instead of making up.

It can be said that in the new era, for the media, the threshold is lowered, but the same threshold is also higher.

Lowering the threshold has allowed a large number of self-media to enter, and the large number of self-media news possessed has also made audiences increasingly demanding and stricter on the quality of news.

Under such circumstances, it is simply a matter of relying on reporters to find news every day.

So whether it is a newspaper or even the news media or even the media, they have their own method of recruiting news.

Or through the Internet or through on-site registration or through help, as long as the news can be accepted, even a certain amount of compensation will be given.

After all, the first thing to do as a news media is speed, the second is accuracy, and the third is timeliness.

All three are indispensable.

So when Yi Ping and Yang Shuwen walked into this news agency, the lady at the front desk suddenly opened her eyes and said with a bright smile.

"What's the matter between the two of us at our newspaper? Are there any news you want to contribute?"

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