Super Finding App

Chapter 1843: Retreat

"Did you find it? Did you find it? Mr. Cheng, are you sure you did?"

Zhu Wanjun's eyes stared with surprise.

As the CEO of a listed company, he can be regarded as having experienced strong winds and waves. He has interviewed many individuals even for interviews. It can be said that anyone can see people clearly if they talk a few times in his eyes.

He originally thought that Cheng Yiping was using the Super Hidden Object App to help him find people for at least a period of time. Even if the computer industry uses a face recognition system, it takes a few hours to work, but now Cheng Yiping It was really beyond his expectation.

In front of Cheng Yiping, he just took his mobile phone for a few clicks, and after only a few minutes, he told him that he had found the person he was looking for?

Is there anything wrong, how could this happen?

Just kidding, kidding, this must be fake, this must be fake.

Zhu Wanjun simply cannot believe it.

You know, it took him more than ten years to find this young girl. Both human and material resources and resources have been consumed a lot, but so far he has not found any clues.

As a result, he had found someone he hadn't found for more than ten years, and he had already found it within a few minutes, which made him unbelievable at all.

The first reaction in my mind is whether this guy is a liar?

Although it was not the first time to encounter such a situation, Cheng Yiping found that every time he saw these seekers reveal a surprised look, it was indeed very funny.

After all, the Super Hidden Object App is sometimes very magical for them, and they can find the object they want to find in an instant, which is indeed beyond the level of modern technology.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, can you be sure? Did you find it?"

Also expressing great doubt and suspicion is Qiu Yuehong.

As the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Qiu Yuehong climbed up little by little from a small editor and reporter. He is more clear than anyone else to find someone to say easy. It is very easy. Find someone.

But it is also very difficult to talk about difficulties, especially to find someone more than ten years ago, and this person does not know her ID number, nor does she have any contact methods. It can be said that it is difficult to find Heavy.

It takes a long time even if you really want to find it.

After all, this is a matter of consuming great manpower and material resources, but Cheng Yiping can find the person Zhu Wanjun is looking for in just a few minutes. This is unexpected.

"Is this super finder app really so amazing?"

Qiu Yuhong's eyes fell into Cheng Yiping's mobile phone, with a strange look on her face, which was also found on her mobile phone in this super-hunting app.

Although I have deleted it several times, unless I do n’t surf the Internet, unless I do n’t download anything, this super finder app will really keep loading, and I ca n’t delete it if I want to delete it.

For some people it is very annoying junk software.

"Of course it is true. I know that you feel very strange about this super finder app. I think the search time is very short and it can be found in a few minutes. I want to tell you this is the magic of the super finder app. So if you trust me, Mr. Zhu, then I can take you now "

"If you don't trust then forget it, just when we didn't meet this time"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and said

There is a trick to retreat.

Will Zhu Wanjun reject Cheng Yiping's request?

Will Zhu Wanjun refuse to let Cheng Yiping lead the way to find someone he hasn't found for more than a decade?

This is simply impossible.

Cheng Yiping is very clear, let alone Zhu Wanjun, it is absolutely impossible to change to another person.

After all, the ability to use the Super Find App is enough to show that this matter is quite important to them.

The most important thing is to see the results.

As long as Cheng Yiping arrives, it's clear whether or not he can find the target he wants to find.

It is not possible to give up just because Cheng Yiping used the super-finding app's search time to be too short.

This is a decision that only people with mental disabilities make

Similarly, as the CEO of a listed company, Zhu Wanjun will never do such a thing.

Sure enough, as expected by Cheng Yiping, Zhu Wanjun raised his head and quickly said.

"No, no, Mr. Cheng, I believe in you, and of course I believe in you. If I can, I will go now, and I will be responsible for all the costs."

Zhu Wanjun said, his tone was quite sincere

It's just that he has a hundred percent trust in his confidence-filled tone, which is probably the benevolent sees the benign and the wise sees wisdom.

Cheng Yiping shook his head in amusement. He didn't care if Zhu Wanjun and Qiu Yuhong really believed or were full of doubt.

For Cheng Yiping, who owns a super finder app, this kind of thing has happened many times, he has long been accustomed to it.

Even those who don't believe in front of themselves, when they follow them and find the items they want to find, they will become quite convinced and then express their apologies.

Thinking of here, Yiping chuckled.

"Well, if that's the case, let's go now. Find things early and finish them sooner. I believe that the stones in Mr. Zhu and Miss Qiu's hearts will also fall."

Zhu Wanjun nodded heavily

"Yes, yes, no problem. May I ask? Where is she? Is she dead or alive?"

Zhu Wanjun hesitated, opened his mouth and asked, his heart was beating fiercely. This was his most concerned issue.

What he was most afraid of was the separation between heaven and man.

Cheng Yiping's eyes had a strange and playful look, he smiled and shook his head.

"You can rest assured that she is still alive, and if I guessed right, he should be in Fenglongshan!"

"What, in Fenglong Mountain? This is impossible, this is simply impossible"

Zhu Wanjun shouted in surprise, with a hesitant look on his face, his eyes full of suspicion, and he broke his lips.

"This is simply impossible. Fenglong Mountain belongs to my hometown. I went to my hometown more than ten years ago to look for it. Even if I was looking for a private detective, I was searching everywhere in the mountain peaks that were forbidden in my hometown. How could he be in Fenglongshan without finding her trace? This is simply impossible. It is simply impossible. "

"Calm down, calm down, calm down"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulder, coughed gently, and said

"Mr. Zhu, I do n’t know how you searched in your hometown Fenglongshan for the past ten years, nor do you know how many private detectives you have found, but I ’m sorry, here, the Super Find App shows what you are looking for Miko is indeed in Fenglongshan. "

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