Super Finding App

Chapter 1847: Incident (2)

Although Fenglong Village is a small village in the 100,000-mile mountain, although it is under the control of the county seat of the country, the master still belongs to the village chief system.

As the head of the family, the village head is the first thing that comes to mind whenever there is any kind of dispute in the village.

The village chief will report to the police station if he can't solve it or can't finish it.

For the villagers of Fenglong Village, they believe that the village head is more than the police in the police station.

This may be a legacy issue.

For the local police station, they will fully respect the customs and customs of the local people.

At this moment, in the village chief's room of Fenglong Village, the village chief who had rested for a long time came out wearing a piece of clothing, and his face became abnormally ugly.

"Are you two sure? Are you sure? Are you reading correctly?"

"It's true, it's true, we didn't read it wrong, village chief, what should you do?"

Middle-aged women and middle-aged men and women said to the poor one at a glance that they did have some overwhelmingness and didn't know what to do.

After all, for them, after this happened, they were really at a loss.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The witch is a witch. I didn't expect that after so many years, it still has a deceptive effect. This is really amazing. Zhu Wanjun, a child I remember very well Clearly, it was mischievous in the past. During this time, the teachers in the village often mentioned him and said that he became quite learnable. This is a very good thing. I heard that studies like him can still be tested. Going to college, if we can really be admitted to college, our village can be regarded as a golden egg flying out of the earthen nest. This is a big thing, but the big thing of Guangzong Yaozu in our entire village must not let him have anything to do.

The village chief lit a cigarette, took a heavy sip, and said while coughing.

"In our village, the economy was already very weak. Although it was supported by the state, there were very few support projects. If a college student can really be produced, it seems to be a good thing from the above. This is not a trivial matter. I will immediately call other villagers to come, let's discuss together, what should we do now? "

"Okay, we listen to the village chief, we listen to the village chief"

Middle-aged women and middle-aged men glanced at each other, their heads were pecking at chicks.

They already have six gods, and they are at a loss. The village chief says nothing, at least the village chief will never harm them.

After a while, the village chief summoned other people in the village to the shrine inside. A closer inspection revealed that most of the people were male. Obviously everything in this village is still male. Lord, these men gathered together and chatted.

"What happened to the village chief, he called us so late"

"That is, what happened to the village head, my mother-in-law is still waiting for me."

"Okay, okay, who doesn't know your mother-in-law, the village chief is sure to have something to come to us so late. What's the matter with the village chief?"

"I need to get off the field tomorrow, and I want to go to bed earlier in the evening"

In the face of the people in the village, the voice of your conversation and the words of the village, the village chief coughed twice, and soon all the people present were able to calm down and listen to the village chief

"Everyone, this time you are summoned. There is one thing that needs to be discussed with you. You also know that our Fenglong Mountain has taboo peaks with a witch and his grandmother on it. I think you should be very clear . "

The village chief's voice has just fallen, and the many men below you talked with me in a whisper.

"Village chief, are you talking about taboo mountains and witches?"

"Witch? This is of course. We certainly know how you mentioned her. This witch is really a very wicked child. I remember now that I just entered the taboo mountain and ended up suffering. Injury, I have spent a few days at home "

"Isn't it? I went to the taboo mountain and saw the witch accidentally. When I went to work, I was almost hit by a steel bar. If it wasn't for my great fortune, maybe now Will be smashed to death, this witch will really curse. "

"Yes, that is, wouldn't this daredevil within the mountain peak dare to come down? We haven't reached an agreement with them? Every day food is placed at the entrance, and there are some wild fruits and fields on the mountain. It ’s enough for them to live. Do they still want to move to the village to harm us? This will never be agreed. "

"That is, being able to let them live in the mountains is already the greatest kindness of the people in our village. How can people like priests and mothers such as witches be eligible to live in the village? "

"Calm, calm, everyone calm down, I know everyone's fear of the witch, after all, this is indeed a wicked door. What I want to say is this thing, everyone should be very clear about Zhu Wanjun, I heard that he entered China also met with the witch, this matter is quite important, what do you guys say about this matter? "

"What, Zhu Wanjun has entered the taboo mountain, and also met with the witch, this is absolutely not possible."

"That is, this is absolutely impossible, isn't Zhu Wanjun just unlucky?"

"I said how Zhu Wanjun has become so abnormal recently. He loves to study. I thought he had learned well, but he didn't expect to be bewitched by a witch."

"Can a witch make people learn well? Should that be a good thing?"

"Good thing? How is this possible? The Witch will definitely have his own reasons for doing this, I'm afraid that once the curse hits, then I don't know what's going on."

"Village chief, we must stop, absolutely stop"

The men in the shrine in the village talked with me.

The village chief nodded.

"Very good, everyone, this time I want to have a negotiation with you once. If everyone can reach an agreement, then we must be prepared. We must not let a small child like Zhu Wanjun encounter Unfortunately, at the same time, we must defend the feng shui in our village and the security in our village. We must not let the curse let the bad luck come to our village. "

"No, we have to protect our village"

"Protect the village, protect the village, protect Zhu Wanjun, protect Zhu Wanjun"

In an instant

The men inside the shrine raised their hands and shouted.

His face flushed for a while, and he felt quite a sense of justice.

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