Super Finding App

Chapter 1854: Bungalow

"Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu, take a look. This is the home of Eryi next door. They recently built a two-story bungalow. The front is the latest shop that opened. The taste is quite good."

"Recently, a group of developers came to our village and said that they liked the land in our village and were ready to develop it. Also, fruit trees were planted on the mountain behind the village. Listen to Grandpa, these fruit trees If it is sold after it is fruitful, it will increase a lot of sales in the village. "

Along the way, Zhou Qianqian stood beside Zhu Wanjun, talking like a lark.

Not much to say, basically what happened in Fenglong Village was almost a freshman.

"Grandpa said, now we really have caught up with a good age. With the existence of the Internet, as long as we have the Internet, we can sell the goods and goods in the village even in the deep forests of us. Go, of course, all thanks to Brother Zhu. If Brother Zhu hadn't fixed the road in our village and repaired the road, even the best things in our village would not be sold. "

Cheng Yiping followed, nodding slightly as he listened.

No wonder people in Fenglong Village are so respectful to Zhu Wanjun.

Indeed, there was an old saying that Jiuxiang was not afraid of Hong Kong Zishen, but nowadays it is Jiuxiang afraid of Hong Kong Zishen.

Many poor counties are not that there are no special products in them, but that they have no sales channels.

Just as Qianqian Zhou said, even if the environment in Fenglong Village is beautiful and there are some special products, it is difficult to transport them without opening the road.

What's more, without the online sales channels, people outside will not know what kind of scenery and special products there are.

All this was solved when Zhu Wanjun became the CEO of a listed company.

With the help of strong online sales, Zhu Wanjun's complete transformation of Fenglong Village and the establishment of sales and transportation channels belonging to Fenglong Village, it has also gradually made Fenglong Village richer.

There is a way to build a rich road, this sentence is quite reasonable.

Cheng Yiping walked forward, with the Super Object Search App's object search logo getting closer and closer, he finally reached his destination.

This is a high-end three-story small bungalow with the most central red pillar of light in the bungalow.

The object of finding things is in this little bungalow.

"Mr. Zhu, ask who is the owner of this kind of house, but also in your village?"

Cheng Yiping turned his head and asked his finger at the three-story bungalow.

Zhu Wanjun was shocked all over, with a hint of surprise on his face, and turned his head to look at Cheng Yiping.

"Mr. Cheng, are you talking about this house? Is it ..."

Cheng Yiping nodded his head

"Yes, the person you are looking for is in this house"

how can that be?

how can that be?

How could she be in this house? What's going on?

Zhu Wanjun showed a look of surprise, looking at the gorgeous little bungalow on the three-story building in front of him with some confusion and confusion.

"" It is the home of the village chief and grandpa. This is the home of the village chief and grandpa. Why did you come to my house? " Brother Zhu, do you want to go to the village chief's house? "

"That's great. That's great. I believe the village chief and grandpa will be very willing."

Zhou Qianqian looked at the three-story building in front of her and said in surprise.

This is her own home.

"Village chief? Is this the village chief's home?"

Zhu Wanjun hesitated for a moment, looked up, and looked at the small building in front of him. There was something I couldn't understand.

If Mr. Cheng didn't lie, then the witch is in these three-story small mansions and in the village chief's house!

But how is this possible?

If you really are in the village head's house, you come to the village repeatedly to find a witch, then the village head definitely knows, why not tell the village head?

Suddenly, a lot of cranky thoughts were produced in Zhu Wanjun's head, and some were at a loss.

"Is the village head's home? This is really quite a style. Since we are here, we can sit and sit. If it is convenient, we really want to go in for insights. After all, we have not eaten lunch yet.

Qiu Yuhong said aside, showing a bright smile.

As a newspaper reporter, it was too easy for him to make an excuse.

Zhou Qianqian's eyes were glowing, and her head nodded like a chick pecking.

"Okay, okay, come in quickly, come in quickly."

Watching Qian Qianqian can't wait to introduce everyone into the small bungalow.

Cheng Yiping and Qiu Yuhong shook their heads funnyly.

Obviously, Zhou Qianqian's small thought, what careful thinking is clear to Cheng Yiping and Qiu Yuhong without saying anything.

"Zhu Wanjun, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Yiping and Qiu Yuhong followed Zhu Wanjun and Zhou Qianqian into the village's three-story small western house.

It looks quite beautiful on the outside, and the decoration on the inside is really good, but it doesn't have the magnificent feeling of a big city outside, the only feeling is that it is quite spacious.

Perhaps for the residents in Fenglong Village, their house is only built bigger and better, but the decoration inside is not as particular as the people in the city.

Simple furnishings are more open areas.

But it is undeniable that this house is quite comfortable to live in

The village chief saw Cheng Yiping, Qiu Yuhong, Zhu Wanjun and Zhou Qianqian came in with a strange look on their faces.

"Grandpa, Brother Zhu and their friends are hungry. We just walked around Fenglong Village and felt a little hungry, so we wanted to come home for a quick meal. No problem.

The head of the village froze, his eyes fell on Zhu Wanjun's face, and a bright smile filled his eyes.

"No problem, no problem. Of course there is no problem. Quick, quick. I will immediately ask the people in the kitchen to prepare some meals. Would you like to ask your parents to come together? Is a villager "

Zhu Wanjun said with a smile

"Okay, then trouble the village chief."

Soon the village chief nodded, only to live.

Zhu Wanjun, while listening to Zhou Qianqian's words, looked around, and finally looked at Cheng Yiping again, his eyes were full of doubts

Cheng Yiping clapped his hands and looked around

"By the way, I seem to be uncomfortable. I wonder if I can borrow your bathroom here?"

Zhou Qianqian's attention at this moment is completely on Zhu Wanjun's body.

"Yes, yes, it's on the first floor and on the second floor."

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Zhu Wanjun stood up and said quickly

Zhou Qianqian opened her mouth and was about to stop Qiu Yuhong from the side of the road. She stopped her.

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