Super Finding App

Chapter 1862: Last Will (2)

The sky was gloomy, and drizzle kept falling on the ground, which seemed to indicate that people's mood had become quite depressed.

Zhao Xiaohui was wearing a black mourning suit, holding a black umbrella in her hands, and stood quietly beside the grave. This tombstone was engraved with her grandma.

Her tears fell like a torrential rain, and she still remembers that her grandma was best for her when she was young.

If she could, she hoped that her grandma would watch him get married and have children, instead of being separated by nature.

"It's okay, it's okay, Zhao Xiaohui, grandma doesn't want you like this"

Zhao Xiaohui's mom and dad came over from the side and patted Zhao Xiaohui's shoulders. They were very busy with work. Even today, they only took a vacation for a long time, and flew to Tiannanhaibei at night.

Zhao Xiaohui stayed alone in the room, tears streaming down, the thought of her grandma, she couldn't help the pain in her heart.

Zhao Xiaohui sat in front of the table with tears flowing, and in front of him was a dark brown notebook

She remembered her grandmother's entrustment before her death.

"Agreement, promise, is there anything in this notebook that Granny hasn't completed?"

Thinking of Zhao Xiaohui's heartbeat here, she stretched out her trembling phone and opened the notebook.

What is recorded in this notebook is Grandma Zhao's past. Although it may not be detailed and memorized every day, you can still see a rough picture.

From the first page of this notebook, it seems that the grandmother's past is recorded.

When I was a child, my grandma also grew up in the countryside and was just as playful as ordinary children.

Looking at this notebook seems to know grandma's past experience and his life

"No wonder grandma takes this notebook so seriously. This is not an ordinary notebook, but represents grandma's life and her memory."

Zhao Xiaohui flipped through this thick notebook, as if looking through old obsolete memories and entering Grandma's years.

Enjoying her life.


One of the pages in the notebook was folded heavily, with only two large characters written on it


"Agreement? Is this the agreement Grandma said? What the **** is it?"

Zhao Xiaohui had some hesitation, and felt strange, gently flipping through the paper, with a few words above, a story about the agreement came slowly.

"Come here, come here, you see, it's really beautiful here, it's really beautiful here, it's very suitable for sketching."

The three young girls in school uniforms showed bright smiles in the mountains and rivers, like three crystal clear spirits.

"The scenery here is really good, let's sketch here."

One of the girls with long hair showed a bright smile, exuding youth and vitality in the sun.

"Okay, okay, isn't there a competition in school this time? Let's draw one and draw all three of us into it. The name is friendship.

"The three of us will finish this picture, marking the enduring friendship between the three of us."

The short-haired girl showed a bright smile, just like a lark.

The three girls looked at each other, laughed, and put together the three paintings.

This is a huge landscape painting, in which the three young girls will paint the beautiful scenery, and at the same time their youth and their friendship will be engraved in this painting

But drawing is never easy. It takes years and months.

The accident happened halfway through the painting.

"So it is, is this grandma's agreement? I did not expect that grandma had such an agreement when she went to school, but if this figure is carefully calculated, it has been nearly twenty or thirty years, this agreement is really still able to Will it happen? "

Zhao Xiaohui slowly closed the notebook with tears on her face.

The so-called agreement is just an agreement between the students.

It ’s only been a full 30 years, maybe Grandma has long forgotten it, but with the advent of Grandma ’s death, the memory of the past became more and more clear, but when I was young, the memory of my student days became clear

I remembered the agreement with my classmates, which was more than 30 years late.

"Grandma, don't worry, I will fulfill your wish and I will fulfill your last wish."

Zhao Xiaohui nodded heavily, she did not know if the painting really existed

Perhaps grandma's two companions have been in the ground as long as grandma, and the so-called painting has not known where to go, but for Zhao Xiaohui, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will go on.

It is not necessary to find this painting, just because she wants to fulfill her grandmother's last wish.


This means that the grandmother entrusted her with the contract before her death, no matter how difficult it was, no matter how hard it was, she would have to complete it.

Thinking of Zhao Xiaohui here, she flipped her notebook up again and frowned.

"In this notebook, the names of two classmates of grandma are indeed recorded. I believe that if you find it through grandma's former friends or school, the most important thing is the place where this picture is drawn. What is the picture now? where is it?"

"Maybe you can find everything by finding this picture, but where is this sentence?"

Zhao Xiaohui frowned again, and it was more difficult to find a pair of words that were not completed twenty years ago.

What's more, this is not a so-called famous painting, but just a painting made by three students in high school. It is absolutely impossible to see if it really exists now.

Zhao Xiaohui Zhao really feels that some are helpless

She wanted to complete Grandma's hospital, but there were really some people who did n’t know what to do. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind. She thought of a person and hesitated and took out her mobile phone and made a call

"Sister Zhang, is it Zhang Zhang? Sorry, I'm Zhao Xiaohui, I don't know if you have time now, I want to come out and meet you?"

In a laid-back coffee shop in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping sat down and drank a cup of coffee, and frowned slightly.

He understood it. The reason why people now come to the coffee shop to talk about things is not because the coffee here is so delicious, but just because the environment here is quiet and suitable for talking, that's all.

Take a sip, raise your head, and a welcome sound comes from your ears.

Looking up, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui opened the door and walked in.

The man sitting in the seat for seven weeks immediately glanced away, showing a stunning look.

I have to say that Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui are indeed quite attractive. The long hair of a shawl is full of intellectual charm, and the other is that you are wearing fashion clothes and are as gorgeous as a fashion girl.

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