Super Finding App

Chapter 1869: Sell ​​(2)

"Mr. Bai, Ms. Bai, look, it's really Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai has appeared"

"It's for sure. This is an art exhibition held by Mr. Bai. Mr. Bai will definitely be there, but it didn't appear at the beginning."

"Miss Bai's temperament is really quite good."

"This is for sure. I have seen Teacher Bai before. Now it seems that Teacher Bai is more full of artistic temperament than before."

"This is Teacher Bai. We can talk to Teacher Bai about the drawing skills in a while. It would be great if we could get Teacher Bai's signature."

Many people in the art exhibition auction venue whispered and whispered one by one, looking at the white teacher who came out ahead, and some of his eyes showed a look of respect and worship.

"Grandma, grandma, why are you here? This person must be fooling around. He must be talking nonsense. I want to buy grandma your painting for a dollar. This is simply insulting."

At this moment, Miss Bai looked dignified. She came to her grandmother Bai Jinglan in two or three steps, reached out and stopped her arm, and said likely.

"Okay, okay, I know what you think, don't be too concerned about it. Some things are more important than money."

Teacher Bai Jinglan shook her head with a loving look. My granddaughter shook her head funnyly. She raised her head and stared at Cheng Yiping with eyes full of life experience, saying word by word.

"You just said that you wanted to buy me the girl under the waterfall for a dollar and a story. Then I would like to hear if your story is worth it."

"No problem, no problem, of course no problem, I believe this story is worthless to many people or to the people present, it is not worth a penny at all. But for Teacher Bai you It's a city of great value. Before that, I introduced a person to Teacher Bai. This is Zhao Xiaohui. Her grandma's name is Zhao Juan. "

Cheng Yiping said as he pulled Zhao Xiaohui aside, Zhao Xiaohui with a restrained face had some anxiety, and raised his head timidly.

Teacher Bai Jinglan's original pupils shrank sharply, and looked at Zhao Xiaohui in front of them.

"Like, like, it's really like you, are you really Zhao Juan's granddaughter?"

Zhao Xiaohui's head is the same as the chick pecking

"Yes, yes, hello Teacher Bai. I am Zhao Xiaohui, the granddaughter of Zhao Juan. This time we are here to complete my grandmother ’s last wish and complete her unfinished agreement."

"Last wish, last wish, do you mean Zhao Juan she ..."

Teacher Bai Jinglan's body looked like a lightning strike, and her body seemed to sway a little, with a look of horror and unbelief on her face.

Cheng Yiping said

"Yes, Teacher Bai, you are right. This time we came over and really related to Zhao Xiaohui's grandmother's last wish. I hope to complete her agreement, which is probably related to this story."

Principal Cheng Yiping patted his hands gently to attract everyone's attention

"More than 30 years ago, there were three girls studying in high school at the same time. They were girlfriends, friends, and friends, because they all had a common hobby, which was painting."

"At that time, the three girls would meet to paint together every day after school or when they were resting. Their feelings were quite good. One day they came to the mountains to sketch and found a very beautiful place with blue sky. Baiyun has dense grassy forests, and the birds are hesitating in the woods. The wind blows the green grass and makes a rustling sound, which makes people feel happy. There is a waterfall falling from the sky. Below the waterfall, it becomes a clear lake. Everything is as beautiful as a paradise. It is also the agreement where the three girls sit down. They hope to paint a picture, a picture called friendship, and a picture called the three of them together, witnessing them. Painting of friendship! "

"But unfortunately, I don't know what the reason is. The three girls did not complete the painting, but went their separate ways. In the past 30 years, this word of friendship has never been completed. Because no one knows that this picture named friendship was completed by three girls "

"They each painted a piece that would be a complete picture together, a painting representing friendship, and one of them was a girl under the waterfall, Teacher Bai, this time we came to hope to be able to Putting together the painting of friendship, and putting aside the promise that was not completed more than 30 years ago, and finishing it after Grandma Zhao Juan's death. "

"So I need your painting. I need the picture of the girl under the waterfall. Teacher Bai, should my story and this money be enough to buy you the girl under the waterfall?"

It happened like this

Such a thing happened.

Is the painting representing friendship?

The girl under the waterfall turned out to be just one of the three paintings.

"This is too strange"

"Really, really, it's really possible to say this now. You can see that the structure of the human body in this painting is on the far right side of the picture. It seems quite weird. , Then that's totally reasonable "

"No, you didn't say that just now. You said that the reason why the painting was drawn on the right was inspiration and it made people think about it. Now how does the wind change?"

"It's different, it's not the same, it's time and time, I didn't expect that this picture of the girl under the waterfall has such a meaning."

Seven weeks of babbling

Instead of being upset, Mr. Zhao, an art merchant, turned more and more flushed, excited, stood up sharply, and shouted loudly.

"Miss Bai, Teacher Bai, this girl under the waterfall I made 1 million, I made 1 million."

In an instant

All the people in the entire venue boiled instantly, their eyes widened,

"Just kidding, 1 million, 1 million, actually bought 1 million girls under the waterfall, is it true or false?"

"Is this too rich?"

Miss Bai shook with shaking her grandma's hand.

Although it is said that money is not taken seriously in the arts, this does not mean that they do not love money. Ms. Bai's breathing is more rapid and she opens her mouth.

"Mr. Zhao, can you be sure? Are you really willing to pay 1 million?"

Art businessman Mr. Zhao nodded heavily

"Yes, Mr. Bai, Teacher Bai, as long as you are willing, 1 million I am willing to buy the girl under this waterfall."

"Grandma, grandma!"

Miss Bai turned her head excitedly and looked at her grandma Bai Jinglan.

At the moment, Bai Jinglan had an unusually complex look on his face.

Looking up, looking at Cheng Yiping and Zhao Xiaohui

"What are you saying?"

Cheng Yiping shook his shoulders and showed a bright smile.

"Of course it is true. Grandma Zhao Xiaohui's last wish must be fulfilled, and we will find words that represent friendship"

"So you, the girl under the waterfall, add one dollar to this story, do you sell or not?"


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