Super Finding App

Chapter 1876: Zhao Gang

"I know, I know, but I do n’t really have any other options for my parents. I really do n’t have any other options. If they post photos online, they send them to the cell phone of my work unit or even friends and family Then I really lost my name. I can't do anything. Mom and Dad, you must save me, you must save me! "

The man crying was called a scream, and tears and snot flowed down a lot.

"Save you? How to save you? Your family has already paid over one million debts for you. Now you owe more than two million. You tell me what to do now? Do you want to give all the people in your family? You will be happy if you die, you are a bad boy, you are a bad boy "

The middle-aged man in his 40s stood up angrily, picking up a wooden stick in his hand and beating constantly against his son, the wooden stick beating on his son's back, mourning the continuous pain on the ground.

The middle-aged man was crying and crying,

There is a way to hit the child, but the pain is the father's heart, but more hate iron and steel.

After the fight, tossed the stick aside and lowered his head and started to cry.

2 million, this is definitely not a small number, this will really kill someone!

"Do n’t fight again, do n’t fight again. Now think about what you should do when you see the end, what should you do, if you continue to fight like this, it ’s no use."

The middle-aged woman in her 40s burst into tears, slammed to the ground and was beaten to tears, her son kept twirling and raised her head, screaming at her husband's exhausted exhaustion

"Truly mothers have many losers. When she borrows the first pen, she should hit him well and hang him on the beam of the house. If you don't, you won't remember anything. You have to get used to it. Okay now, okay now, look at some of the things he has done, which are good things, lend money everywhere, do you not have to repay it? Can we help him once Twice, can we still help him for a lifetime? "

"He has now lost all the money in his family, and this is the only house left. If we really sell it, we don't even have a place to live, so I absolutely disagree, absolutely disagree. Once your family ca n’t help you, even if you are killed outside, you have nothing to do with us. "

There is a way to hate iron but not steel, how much you loved you now, how much you hate now.

Looking at myself, I couldn't help pulling my 20-year-old son to say that he didn't feel bad. It was completely impossible, but no matter how bad he could be, he couldn't hold the son out of borrowing money everywhere, and even the old-age pension money and coffin were almost They lost everything.

What if we don't even have a shelter in the end?

This is something he absolutely cannot allow.

"Dad, dad, save me, save me, I swear this is the last time, this is really the last time, this is really the last time, I will not do such a thing again, I will never borrow it again Money. "

The man Zhao Gang struggled to get up from the ground, tears flowing, swearing desperately, begging his parents for forgiveness.

He is very clear, don't look at his friends when they are eating out, how much righteousness is said when drinking, how good they are, and when something really happens, you can expect them to pay for it. Help is simply impossible!

There are more than 100 so-called brothers and so-called friends in his mobile phone who did not answer the phone one by one after his accident. Even after answering the phone, when he heard that he wanted to borrow money, he immediately found an excuse to push it all. It has to be done clean.

Now no one even answers his phone call. The so-called pig friends and dog friends can't be trusted!

In the end, he went around and found that the only one who could be trusted and trusted to help him was no one but his parents!

"Okay, okay, I know what you think, of course I know, but he is our only son, do you really watch him die?"

The tears of the middle-aged woman flowed down, supporting the child, and her face became paler.

As a mother is always the most distressed child, even if he made too many mistakes, he will forgive and help.

"Then what do you say? What do you say? If you say you want to sell this house, I absolutely disagree, that is where our couple will live in the future. If we sell it, we do n’t even have a place to live in, we We are now in our 40s. Do we have to regain money and buy a house again? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. "

Middle-aged man said badly

He loves his children, but he will never let himself live in a place where he doesn't even live.

"I understand, of course, we ca n’t sell this house, but is n’t there a house for your mother? If it does n’t work, you can talk to your mother and sell her house to our children to pay off the debt. As for yours, Mother can pick it up and live with us "

Middle-aged woman hesitated a bit and came up with a way

"Yes, yes, this is okay, this is okay, I have n’t seen grandma for a long time. If we take grandma over, we will be filial to grandma."

Zhao Gang got up from the ground and said quickly, his face was full of sincerity, and tears flowed.

"Less nonsense, take grandma, if you really take grandma, I will burn the incense without being mad at you"

The middle-aged man yelled at him, then frowned, and sighed quietly.

"Is this really okay? Don't forget, when we got married, you were at odds with my mother. You never wanted to live with my mother. That's why we will live separately. Mother really took it over. Do you really get along with her? "

The relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law is always the most difficult relationship in the world. Even the best mother-in-law will have a dispute.

This is not to say that the two mothers-in-law are not good, but that the concepts are completely different and conflict will occur. This is also why most people's marriages are now divided.

Now every family is an only child. Some people in your family also have it, even at home as a baby. Who would be willing to marry her daughter to suffer and suffer poverty?

Coupled with the fact that many girls now have princess disease from an early age, they are not at odds with their elders, so living alone is the best option.

Middle-aged woman's face changed slightly, and she sighed quietly

"It's okay, it's okay. I was only in my 20s when we were just married. Now I'm in my forties, and your mother is also in her sixties. There is nothing noisy between us. Yes, as long as it can help our son, it does n’t matter if you live with your parents. ”

"But is your mother really willing? Will you sell his house and pay the debts for our children?"

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