Super Finding App

Chapter 1883: Come bad

"Hello, is this Granny Zhang's home?"

The man in a suit and leather had a bright smile on his face and his eyes glared.

Although he is not a rich man, he knows the famous brands quite well. The clothes on the men in this suit and leather shoes are all 100% brand-name clothes, which are of great value.

"What the **** is going on? Why is someone coming over to find grandma? What the **** is going on?"

Zhao Gang directly had some aggressiveness.

At first, three people came to find grandma, and then another person came to find grandma. What happened?

Although Zhao Gang felt strange, he quickly greeted him. The man in this suit and leather shoes must be looking for his grandmother.

And at first glance he is a rich man

"Grandma is inside, grandma is inside, please come in, please come in, I don't know what you're looking for my grandma?"

"Oh, there is something, there is something, Ms. Zhang Huanlan is really nice here, it seems that I came at the right time"

The man in a suit and leather shoes smiled and followed Zhao Gang into it.

After a while, came to the hall, looking at Cheng Yiping in the sitting position, Zhao Xiaohui and Zhang Xiaona smiled brightly,

"Guys, we meet again"

"Zhao Fei, it turns out to be you. Why did you come here?"

Zhao Xiaohui stood up with a bang, with a look of surprise on her face.

She really didn't expect Zhao Fei to appear here.

"How is this possible? It seems you have been following us all the time, and you still haven't given up"

Zhang Xiaona's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and soon she understood.

"Hehe, three people, ca n’t say that, I just say the way, how can I say that I am following you"

The art trader Zhao Fei laughed grinningly, his eyes fell on the side of Grandma Zhang Huanlan with a face in her armour, her eyes brightened, and she took the first two steps to grasp Grandma Zhang's hand, her expression was quite enthusiastic.

"This is Grandma Zhang Huanlan, hello, hello, introduce yourself, my name is Zhao Fei, it is really a pleasure to meet you"

"You are, you are ..."

Grandma Zhang Yelan was also confused by the enthusiasm in front of Zhao Fei, and she didn't know what happened.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it's really quite interesting, it's not really a mantis catching cicadas, or a cardinal bird"

Cheng Yiping looked at Zhao Fei with a smile on his face, exhaled a long breath, raised his head, and asked word by word.

"Mr. Zhao, if nothing else, you have been here with us, even when you found Grandma Zhang Hualan for the painting in the hands of Grandma Zhang Hualan, don't you think this is too much?"

Cheng Yiping was talking, while a haze appeared in his eyes.

He was quite displeased.

After all, this time it was to help Zhao Xiaohui complete her grandmother ’s last wish and find a painting named friendship. Now that 13 has been found, Zhao Fei killed it halfway, and knowing it with her **** is definitely not easy.

"No, no, no, Mr. Cheng, you can say this wrong, this is belong to Grandma Zhang Huanlan, one is willing to hit the other is willing to suffer, this is a normal phenomenon, how can you say I am a strong buy Sell ​​it? What's more, this painting is only a painting in your hands, and the benefits can be maximized in my hands. "

As soon as Zhao Fei's words fell, Zhao Xiaohui stared angrily.

"No, no, this is not true at all. The value of this painting is not measured in this way. This is my grandmother's last wish. It is an agreement that my grandmother has not completed. It is an agreement between my grandma and grandma Bai Jinglan and grandma Zhang Hualan. More important than money! "

"Oh, I understand, I understand, but I do n’t think this is a contradiction. You have to fulfill your grandmother ’s last wish, what is your grandmother ’s last wish, nothing more than to find a picture named friendship, in other words, as long as Put together these three paintings, that is the painting of friendship! "

"After that, is it for you or where is it for Ms. Zhang Yelan, or where is it for Ms. Bai Jinglan? After all, the painting is just a painting, and it will eventually be auctioned out. The price is the most important thing."

"I believe that any painting will have a price, you should be honored, because it is such a story behind this painting called friendship that this painting can be valuable."

"And one of them is Ms. Bai Jinglan's painting. Your grandma Zhao Juan and now this lady Zhang Huilan's painting will be worthless if you don't. Otherwise, it will be worthless. If you want to tell a story, if you want to tell the value, it will be performed every day. There is a story behind each painting, but this story is worthless. It depends on the name of the person who painted it. "

Zhao Fei talked eloquently. Obviously, for him, everything was pretty fine.

He didn't care about Grandma Zhao Huijuan's will and the so-called painting agreement called friendship. He only considered one point, that is, the agreement, the story, and whether or not he could add chips to the painting and sell it to the highest. price!

"This is a mess, you are a mess."

Zhao Xiaohui's face grew paler, and she turned her head and looked at Grandma Zhang Huanlan eagerly.

"Grandma Zhang, Grandma Zhang, don't listen to him. I really want to complete my grandmother's last wish and complete a painting called friendship, so I don't know if this painting is there or not, can you give it to me? Or you can lend it to me. I just want to complete my grandmother ’s last wish and bring the complete picture of friendship to the grandmother ’s grave so that my grandmother can take a look. ”

Grandma Zhang Huanlan's face became increasingly ugly and complex, and she sighed sighing, looking at Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Fei finally set their eyes on Zhao Xiaohui's face, saying word by word

"Of course the painting is there, although the painting is not very good, but after all, it was an agreement between my high school and Zhao Juan and Bai Jinglan's three girlfriends. I really took this agreement as a very important thing. Even though the three of us broke up in the end and broke up, I still keep the painting. I thought I would never take it out until I died. Today, after more than 30 years, there is still Zhao Juan ’s posterity. People come to find, maybe take out the paintings, and fulfill the agreement that was not completed 30 years ago is a very good thing. "

Grandma Zhang Huanlan said as she set her eyes on Zhao Fei, the man who looked at the suit and shook his head, said

"This gentleman, I don't know who you are and why you want my painting, but I know that I am not a celebrity or a painter. Even the painting I learned at the beginning, the last I did n’t become a painter, but as a designer, the painting I painted was worthless, and it ’s a long time ago, I ’m afraid I will let you down! ”

"it's okay no problem"

A haze flashed in the eyes of the art businessman Zhao Fei, but a bright smile appeared on his face.

Watching Zhang Yilan's grandmother take Cheng Yiping, Zhao Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui entered the room, suddenly turned to look at Zhao Gang on one side, and walked in two or three steps.

"Mr. Zhao, it's Ms. Zhang Huanlan's grandson. I heard you have been very short of money recently."

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