Super Finding App

Chapter 1902: why

"Zhao Pengfei, what do you mean by saying this? You don't want to think about it yourself, are you? You are absolutely wrong with this idea."

Zhao Juan was completely at a loss, sitting in one position with her butt, looking at Zhao Pengfei, who was getting paler in front of her eyes, and said something anxiously.

"I know that you ca n’t accept such a thing, but that ’s not why you made me pretend your girlfriend let Bai Jinglan leave you. You also know how important Bai Jinglan thinks of you, if you really If you do this, Bai Jinglan will definitely not accept it, do you understand? "

"In contrast, I think the best way is to honestly tell Bai Jinglan that it is the best. Your feelings are so good, at least you two don't have any regrets together."

"No, no, absolutely cannot do this, absolutely cannot"

Zhao Pengfei's head shook like a wave, raising his eyes, his face was covered with tears

"Zhao Juan, you are Bai Jinglan's best friend, then you should be very clear about Bai Jinglan's personality. She looks weak and weak, but she is very stubborn in her bones, and quite specific. If you let her know that I have cancer If she does, she won't leave me. Yeah, I can stay with Bai Jinglan for the last time, but what will happen? "

"I'm afraid I will part ways in the end. I was seriously ill and died. I left Bai Jinglan alone. What do you think he will become? How long will it take him to recover from this pain?"

Zhao Pengfei's head shook like the rattle.

Obviously, he has thought about this many times, and has a lot of thoughts and speculations. He said with a word of his head.

"What's more, with Bai Jinglan's character, if such a thing really happens, I am afraid he will not be able to get out of this shadow for one, two, three, five years. She is still young, she has a future, and her The road is still long, she can also find a man who loves her, can get married and have children, and can have a happy life, but if I just let her be imprisoned in this past forever, you think it ’s for her Fair? Do you hope your girlfriend Bai Jinglan will become like this in the future? "

"No, it won't. Is there something too extreme in your thinking?"

Zhao Juan shook her head and muttered to herself, all over the body getting cold.

Although she said words of disbelief, she knew very well that Bai Jinglan was indeed like this, and sometimes she would dig deep into the corner.

"Zhao Juan, you should be very clear that living people can never compete for dead people. If I really tell Bai Jinglan about cancer, he will stay with me, but when I leave, I will never Stay in her heart forever. Even if she meets a man who treats her well afterwards, she wo n’t open her heart easily, and even have her own beautiful life. I ca n’t do that, for her. It's too unfair. "

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Zhao Juan's eyes were covered with tears, her mouth widened, and tears streaming down in front of Zhao Pengfei who was watching

"But it's totally unfair to you"

"Unfair? How can it be unfair. If a man cannot give the happy life that his beloved woman wants, then he might as well leave her away and let her find her own happiness."

Zhao Pengfei said with a smile, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the tears flowed, the exposed smile felt like a bitter cup of coffee, bitter and even the whole body and mind could not accept it.

"Zhao Juan, you should be very clear. Breaking up and dying are two completely different concepts. They say breaking up, even if it means that I empathize and don't love each other. Bai Jinglan would hate me, hate me, and even hate me In this way, he can only maintain for a year or two at most, and he will survive the pain for three years. He will immerse himself in sadness forever and forever. Obstruct her happiness, don't you think this is the best choice? "

"As for fairness, I'm afraid I will have turned into a cup of loess long ago, and what kind of fairness is needed, but if it is really unfair, it can only be unfair to you."

Zhao Pengfei murmured to himself, looked up, and looked at Zhao Juan word by word.

"I know that my approach is very wrong, it is also very unfair to you, and even makes you misunderstood by Bai Jinglan, but this is already the best way I can think of. I do n’t know what to do next. What should I do, I do n’t know how long I can hide, even if I am missing, even if I break up with her, if there is no clear answer, Bai Jinglan will not give up, maybe I find other women to pretend to be girlfriends. I can get through it, but I don't want to have any accidents. I just want Bai Jinglan to be a good one in the future, as long as she is good for me, Zhao Juan asks you to help me, can you? "

"That's how it happened, how could it be?"

Zhao Juan's eyes were red and tears flowed.

She thought about many possibilities, but she never thought that such a thing would happen in reality.

But it is undeniable that sometimes reality is more dog-blooded than fiction.

Looking at Zhao Pengfei in front of her, Zhao Juan lowered her head, took out a napkin, and gently wiped her tears.

She could feel Zhao Pengfei's deep attachment to Bai Jinglan, but it was this attachment that made him make the most difficult choice.

Even if he couldn't be with Bai Jinglan at the last moment of his life.

Even if you endure endless pain and misunderstanding.

In order to be able to return Bai Jinglan a complete life, a life without shadows.

After all, who wouldn't meet a scumbag and a scumgirl this year?

It is as if you have misidentified the person, and you can forget it after a sleep.

Time passed little by little, Zhao Juan was drinking cups and cups of coffee, and was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.


The opposite Zhao Pengfei coughed violently, and the blood coughed from the handkerchief covering his mouth

Zhao Juan quickly stood up and said excitedly

"I see, I promise you, I promise you, Zhao Pengfei, I promise you, pretending to be your girlfriend, we will definitely let Bai Jinglan break up with you"

Time flies, 30 years have passed.

In the blue city, in the lounge of Bai Jinglan's painting exhibition, Bai Jinglan's hand was shaking constantly, and the tears in his eyes fell on the paper like pearls.

Holding a thin piece of paper in his hand, it was as heavy as gold in Bai Jinglan's hand.

"How did this happen? How did this happen, and why did it happen?"

"Zhao Juan, Zhao Juan, 30 years, exactly 30 years, why didn't you tell me earlier, why didn't you tell me earlier?"


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