Super Finding App

Chapter 1906: theater

"Assistant, Xun Nai is the Monkey King of Wutian who made trouble in Tiangong 500 years ago."

Wearing a golden armor, Qi Wutian Sun Wukong is holding a golden hoop stick, and the auspicious clouds at his feet float, looking up, looking at the gigantic giant **** not far away.

Behind him are many monkeys and grandchildren, a huge banner flying in the wind, with the four big words of Qi Tiandasheng written on it.

Shouting wah-wah, holding two giant shaking hammers

"The bold and daring monkey actually dared to violate the rule of heaven, watch me arrest you today, arrest him in the court of heaven, and hand it over to the emperor!"

The dazzling light shines on this stage play. I have to say that the special effects of the current stage play are really amazing.

The stage play in Cheng Yiping's mind is equivalent to the previous drama. Although there are some special effects, the effects of the special effects are not too dazzling

However, today's look is amazing. High-tech is being paired with stage dramas, and even mythical dramas such as Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong's trouble in Tiangong have been interpreted as a mythical blockbuster.

This special effect is definitely a lot stronger than some movies and TV's 5 gross special effects.

The stage show saw a blockbuster feeling

"Awesome, awesome, is this the stage show now? Modern stage shows are too shocking. I did not expect that the effects of special effects are so powerful that they are exactly the same as they really are, which is really amazing."

The whole theater was filled with seats, Cheng Yiping turned his head, and his nose smelled the smell of Zhang Xiaona's body. He couldn't help but sniff a few more times.

If I changed to an ordinary woman, I'm afraid I would have looked disgusted, but Zhang Xiaona shook her head with a smile, and some reddish lips said

"This is of course. Science and technology are developing, and the same stage drama is also developing. People used to say that stage drama is to perform on the stage and perform drama. Even if there are some special effects, it is only a simple projection of the light and the back. It ’s just the back, but it ’s not the same now. Now the stage play has changed. With high-tech plus some technology, it can almost be false. This scene is indeed like some science fiction movies. ”

Zhang Xiaona said as she smiled and shook her head.

"It's really this time that Zhao Xiaohui gave us two tickets for the stage play of this Monkey King Sun Wukong, so we can watch it together when we have time."

"It's true, Zhang Xiaona. Now think about it. This seems to be the first time we have come to watch a stage play. When people talk about the object, they should almost meet every day. Otherwise, they will be shopping, watching movies, and one-stop service. It ’s good on our side, we can only meet every three to five, and sometimes we have to be busy and say it ’s a date, but I ’m afraid I have n’t had much time for a real date. ”

Cheng Yiping remembered what happened with Zhang Xiaona and shook his head with a bitter smile.

The most obvious is that two people and Zhang Xiaona went to join a cruise ship, a luxury cruise ship, and as a result were caught in a tornado and entered a ship cemetery. I have to say that I really do n’t know if I am lucky or unlucky.

"Dating? Shopping, eating, watching movies, Cheng Yiping, it seems that you are quite familiar with this way, I'm afraid I have not used it so much."


Zhang Xiaona said

Dangerous, dangerous, absolutely dangerous

Cheng Yiping's hair exploded, immediately turning on his survival skills

"Oh, how could it happen? I have never seen these on the Internet, and some of my good friends have taught me. I have never tried it, or should we try it today?"

"Come less, we will return to the loving family after watching the stage play. Today, Granny Ma prepared food for us"

Zhang Xiaona twisted her head with a smile, and the whole neck really became quite red if it was not even at all.

Of course, she knows what is the process of dating young people now, holding hands, dating, shopping, eating and watching movies, and then?

Then I'm afraid it's an item that all boys like very much

Zhang Xiaona wouldn't say this stupidly, although she doesn't hate Cheng Yiping, even after talking with Cheng Yiping, she likes Cheng Yiping very much.

But she still believes that some things are best only after getting married, which is also the best choice for others and for herself.

"Grandma, too, it feels like I haven't been to Grandma's house for a long time, and I haven't returned to the love apartment. After all, I still miss those bear children. I don't know how they are now. Have you studied well?"

Thinking of the first time that Zhang Xiaona followed this caring family, Cheng Yiping couldn't help showing a smile of relief.

Who could have thought of the group of bear children who had met in the loving home at first, and now all of them have gone to school, but their personality has really not changed much?

"Cheng Yiping, I really want to thank you for this. Without your help, the caring family would not have developed like it is now."

Zhang Xiaona turned her head, her intellectual eyes fell to Cheng Yiping's body, showing a bright smile, which really contained gratitude, and shook her head gently.

"If you did n’t tell the caring children how to make the lanterns without your help, and you did n’t set up a factory with the Lantern Association, I ’m afraid the caring family will not continue to run like now, although now The Lantern Festival and the Lantern Festival are under the jurisdiction of the Lantern Festival. The monthly profit is not too much, even less and less, but it is enough to maintain the caring family. "

"The Lantern Association!"

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a bitter smile, this world seems to have a strange phenomenon.

That is, private enterprises can do well, but once transferred to state-owned enterprises, it is not very certain.

After the hand-made lantern production factory was handed over to the Lantern Association, although the sales volume was still OK, it has been decreasing.

At present, perhaps for the Lantern Association, he wants more to promote lanterns instead of sales.

However, for the caring family, the dividends are enough to be caring and will be maintained.

Gently shook his head

"I was just a flash of light at the time, after all, as the saying goes, teaching people to fish is worse than teaching people to fish"

"That's true, so grandma and children respect you very much."

Zhang Xiaona said with a smile

"It would be nasty to talk about it, let's keep watching the opera, this special effect is really great."

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders and diverted the subject.

He hoped that the relationship between him and Zhang Xiaona was pure, rather than adding some other interests in it.

The eyes fell on the stage. At this moment, the stage was placed on the scene of Qi Tiansheng Sun Wukong making a big noise in the sky. Under the effect of special effects, the entire stage drama was extremely gorgeous, full of colorful and attractive. force.

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