Super Finding App

Chapter 1911: Original innovation drama

"The fire hero is telling the story of the firefighters. This is really rare. After all, people now like to watch some superheroes. Firefighters are a life-saving thing. Although it is also a life-saving thing, if If you want to make a good look, it's not a simple thing, especially a drama! "

Nowadays, people generally like watching idol dramas, or they just like watching western blockbusters.

Even if it is a drama, most people watch the famous books that belong to the masterpieces or the world. They tell the stories of ordinary people very few people.

Maybe it's because of things that happened to me and I didn't think there was any gimmick, so I didn't pay attention.

But many people are not clear, it is often these obscure heroes that have created the peaceful life now.

"Well, yes, of course we know this, or because we have experienced it ourselves, we wanted to make an original drama. I believe that with the special effects of our technology now, plus good stories The plot of the movie must be able to cause a sensation, even if it ca n’t cause a sensation, it can also let people know that the firefighters are a special group, they are the real heroes. "

With a delicate face, Du Mingyue nodded heavily, and a sacred light appeared on his face.

Obviously, she has great admiration and respect for the firefighters.

"In fact, although this is a little big, but I also experienced it myself. Six months ago, there was a fire in the apartment building where our theater was located. During that fire, I witnessed it with my own eyes. It was the fearlessness and bravery of the firefighters that saved them, and it was that event that gave birth to the drama of the performer firefighters, which can appeal to everyone who cares about this group, and at the same time, it is more important to prevent fire and theft. Attention, after all, the flame is fierce than the tiger. "

"Is it a fire six months ago? When I came here, I seemed to have heard someone talk about it. I didn't expect this to happen in your apartment building, but I heard that fortunately, there were no casualties. It ’s a big misfortune. After all, even if some money is burnt, you can make money again. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome. "

Cheng Yi nodded and agreed.

He remembered that when he walked into the backstage of the theater, he seemed to hear the staff in the backstage talking about the fire.

It seems likely that the fire incident caused Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai's idea of ​​filming the heroic drama of the fire.

"Yes, yes, because of this, people do n’t really care about things if they have n’t experienced them in person. If I had n’t experienced the fire in person, I have n’t been rescued by firefighters, I would n’t have thought Such a subject matter, but to be honest I was also very grateful for that fire. It was that fire that made me recognise Peng Donghai and let me accept him from the bottom of my heart. I really did not expect Peng Donghai. In such a dangerous time, I rushed to save me regardless of the danger of my life, and I was really touched at that moment. "

Du Mingyue lowered, stretched out his hand to embrace Peng Donghai's arm, his face overflowed with a moving and happy look, a little bit shy

"Actually, this time the drama of the fierce fire hero is based on the fire incident between me and Peng Donghai. I believe that art originates from life above life. It should be very beautiful and will definitely resonate."

"It was originally adapted from the reality of the two of you. If so, it is indeed very promising."

Zhang Xiaona, full of confidence, laughed lightly, looking at the two people in front of Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai, holding hands, and a happy smile overflowed on her face.

Obviously, the two have come together.

"Although dramas have the same special effects as movies, the main thing should be the plot of the story. If your story really comes from life, or even higher than life, then it should resonate with the audience. Even when it ’s an ordinary story, people will linger, and sometimes the bit effect is more important. ”

What is a good movie?

What a good drama.

Although the special effects also carry a large component, it is undeniable that what really touches people is always the storyline of the story.

It is always a touching story.

Only good stories can move people's hearts.

And often good stories come from life.

Because life is more bizarre and brighter than enjoyment.

"Haha, don't say that. I didn't even think about it at the time. I just wanted to be able to rescue Du Mingyue. That's all. By the time I reacted, my body had burst into the flame So, the situation at that time was really very dangerous. I still remember the flames and smoke everywhere, and even the house collapsed because of the uncomfortable flame, blocking the way, but now I think about it. Give me a chance to choose, and I will still make the same choice. There is no need for any reason. "

Peng Donghai nodded his head heavily and stretched out his hand. I became a fist and waved a few times with a hard look on his face!

On the side of Du Mingyue's face there was a look of worship.

"Okay, okay, we won't talk about this any more, if we go on, we think it's touted, Ms. Zhang, Mr. Cheng invited you to come here this time to promote the things of the fiery heroes. It really troubles you."

"Of course I also know that there is no intuitive idea of ​​what we are saying. Just about two hours later, we will have an internal rehearsal and a rehearsal of the fiery heroes. I hope that you two can stay here and watch it for the first time. If you have any disadvantages, please do n’t hesitate to enlighten me. "

Du Mingyue laughed and offered an invitation.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I think it's good to be able to watch your new show for free, and I listen to you. I'm really interested in this new show."

There are not many movies about fire fighting equipment, let alone drama, and the other party still wants Zhang Xiaona. Cheng Yiping thinks this is indeed an opportunity. After thinking about it, he looked at Zhang Xiaona.

"Zhang Xiaona, let's go home later without any problem."

Zhang Xiaona nodded slightly

"No problem, I'll call Grandma Ma and talk to me soon, and I'm also very interested in the drama of this scorching hero"

"After all, it allows people to focus on the firefighting groups and special groups, and they are heroes. In fact, I think these firefighters are the real heroes. Although they are unknown, they are the real unknown heroes!"

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