Super Finding App

Chapter 1914: doubt

The success of any performance group is definitely not an accident, and it needs to be reborn.

Especially in the case of a large number of people, it is undoubtedly very difficult to lead all people into a rope.

This requires a backbone.

This requires a principal.

This requires a leader!

And often this leader is not so good at it, and it is not so convincing.

But it is clear that Peng Donghai Shipping used its personal charm to conquer the entire Repertory Theatre.

From the moment when he took over the drama troupe to the pillar of the theater troupe, Peng Donghai is indeed quite capable.

"What happened to Du Mingyue? What are you thinking about? Is there something uncomfortable in your body?"

Inside the Repertory Theatre's conference room, other drama members chattered and then left.

A few moments later, in the conference room of the play, there were only things that were busy with Peng Donghai and sitting around to clean up, but there were some obvious delays in Du Mingyue and Du, who was gathering garbage in the conference room and handling documents autumn.

Looking at some apparently out of state Du Mingyue Peng Dong customs asked

"It's okay, it's okay. It may have been two consecutive performances today, so I feel a little tired. I'm fine. I'll be fine in a while."

Du Mingyue moved his body calmly and said some distance from Peng Donghai.

"It's true. Actually, there are not two shows today. In addition to a fixed number of games a day, there is a rehearsal at the end. It's really unbearable, but is it all worth it? Ms. Zhang Xiaona has agreed to help We advertised in the advertising department of Jiangzhen TV Station. I believe that as long as the advertisement is displayed, more people will like our fierce heroes of the Repertory Theatre. It can also make more people care about the fiery heroes and believe that it is all worth it! "

When mentioning Zhang Xiaona, Du Mingyue nodded slightly, raised her head, a look of admiration appeared on her pure face.

"Speaking of Miss Zhang, I finally understand why 5 years ago, my father and you respected her so much. She is indeed full of temperament and quite wise, but I do n’t understand a little, if we are going to advertise I went directly to Jiangzhen City TV Station to find the Advertising Department. I believe we can also advertise for us. Why must we find Zhang Xiaona? "

"Don't understand? You don't understand now?"

Peng Donghai shook his head funnyly, reached out his hand, touched the back of Du Mingyue, and said,

"You used to be abroad, so you do n’t know much about the situation in China. There is someone in Korea who is good at handling things. If you find an acquaintance to help, you will have a lot less trouble, and there will be benefits and benefits."

"If you just go by yourself, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome. In addition, we only have a small advertising fee for the investment of the Theater Company. If it is looked down on or cut corners, the effect of the advertisement will be greatly reduced. In contrast, if Zhang Xiaona comes forward, she will give her a little bit of face, and our money can also be spent on the blade. After all, some people in North Korea are good at handling things. "

Peng Donghai said several times that some people in the DPRK were good at things, listening to Du Mingyue's slightly unhappy look.

Maybe for her, she really hasn't got used to such a domestic way of doing things.

"Okay, okay, these are all things that our men should be annoying. Do n’t think about it. Take a good rest. Six months later, it will be the day when the two of us will get married. I ca n’t wait to see it. What do you look like in a wedding dress? "

Peng Donghai was keenly aware that Du Mingyue seemed to have some dissatisfaction, and his face changed instantly, showing a bright smile and laughing.

Du Mingyue's smile quickly turned red, and she nodded slightly, raised her head, opened her mouth, and said softly.

"It's okay, I know. Actually, when you rescued me in the fire field that day, I've made up my mind, do you remember? When you rescued me, it was really dangerous, and you still I hurt my right shoulder by the falling wood on the beam. I ’m so heartbroken. Is there something wrong with your right shoulder now? "

Peng Donghai froze, chuckled, and waved his right arm

"It's okay, it's okay. Of course it's okay. You see, I don't have anything now. Not only that, I don't even have a scar from burns. Rest assured, there's nothing, as long as it's to save you. willing"

"Well, let's go and rest."

Du Mingyue nodded, turned his head and turned to leave

Beside her, Du Qiu was packing up the **** in the conference room.

After Peng Donghai watched Du Mingyue leave, he coughed slightly and looked at Du Qiudao.

"You will clean the meeting room for Du Qiu, clean the meeting room, and you will use it tomorrow."

Du Qiu was silent and nodded

"I know"

Then he continued to start to clean up.

Peng Donghai turned around and packed up the documents he had with him, then turned away, humming in the song, and obviously he was in a pretty good and happy mood.

As night fell, Du Mingyue shrank on the bed alone, lowering his head, as if thinking about something, looking through a photo album in his hands.

Inside the album are pictures of her and Peng Donghai, two of them showing bright and happy smiles.

"What happened to Du Mingyue? Why haven't you slept so late? Is it too exciting to perform today?"


When the door was pushed open, a girl with long hair walked in.

She is not one of the actors of the Repertory Theatre. Instead, she is Du Mingyue's best friend. She works in a private company, but the two live together.

After all, a girl in Jiangzhen City also needs a lot of rent to rent a house, and Du Mingyue happens to be the granddaughter of the owner of the Repertory Theatre.

The girl just borrowed in, and the two of them lived in the same room.

She was sitting just after work, yawning in, and smelled of wine

"Did you drink again today?"

Du Mingyue frowned, feeling unhappy

"No way, I'm not in the drama business like you. I own a theater company. I work in a private company, and the leaders and customers are all sullen. I want to drink my wife's wine today. Is it easy to get them drunk? Give them all a drink

The girl with long hair looked quite pretty, but she was very bold in doing things. She patted her breast twice and said that she was suddenly disappointed and rushed into the bathroom.

A moment later, a loud vomiting sound came from the bathroom.

Du Mingyue shook his head helplessly.

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