Super Finding App

Chapter 1921: strange

"Looking for someone who saved his friend in the fire half a year ago? Don't know who the fixed person is, in other words looking for unknown people? This is really quite troublesome."

"But relying on the super-sense app of the super-sense app to find things can be done. It just costs a lot of faith points. Is it worth it or not?"

Perhaps it is because there have been too many things to help people find things. Cheng Yiping's first measure is whether his faith points can be earned.

Cheng Yiping knows very well that the function of Super Finding App is very powerful, but the conditions for using Super Finding App are also quite simple.

Just need faith points.

Once the belief points are insufficient, the Super Hidden Object App is a bunch of flying.

Therefore, although sometimes Cheng Yiping does want to make a profitable deal, he must have a few faith points stored in the Super Find App:

Because once you find something, you need a lot of faith points.

In many cases, it is a loss-making deal.

Although the backup system of the Super Hidden Object APP has been uploaded to the entire Mercury Star so far, an unlimited amount of faith points will flow into it every day.

But in the final analysis, it is still too few. After all, the so-called shallow believers pray at most only a few points, which is quite small.

Fanatics and believers are not so easy to train.

In modern society, most people think about themselves, and it is impossible to believe in the **** of finding things.

Not to mention more rare fanatics? At this moment Cheng Yiping was walking on a dark road, and the light on both sides of the road shone on Cheng Yiping's body, pulling his shadow abnormally long.

It's just that he frowned whether the thinker was going to take on this task

"If it ’s just looking for people or missing wallets, things like battery cars and cell phones ca n’t be used to find super-sense apps for super-seek apps, ordinary super-seeks can be done, but the same is true. Belief points are relatively small, and this time they are looking for their own salvation benefactor. In other words, since it is a salvation benefactor, and it is still half a year old, then the faith points obtained should be quite a lot, this sale can do!"

Cheng Yiping reached out and touched his chin while thinking

"Although this is not looking for loved ones, but it is indeed looking for a life-saving benefactor, and it is still looking for a beneficiary who rescued her at the scene of the fire six months ago. I have not forgotten after half a year. It seems that it is really taken seriously. This sale should be able to do "

"After all, the Super Object Finder app believes that object seekers only need to consider two points of faith. The first is the devout belief in the **** of object seekers. This belief seems to be quite small, and the second is the seeker. The month of the sun, and the so-called joy degree is nothing more than the degree to which the seeker attaches importance to the search for the item, so the majority of the points of faith in the Super Find App ’s belief in finding items come from the second point. "

"And I want to help people feel super-faith that finding things is not at a loss. It is also based on the second point. The fire-saving life of half a year ago. In this case, this is what trading should be able to do, etc., etc. ? "

A flash of aura in Cheng Yiping's mind seemed to be split into a flat mind by a piece of electricity.

He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the drool

"No, the fire disaster of half a year ago would have really been such a coincidence? Could it be that Du Mingyue is the one who seeks things?"

"No, no, this should be a coincidence. If this is not a coincidence, then this only shows that the world is really too small."

Cheng Yiping's face became more and more weird.

Not to let him feel quite strange, just today with Zhang Xiaona went to watch the drama, but as a result, they encountered the drama company Zhang Xiaona knew before.

According to their conversation, it was learned that the manager of the Repertory Theatre appeared to have had a fire six months ago, and was rescued by Peng Donghai, the head of the Repertory Theatre. Now, someone went to the letter Z to find himself in the sea of ​​fire six months ago. It ’s a very strange thing to think of life-saving benefactors.

"No, no? This is not right at all. Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai of the Repertory Theatre knew each other, and when Du Mingyue had a fire six months ago, it was Peng Donghai who rescued her in the fire. Admit it, but the party above the letter Z does not know who saved the person, it should only be a coincidence! "

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, and quickly analyzed it, thinking that it should be a very simple coincidence.

After all, the world is so big. Who can guarantee that there is only the fire of Du Mingyue's Repertory Theatre?

Thinking of this, he hesitated a moment, touched his chin, and instantly sent a reply within the Z letter of the mobile phone to lead it to the devoted find of the Super Find App, and then went offline.

"If the person who sought my help really attached great importance to finding someone who saved himself and the fire scene half a year ago, then he would definitely use the pious find of the Super Find App, and at that time according to the line of faith I It should be able to tell whether it is Du Mingyue or who it will be? "

"Although there is a loss in doing so, after all, I have not looked for it in person, and I cannot collect money from him, but for me now, money is not the most important thing, and the point of faith is the most important thing."

"What's more, the backup system of the Super Hidden App has been uploaded to the entire Aqua Blue Star. The post of this Super Hidden Object should also be deleted. If it is really detected by someone with a heart, this is indeed some trouble."

"What's more, even if I really want to use the Super Find App to help people find things and make money, I should re-open a post, this Super Find should also make him return to history, otherwise once the person who wants to pass the Super Find The time it takes to build things, and finding the flaws can be troublesome. "

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed past. Although he has now dealt with the Ministry of National Security and the police station police station have all met, Cheng Yiping is also very clear that this is not because he has not revealed that he is a super seeker. The situation of APP users.

If once revealed that he is the owner of the Super Find App, the result will be shuddering.

What's more, the super-hunting satellite navigation system and body recognition system written in this post look like they are fake.

How could an individual use the satellite system in the Tang Dynasty?

How could this thing be privately owned?

Once it is true, Cheng Yiping knows that he will be very passive. Thinking of this, he directly clicked on the super-finding post without saying anything, and then clicked delete!

After looking at the post deleted, Cheng Yiping took a long breath.

One way is to sail carefully

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