Super Finding App

Chapter 1928: Human heart

There was a sudden fire in the darkness of the troupe's apartment, and the flames were burning wildly.

The small fire turned into a big fire in an instant, and even spread around.

Fortunately, Li Lei's loud shout made other drama members and residents in the apartment that had just fallen asleep soberly. They opened the doors one by one and watched the smoke billowing in the aisle. Ran outside.

The thick smoke and fire also made the original hangover Peng Donghai and others gradually awake.

"What the **** happened? What the **** happened? Why did it catch fire? What the **** is going on?"

Peng Donghai was still a little drunk at this moment. What had been seen by the fire in front of him was stunned.

He didn't know what was going on, but even after a sleep, a fire broke out?

What exactly is going on?

Other members of the same group also expressed doubts.

"Yes, what the **** is going on here? Why did a fire happen, and how did we get outside? Did you save us, Li Lei?"

"I saved your door"

Li Lei was sweating so much that it was definitely not a simple matter to lift seven or eight people outside.

Of course, the first thing he saved was Peng Donghai.

At this moment he also has some ugliness, but still said carefully

"It's like this, yo just found out that there was a fire inside, and the fire was also very big. I just carried you back, boss, it's too dangerous here. If it is later, I'm afraid we have to Funeral fire

Li Lei is not a fool, and he would never say if he was killed. The source of the fire was in the room where they drank.

It's also like the fire was caused by the cigarette that Peng Donghai didn't finish falling on the carpet.

He avoids heavy matters.

He won't tell everyone that it was only a small fire. He can completely destroy the entry, but just want to show it, let the small fire become a big fire.

What surprised Lei Li was that he originally wanted to extinguish it even if it turned into a fire. I did not expect that the flame was burning so fast that there is no way to control it until now.

The whole drama apartment has completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This left Li Lei completely out of any way, even shuddering and frightening.

He made up his mind that he would never say why the fire killed him.

"It turned out to be this way, it turned out that Li Lei really thanked you. I didn't expect you to be my life-saving benefactor. Don't worry, my Peng Donghai has always been clear of grudges. Since you saved me, I will never Treat you badly "

Obviously Peng Dong also believed what Li Lei said, nodded heavily, and reached out and patted Li Lei's shoulder.

Li Lei showed a bright smile, and his face was extremely tense.

He knew he was right in this bet.

At this moment, many exclaimed sounds and panic shouts came from my ears.

Peng Donghai raised his head, his face was getting paler, and he did not expect that there would be a fire in the apartment, which was unexpected to him.

"Let's hurry and look around to see if anything has happened. Is anyone trapped in this apartment and will immediately send someone to call, we must get the fire truck over!"

"No, no, no, Du Mingyue is still in the apartment, Du Mingyue is still in the apartment"


A few people exclaimed in their ears.

Peng Donghai's face changed so quickly that he ran over and said

"What did you say? Du Mingyue was still in the room and didn't come out. What the **** is going on?"

When they were caught, the members of the theater looked very pale, shaking their heads like rattles.

"I don't know. I don't know. I just heard someone shouting in the apartment, and I saw it. It was indeed Du Mingyue. He was trapped in the room and couldn't get out. What should I do? What should we do now? "

"No, no, Du Mingyue will be trapped in the fire. What's going on?"

Li Lei was pale and frightened. The sweat on his forehead flowed violently. He raised his head and watched the burning troupe's apartment. The teeth were shaking and there was a feeling of creepy fear.

If someone is really burnt to death at the scene of the fire, once the police start to look it up, what if they find themselves arson and arson?

Shouldn't count. Shouldn't count.

I was trying to save the fire, after all, the fire was not made by myself.

"I'm fine, I'm fine"

Li Lei kept cheering on himself, but his body was shaking with fear, and it was shaking with shock.

"Du Mingyue is still in the fire apartment, Du Mingyue is still in the fire apartment, what should I do, what should I do?"

Peng Donghai's face became more and more ugly. He looked up and watched the burning apartment gritting his teeth. Just two steps forward, he was forced back by the fiery flames, and made a deep and painful sound.

When he lowered his head, he found that his right arm had been slightly burned by the flames, and a little blister had formed. His frightened face was dripping with gloom.

"No, I ca n’t go in. I ’m the cast ’s protagonist. If you go in and get burned by fire, it will be troublesome if you break it. You will never be able to perform on stage again, so I will never Into this fire scene "

"Du Mingyue, don't blame me. You should know how important the face is to people in the dialogue group. Don't blame me, don't blame me."

At the same time, in the theater troupe's apartment, Du Qiu, who had been waiting for his family to perform a drama with a monkey face, felt the fire around him at the moment, screaming in horror.

He rushed out of the door and looked around, and found that the smoke was billowing everywhere, and he hurried toward the exit.

Before running far, I heard a call for help in the side room

"Save me, save me, does anyone save me, does anyone save me?"

"Save me, save me, does anyone save me, does anyone save me?"

The voice is ...

Du Mingyue!

Du Qiu froze momentarily, turned his head, and with the help of the thick smoke, he could see not far away, the raging flames in Du Mingyue's room were burning.

In the room, Du Mingyue, who wanted to run out desperately, couldn't run at all, so he could only cry out for help.

Du Qiu's face became abnormally pale instantly. Even if the flames burned his body, the heavy smoke could not bury the anxious emotion in his heart.

Gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he turned towards the room where Du Mingyue was. Several firefighters beside him rushed in and grabbed.

"Hurry out. Hurry out. The fire here is too great. Hurry out ..."

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