Super Finding App

Chapter 1933: Confrontation (1)

"So it is, so it is, who can think of it, such a thing would have happened in a fire half a year ago, which is really unexpected."

In the ward, Du Qiu lying on the bed, Peng Donghai Li Lei and others beside him did not find that all the words they talked about fell to the side of the soul standing quietly. In the eyes.

The two pupils who passed through the soul passed into Cheng Yiping's mind.

After a while

Cheng Yiping glanced at everything that the avatar of the soul saw, and his look was somewhat complicated.

"It turned out that I didn't expect the development of the situation to be like this, but I can't say that Du Qiu was wrong. After all, Du Qiu in the Repertory Theatre is just a miscellaneous person, which is equivalent to a temporary worker. In the right direction, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. "

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, but did not find it difficult to understand how much Du Qiu did.

Do not say that Du Qiu is just a miscellaneous person in this drama group, which is equivalent to the current civil servants, or the same reasoning as the auxiliary police outside.

If there is a chance to get it right, I'm afraid many of them can't wait to get it right.

It is necessary to make great contributions in addition to the examination, and I am afraid that every credit can only be achieved at a critical moment.

Now in this drama troupe, Du Qiu has saved Du Mingyue's credit in exchange for a regular quota. I am afraid that benevolent sees benevolent sees wisdom.

Maybe it's not worth it to others at all, but maybe it's the best for Du Qiu

Reality is never as good as it is in the novel. There are never two simple words in the adult world.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he exhaled a long breath, showing a slight smile.

Regardless of how the Super Object Search app, Super Sensation, Faith Find Object has seen everything clearly, the next thing is to deal with Du Mingyue himself.

But Cheng Yiping is really curious, what exactly will Du Mingyue handle?

Looking up, watching the bright sunshine outside the window entering the room, Cheng Yiping yawned and turned to sleep.

Super Finder APP Super Sense Search has been successful, and the next one has little to do with him.

"Du Mingyue, what should Du Mingyue do? Shall we go to Du Qiu now? Do you think he will tell us all about one hundred and fifty?"

"If he wants to tell us, he should have told us the truth of the matter long ago, instead of being as stuffy as I am now. I think there must be something wrong here, it is really very strange."

Wu Huihui followed Du Mingyue, walking carefully inside the apartment building, and frowned beautifully. I thought it was some of them strange.

"Just face-to-face with Du Qiu, can he really tell the truth?"

Wu Huihui really has some concerns.

If Du Qiu was able to tell the truth, he should have said it long ago, instead of being muted until now. Even Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai have begun to get engaged, and a wedding will be held half a month later. Tell the truth.

This is indeed quite strange.

Du Mingyue nodded slightly, biting his teeth slightly, his face was extremely complicated

The brain was spinning fast, and her heart was quite tangled.

Du Mingyue didn't know what he wanted to know, was he really sure that Peng Donghai hadn't saved himself in the fire half a year ago?

Or do you not like this Peng Donghai?

Because Peng Donghai has not saved himself, will he be separated from Peng Donghai?

Du Mingyue really didn't know.

If she wanted to know the truth at first only because of suspicion, in the super-scientific app's devotion to find things now, the **** of finding things has told her who saved her in the fire half a year ago.

So in theory, Du Mingyue should already know the answer he wants to know.

So what should she do now?

Do you really want to ask questions, or do you just hide everything?

"Hu Huihui, I thought about it. I don't care what the truth is, I must have the truth. Only by knowing the truth can I know if I can continue with Peng Donghai."

"If I marry Peng Donghai, then it will be a lifetime for me and him. I don't want to block my life to a risky level. Maybe Du Qiu will not tell me the truth of the matter, but if Wu Huihui goes, can!"

"Du Mingyue, are you kidding me? Go ask Du Qiu, Du Qiu may not tell you the truth. I will ask him and he will tell me, how is this possible?"

Wu Huihui's beautiful eyes were wide, her face full of doubt.

Du Mingyue chuckled

"Of course I wouldn't tell the truth if I asked in person, but what if we changed it?"

"A different way?"

Wu Huihui's eyes suddenly lit up.

After Du Qiu cleaned the aisle of the opera troupe's apartment, he panted vigorously, put the cleaning tools back into the utility room, and then returned to his room. He sat on the bed with his buttocks, and some of them And upset.

To be honest, just when he met Du Mingyue, he was really nervous and almost all raised his heart to his throat.

Although it was said that he saved Du Mingyue half a year ago, he concealed it all and always felt some guilt for Du Mingyue.

Therefore, Du Qiu has avoided Du Mingyue intentionally or unintentionally in this half year.

Fortunately, Du Qiu was only a miscellaneous person in the Repertory Theatre.

Therefore, although Du Qiu thought that he had avoided Du Mingyue, in the final analysis, it was because he did not attract Du Yueming's attention.

At this moment, I now meet Du Yuming and Wu Huihui in this apartment building. It really caused Du Qiu to have some worries and fears that he had discovered the deal with Peng Donghai.

After a long time.

Du Qi exhaled a long breath, stood up, settled down his inner emotions, came to the bed and poured a glass of water, groaned and drank, and put the water cup in front of the nightstand.

After thinking about it for a moment, carefully pull out the drawer of the bedside table with a picture inside.

In the photo is Du Mingyue.

He took the photo lightly in his hands, and his eyes revealed a complex look.

"My decision should be correct, it should be correct. After all, Du Mingyue and Peng Donghai are very good match. Even if there was no fire six months ago, give them a little time, they will walk together sooner or later. I It's just a process of advancing ... "

Du Qiu's fingers were stroking gently in this photo, muttering to himself.


The knocking noise at the door of the room surprised him.

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