Super Finding App

Chapter 1945:

"Calm down, calm down, Yang Juaner, calm down first, don't make your words so bad, Zhao Gongzi is not as bad as you think, after all, he belongs to the four big boys in Kyoto. First, his family is very strong, and his education is quite high. He also runs an entertainment company. It can be said that he is the oldest diamond king in Beijing. Many female stars want to climb his high branches, but he has I wo n’t take a look at him. He can see you now. This is a great opportunity for you. You must know that even if our candy entertainment company meets Zhao Shao, we must avoid a few points. The strength of his family The strength is really very strong. If he wants to win a star, it won't be a minute. So Yang Juaner, you think about it a bit, and a high-quality diamond king like Zhao Shao will not have it in the future. Chance meets again "

"Even if you break up with him after talking to him, it will increase your worth, and will definitely not reduce your worth. Besides, you can use the status and resources of the Zhao Shao family to develop your own. The performing arts career will become an international star, and going abroad will be something you can do completely. You have to think carefully. "

Gao Jingjing said earnestly and persuaded.

Looking at Yang Ran'er's face in front of him became increasingly ugly, and swallowed the sewer.

"Of course, I ’m not asking you to do something illegal, nor are you letting you sell your body, but letting you have a good relationship with Zhang Zhao Shao. You know that this is a lot of people I hope I can climb this high branch. If you can really reach a conspiracy with Zhao Shao to get married, then this is the kind of thing that many girls dream of marrying into a wealthy family! "

In the entertainment industry, the hidden things are ubiquitous. For the rich prince, calling his girlfriend is like changing clothes.

Similarly, the change of female stars is like changing shoes, and everyone is not much different.

If you change to someone else, you should definitely agree with joy and joy, but you didn't expect that Yang Chaoer in front of him turned out to be so resistant, even if Zhao Shao sent a variety of expensive jewelry and jewellery, It was the car and the house that were delivered, and Yang Qian'er left him behind, never accepting it.

Changing to other men would have been embarrassed and angry, but it was strange that Zhao Shao seemed to eat Yang Juaner very much, or that his self-esteem simply did not allow a woman to refuse him.

Therefore, instead of having no resistance, he will intensify the offensive, but in the face of looking soft and weak and very obedient, Yang Yang Juan, who is like a baby, finds that Yang Juan ’s resistance is abnormally strong.

Find less and even put pressure on candy entertainment companies by turning corners, but the results now seem to be unsatisfactory at all.

Gao Jingjing is doing her final efforts. She also has some incomprehensibility. If such a diamond prince is put on any female celebrity under her own hands, or a female artist, she has already washed herself. I gave it to the past, but I never thought that Yang Juan would sniff.

Of course, she can also use tough methods, but Gao Jingjing is very clear. Don't look at Yang Juaner who looks soft and weak, but maybe his childhood life has created her soft and soft personality. If you use strong, She really burns everything!

"Sister Gao, Sister Gao, I know you are good for me. I know everything you said, but I know that Zhao Shao changing his girlfriend is the same as changing his clothes. Although it doesn't matter to other women, After all, when he was with him, he would definitely send money to farewell, to send bags to the house or even the life of Jinyiyushi, there is no problem at all, maybe as sister Gao said, as long as you stay with him for a few days, or even It is only a matter of a month or two to break up, everyone is polite, but I'm sorry I don't want to do this because I don't like him! "

Yang Juaner's tone is firm

I do not like him!

Gao's sister in a few short words was stunned, all the words were swallowed into her belly, showing a bitter smile

"Yang Juaner, now that you have become a star and you have entered the entertainment industry, then you should know how difficult it is to like these two words. You have to know why so many celebrity couples in the entertainment industry divorce. Remarriage is not because they don't love each other, but because the temptation of the entertainment industry is too much. "

"You haven't fallen in love yet, you haven't got married yet. When you really get married, you will know why this is so. There are too many beauties and handsome guys in the entertainment industry, and people will really pick flowers in them. Eye "

After Gao Jingjing's painstaking persuasion, he saw that it had no effect and sighed sighingly.

"Well, since you really do not want to, we will never force you, so in order to avoid a positive conflict with Zhao Shao, we will respect your request and let you take over this town of Jiangzhen for three months. For the half-year period of archaeological programs, you have to think about it carefully. During this time, you should take a good vacation. Also during this time, all the announcements, contracts and endorsements you had already negotiated will be cancelled. Drop it and leave it to other celebrities to handle it. There is no problem with this. "

"no problem"

Yang Juaner nodded slightly, seemingly indifferent to the cancellation of all endorsement contracts and announcements over the past few months.

"Well, so that's it. Within this six-month period, you can just go back to Jiangzhen City to see your father, and take it as a holiday. You should also think carefully about what should be done? Now that we have entered the performing arts circle, we must learn to let go of some things.

Gao Jingjing said thoughtfully but

His eyes narrowed slightly, and after watching Yang Juaner got up and left, he turned away and sighed, then picked up the phone to make a call but

"Chairman, Yang Juaner still didn't agree with Zhao Shao's pursuit. Now I have given her a leave to go to Jiangzhen City TV station to participate in a reality show archeology program of three to six months."

"Yes, this show is very boring, in order to allow Yang Juaner to think clearly and let it know her status. She is now a star and naturally feels like everything, but when he really has all the resources After being taken away, when he sees his own endorsements, announcements, and all of them given to other stars, she will know how important the resources are. By then, Yang Juaner will invest in In the arms of Zhao Shao "

"Yes, yes, this is no problem. After all, Yang Juaner is just an ordinary person, and people are always from simple to extravagant, and from extravagant to frugal."

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