Super Finding App

Chapter 1948: Zhaozhou

"Zhao Chuan, don't you really get emotional? According to what I know of you, you were not disadvantaged in the past. Even if you fail, you will drink a drink or two at most, and you will forget about it when you turn around. , And re-targeting, but now you are completely different, if I remember correctly, I am afraid that you have chased Yang Juan for about three months and have not given up, I thought you were just a fresh picture That ’s it. Now it seems that you really moved the truth. ”

"Don't be kidding, Zhaozhou, if you really move your feelings, then you will be in trouble."

Zhou Lei's face became a little ugly. He stretched out his hand, picked up the valuable red wine, poured another sip, and drank it all.

"You have to think clearly. It is never possible for us to decide on a major marriage such as ours. You should also know why your family did not prevent you from picking up girls at all, but paid you for it. To put it plainly is to let you enjoy before we get married. After marriage, it will be completely different, unless you can be like Lao Liu, even if you are married, you will also have three chapters with your wife, each playing each This is nothing. Political marriage is anyway. If you want to have some feelings, the previous relationship will be cut off completely. You should be very clear about this. "

Zhao Zhou nodded slightly, gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

"Of course, I know that I never thought that marriage can be freely decided. Like those novels say, people like us then take a Cinderella. This is impossible. For the family, Marriage is a reorganization of resources, which is a strong union. Now think about it, we are really not as good as those ordinary people. At least ordinary people can freely choose who they want to marry. Where is it that we are even married? You cannot choose "

"Okay, okay, Zhaozhou, how did I find that you suddenly became sentimental, so to speak, but ordinary people marry a wife but have to be close to the property, although they only need a house, one by one A car, but ordinary people may not really be able to complete it. Where is it like you and me? These are just a hand, I just want to remind you that you do n’t get yourself trapped in. If you are really just right If you play Yang Juaner, there will be no problem at all. Give me a sum of money after playing, and everyone will get together, but if you move your heart, it will be quite troublesome. "

"You will never marry Yang Juaner, or people in your family will never be allowed."

"Okay, okay, don't mention the people in my family, even if I want to marry Yang Juan, I won't agree at all, I don't know why I feel happy when I see her, I just want to give me in the family Indulge yourself before designating your marriage partner. Can it be very difficult to be with your beloved? "

Zhaozhou sighed in sorrow, drank bite by bite, gnashing his teeth and cutting his teeth

"It's a pity that my previous routine was used on Yang Juaner's body. It would have no effect. She would only accept some gifts. But you see that no matter what I send him, she will give it all intact. It was sent back without even receiving a flower. I have never seen such a woman. I thought she was trying to escape. It now seems that she really has no interest in me. "

"Haha, it's interesting and interesting, it's really interesting. It seems that our master Zhao really moved his heart."

Zhou Leijun smiled and shook his head, thought for a while, reached out and took out his mobile phone to make a call. After connecting, he asked a few words.

After a while, he said

"I just called you and asked about it. This Yang Juaner is really interesting. Now she has received a notice. She went to Jiangzhen City TV Station to participate in archeological programs. It is said that she will go to three From month to half a year, it seems that Zhaozhou really wanted to avoid you intentionally, and even pushed her own endorsement out. After all, a young girl went to participate in an archeological program and left It was three months to half a year, which was a blow to her career. "

Zhaozhou raised his head sharply when he heard it, and his face became a little dignified.

"Do you mean Yang Juaner participated in the archeological program of Jiangzhen City? If so, then I will go too"

"What? You also want to go, no. It takes three months to six months, don't you want to play missing?"

Zhou Lei's eyes stared wide, his face full of doubt.

He didn't expect his friend Zhao Zhou to play this time.

"Go, of course. I just thought about it. I have always pursued Yang Juan as another material woman. Now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. I know it, but it ’s in reality. Do n’t boys and girls chase girls? In this case, I ’m going to scold them. I just want to see if Yang Juaner really refuses me and wo n’t give me any chance! "

Zhaozhou grinned as he said, grinning his teeth.

"Now give me the address of the TV station in Jiangzhen City immediately. I need to communicate with them and send me the contact person of this archeological program by the way!"

Zhaozhou raised his head, his eyes became brighter.

He already thought that if he met Yang Juaner in the archeological team, Yang Juaner's expression would be very wonderful!

Aqua blue star, some island.

"There is a result, it has a result. According to the message sent to you and the text inscribed on the one-eyed statue by Li An, it has been very clear. This one-eyed statue is just a vessel. The symbol of the totem, what I really want to find is the real core inside this one-eyed statue, an eye. "

"Li An, this is your chance. You have found where this eye may be, and your goal is to bring this thing back. If you can really find it, your dusty head will be in this position. It belongs to you, you must not let us down "

"The location of the item you are looking for is in the ancient site of Ghana in the Tang Dynasty!"

In a dark room, panels of several playing cards stood high.

Ang Lee stood in the middle of the four playing card panels and listened to the sound of the listener's playing card panel, and raised his head, and in his eyes there was a trace of decisive power.

"I see, I know what to do, rest assured. As long as there is really what we are looking for in the Ghanaian monuments, I will definitely take it back, I will become the leader of the dust, I will Become one of the playing cards "

Ang Li was so excited and inexplicable that he knew his best opportunity had come.

This is his best chance.

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