Super Finding App

Chapter 1958: Dynamic (three)

Professor Lu Renzhang is sitting in a public van at this moment. In addition to Professor Lu in the van, there are three students who he is following, Han Junkui, Luo Zhanfeng, and Liu Xiang are frowning towards the meeting place. And go.

"Professor Lu, why the place where we met this time turned out to be outside the city. To be honest, it was really too out of touch. What exactly is the film crew of Jiangzhen City TV station doing? We are directly at Jiangzhen City TV Station. Isn't it enough to gather inside? Why is it necessary to choose a special place? This is too strange. "

One of Prof. Lu's trainees, Liu Xiang, who had an inch of hair frowning, thought it was strange.

"There are indeed some strange things. To be honest, we should have started three days ago. I didn't expect that Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station would not agree with him. Now, really, I do n’t know if we are going to archeology or shooting this time, I always feel that there is something out of control. ”

Luo Zhanfeng shook his head gently

She is a young girl with short hair. She has some dark skin and exudes youthful vitality.

"No way, this is no way. Who knows that this time the filming was supposed to be filmed with Jiangzhen City TV Station. The filming team just had to follow our archeological excavation, but who thought of this director? I would think of another method. I actually wanted to invite a star. Since it is very difficult to hire a star, and the celebrities have their bodyguards on their trips. If you invite some big stars, it will cause a commotion. Is there a measure of confidentiality, so that we can meet separately and separately? "

Han Junkui with a handsome face frowned and said, his eyes suddenly turned on.

"I just didn't expect what kind of stars Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV would invite this time? I'm really curious."

"Prank, prank, this is a prank, this is a prank."

Professor Lu frowned and shouted loudly.

"Archaeology was originally a very serious matter, and it was quite boring. Now, even these stars are invited to come here. I really do n’t know what Hui will transform archeology into. It is actually called the so-called archeological reality show. Show, how can it be related to archeology? "

Although Professor Lu has agreed, but think about it the other way round, think that this is a very strange thing.

"Professor, professor, bear with me, professor, bear with me. Anyway, as long as it doesn't interfere with our archeology, after all, this time it is the above rule. We must shoot with Jiangzhen TV Station. We should be these stars. What exists is "

Liu Xiang hesitated and said at the beginning

"It's true, you can only do this. When you come to the meeting point, you should pay attention to it. Don't talk to people casually. No matter what they ask you, archeology is the first element, you know?"

Professor Lu nodded and said, reminding his students

"I understand, we understand"

Liu Xiang, Luo Zhanfeng and Han Hanjun nodded at the same time.

Professor Lu took a long breath and looked away, and frowned slightly. He really felt very disturbed. I wonder what happened to the archeology of the ancient monuments this time?

He suddenly had an ominous feeling.

"Here, here, we are here, we are here"

The van traveled a certain distance, and after gradually exiting the city, turned into an empty factory building.

There were already a few commercial vehicles parked in the factory building at this moment, and Zhang Dao was talking to the crowd. After seeing the van coming in, he shook his hands excitedly.

Professor Lu and Liu Xiang, Han Junkui and Luo Zhanfeng led by him stepped down from the van, and Director Zhang immediately happily greeted him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Professor Lu, it's really embarrassing for you to come here a long way. I was originally hoping to meet in a five-star hotel. , I ’m afraid I ’ll cause a commotion, so I ’ll choose here, please forgive me, please forgive me ”

As the saying goes, reaching out does not smile at people, watching Director Zhang's statement in front of him, Professor Lu's original anger suddenly swallowed up and shook his head.

"OK, I know, as long as it doesn't hinder the trip"

"It's okay, it's okay. The people here are basically all together now. There are only two left. We can go after they come."

Professor Lu Renzhang nodded slightly, with a look of discomfort on his face

After all, his main goal is to go to archeology, not wait for the so-called star

Ready to speak, suddenly a surprise shout came from his student

"I know you, I know you, you are Wang Daier, are you really Wang Daier? Wang Daier of the girl group before."

Liu Xiang's screams rang out into the entire courtyard.

He and Han Junkui ran away in front of another business car, their eyes widened.

At the moment, at the door of the commercial vehicle, a graceful girl stood quietly. Her figure was abnormally hot, and even ordinary clothes were worn on her body, showing her hot and full of charm.

This is a stunner. When a man sees it, he immediately thinks about the stunner in the bed.

"Do you know me?"

Wang Yaner showed a bright smile, which is a smile that has been trained over the years, which is unusually bright and formulaic.

But this smile fell into the eyes of Liu Xiang and Han Junkui and was quite excited, and even the excited point was the same as the chick pecking.

"Of course, of course. Of course, the two of us will know you, and the two of us like you very much. I wonder if we can make a signature?"

"of course can"

Wang Yaner said lightly, this smile is absolutely ecstasy, and the hearts of Liu Xiang and Han Junkui will be taken away instantly.

After all, the two professor Lu students belong to young people. They are young and full of energy. They are almost beaten in the face of the stunned Wang Yaner. They have no ability to fight.

Professor Lu Renzhang's eyebrows were frowned just like the Bazi brows. Liu Xiang and Han Junkui were very dissatisfied looking at them.

It ’s not good yet. Before starting, two of my own trainees were abducted by the star Wang Yaner. No matter how I think, it is not a right thing.

But Professor Lu Renzhang had to admit that a star is a star. This Wang Yeer is indeed full of temptation

"Wang Aier"

Outside, another van came in with a click.

From the business car to a handsome and handsome man, two or three steps in front of Wang Yaner, showing a bright smile.

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