Super Finding App

Chapter 1973: luck

"Come and see, come and see, do n’t miss passing by, do n’t miss passing by, 100% winning, 100% winning, as long as everyone comes to draw To win, TV, rice cooker, induction cooker, induction cooker, mobile phone, watch, mobile phone, tablet computer, as long as your luck is good, then these prizes can be taken home without spending a penny, don't spend You can take it home for a penny. "

At the door of the Tiantang communication tent, the host's face was quite excited, and the voice of the microphone spread all around.

A lot of money had gathered in front of him to see the lively people.

"Tiantang Communication gives back to new and old customers. As long as everyone can participate in the raffle, 100% can draw, 100% can draw, don't miss it when you pass by, pass by Do n’t miss it. This is a discount activity provided by Tangtang Communication to new and old customers. Let ’s take a look and let ’s take a look. ”

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here to draw, I'm here to draw"

At this moment a young teenager came over, holding a tall, red 100-dollar ticket in his hand.

The host picked up 100 yuan in the past, bounced it in his hands, and made a clear sound

"Okay, okay, okay, according to our rules, this 100 yuan is regarded as a deposit, and everyone in the room is also a witness. This 100 yuan is a deposit, and I will not ask you for these 100 yuan. Yes, the 100 yuan will be given to you after you have won the prize. Of course, if you are very lucky, you will get our first prize mobile phone. At that time, you will have to pay 1,000 yuan for the 1,000 yuan. What you buy is not the price of a mobile phone, but a mobile phone that is given to you. The card is recharged at 1,666 yuan. At that time, your 1,000 yuan can be converted into a 1666 yuan bill, plus a mobile phone. It's not bad, right? "

"After all, you know very well that this is a special promotion for new and old customers by Tiantang Communication. Naturally, it will have its rules. If you like, everyone will draw a lottery, but you can rest assured that the first prizes in it are of course all Very few, most of them are second, third and fourth prizes. Please rest assured, of course, if your luck is particularly good, then it is another matter. "

As the host spoke, his face was filled with a bright smile.

Teenager seems impatient to wait long ago

"Okay, I already knew that, of course I will follow this rule"

After speaking, I put my hand into the lottery box and kept groping.

Then a moment later, I took out a lottery ticket, which said the third prize.

The smile on the host's face is even brighter

"Okay, okay, okay, let ’s take a look. The third prize and the third prize let me see the induction cooker, an induction cooker, and luck is really good. Come and give this winning customer an induction cooker. At the same time, 100 yuan is also given to you, and 100 yuan is also returned to you. What we pay attention to in doing business is honesty.

The host gave the 100 yuan to the youth again. The teenager took the 100 yuan and the induction cooker and left cheerfully. Some of the ordinary people on the side were watching it.

Wearing hundreds of thousands of shirts, his clothes were covered with stains at the moment, but Zhao Zhou shook his head and shook his head, holding in his hand a mobile phone drawn by just 1,000 yuan and a piece of money It was filled with a 1666 mobile phone card.

Of course, this phone card needs to be returned every two years for two years, instead of one-time access to the card, shaking his head

"It seems that my luck is really good or not. Others draw third and fourth prizes. I didn't expect my first prize to be the first prize. I have to say that my luck is sometimes true. Yes, but sometimes I think, my luck is not very good. "

Zhaozhou shook his head with a bitter smile as he said, revealing a regretful look.

Of course, he didn't care too much about the 1,000 yuan. For Zhaozhou, it is estimated that he didn't even have enough money to eat.

All he thought was that luck.

Sometimes it ’s more difficult to think that you are out of luck

Xiao Li, wearing a suit and leather shoes, nodded his glasses, frowned, shook his head slightly

"Master, I think this lottery draw is very weird and weird, it should not be simple. How could this businessman make a loss, so although this cooker rice cooker watch is not so expensive, it can at least be able to It's worth one or two hundred dollars. Cheap ones also need tens of dollars. How can it be given away for free? This lottery should be more than a certain joint joint. It shouldn't be so simple. "

"Of course it won't be that simple. There is a lot of first-class prizes in this lottery box, but it ’s just a matter of luck. To be honest, I really do n’t know what to say. Good or bad

Zhaozhou shook his head helplessly, and raised the mobile phone that Yang himself got in the lottery.

Although this phone still looks good, it is a junk product for Zhaozhou, and he usually does not look at him.

"Come and see, come and see, do n’t miss it when you pass by. Just now the customer ’s luck is very good. I won a third prize and a free induction cooker. I do n’t know if anyone else We are going to draw a lottery, this is our lucky draw activity of Tiantang Communication.

The host continued to yell, this is the sound of excitement and trembling in my ear

"Wait, we want to draw too"

Looking up, a middle-aged couple, apparently wearing rural clothes, came in.

They appeared unusually eye-catching in the crowd. Although the clothes they wore were washed and pale, they also looked old, and their pants were wearing dusty pants and gray cloth shoes by migrant workers, which looked quite similar. Simplicity.

The moderator's face changed slightly, and then a bright smile burst out.

"Okay, okay, of course. Heaven Communication's activities are targeted at all guests, both new and old customers, but I think you should know the rules just now. For 100 dollars, you have to take out 100. A dollar is used as a deposit. You can rest assured that we will never charge you for the 100 yuan. As long as you draw and do not win the first prize, we will refund the deposit to you. What prizes are drawn? Will give you "

The host said verbatim

"Of course, if your luck is really good and you win our first prize, then you will spend 1,000 yuan. This 1,000 yuan is like I said. It is not free for us. It ’s not the price of buying a mobile phone, but it ’s 1,000 yuan as your phone bill. At the same time, the phone bill not only gives you 666 but also 666. You mean that once you win the first prize, you will spend 1,000 yuan. It will be a mobile phone with thousands of dollars and prizes, and 1666 calls. How can you not lose? "

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