Super Finding App

Chapter 1981: Threat

Cheng Yiping strolled around the night market leisurely. The night market was quite large. Even after he turned around, he just looked around like a horse and watched the lights.

And now he was quite happy.

This is the satisfaction after doing a good deed.

In other words, Cheng Yiping might not even dare to do this. After all, as the saying goes, money is the courage of a man.

The night market in Canghai City is quite long, dating back to one or two o'clock in the morning.

Cheng Yiping naturally did not stroll for so long. After about an hour of shopping, I felt a bit tired, turned around and prepared to return to the hotel for a short rest.

Tomorrow will enter the forest of the sea, and a chance encounter should be made with Professor Lu Renzhang and others to go to the ancient monuments of Ghana.

While thinking and turning, I walked to an alleyway not far from the hotel.


Cheng Yiping moved in his heart, stopped, looked up, but saw that there were seven or eight in the front and behind one after another, slowly approaching Cheng Yiping one by one.

The leader was a man with five big and three thick, looked up and looked into a flat tooth and grinned.

"Finally, I'll wait until you are alone, boy, you really can go shopping, alone in the night market for a long time, let us really wait very well."

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Cheng Yiping frowned, did he say that he had encountered the legendary robbery and charged for protection?

Shouldn't it be possible?

Nowadays, the country is still in the stage of cracking down on crime. If someone really dares to commit crimes, wouldn't it be Guan Gong in front of the sword? Two words

court death!

"Less nonsense, because you've messed up all of my business. Now you haven't done anything yet? It's ridiculous. You ask this near the South Gate Night Market, who doesn't know me Boss Liu, who does n’t know me, Brother Liu. There is no one who dares to dismantle my business here. You guys are good, but you just turned the table off for me. If I do n’t teach you well today, I will Why mix in this movie, if you do n’t pay for my loss today, do n’t even think about going out of here! ”

"Yes, yes, you have to compensate us for all our losses, otherwise you will never leave here, telling you that our brother Ji is a bully in our movie, if you still want to be safe If you leave here with all hands and feet, you will obediently obey. Otherwise, don't blame Liu for being kind to you. "

The host popped up from the side, grinning his teeth, staring fiercely at Cheng Yiping.

He will become a Yiping really hate the bones, after all, blocking people's wealth is like killing parents

"It turned out to be you, who I said, it turned out to be your liar"

Cheng Yiping had some doubts, but watching the host instantly understood it, he shook his head funnyly, his shoulders turned slightly, and he gripped with the finger, loosened, gripped, loosened, and moved After a bit of body to

"You were originally scammers, but now you are still in trouble for me. Is it really bad guys now, and are there no opportunities for good people to call good things?"

"This is really ridiculous. You should even ask me for compensation. Who should I pay for my loss?"

"What's your loss, what's your loss? You smashed all of our stalls, and now you still want to lose with us. What are you talking about? You're just messing around."

The host's popularity was bad.

"What's more, we have no scams, and we are not deceived. When we draw the lottery, we have told everyone very clearly. How can they say that they voluntarily draw a lottery? We have no deception at all, it is their luck It ’s not good. If they are not greedy for cheap, how could this happen and how can they be deceived? ”

"All of this is their own fault. They are deceived themselves. We are reminding them to give them a little mistake so that they will not be greedy for cheap. They should also thank me."

Refer to a deer as a horse and reverse black and white, this is the proper reverse black and white.

Cheng Yiping resentfully laughed

"Okay, okay, your theory is really interesting. Is this the theory of victims that are very popular on the Internet now? Just because they are greedy and cheap, so they deserve it. That's the same, because I tried them on for your fraud, so it's only natural for you to hit me. If you do n’t play this lottery here and do n’t engage in this fraud, will I come to trouble you? ”

"So, according to your logic, all of this is what you asked for. I have been very kind to you without going to the police. Now I still run to find trouble for me, and I say you take it seriously. Do you think there is no justice and no glory in this world? Do you really think the police are doing nothing? "

"You, you, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Don't think it's useful to bring the police out, I'll tell you, you must pay for this loss, you must pay for it"

The host's desperate scolding

"Tell you, if Jiu Ge doesn't have any ability, he will play a lottery in this night market for such a long time. If you really do, be careful that our Jiu Ge is not polite to you"

"Shut me up, shut me up"

Nine slaps slapped on the host's head, beating him dizzy

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

After speaking, take a deep breath, raise your eyes, and look at Cheng Yiping with his teeth grinning.

"I will now give you two choices, or you will give me a good kneel now and compensate me for all the losses. I can see that you are a foreigner, and adults do not care about villains, let you leave, Let me calculate that all our losses add up to about 100,000 yuan. You have to compensate me for 100,000. "

"One hundred thousand dollars? You really are a lion. Please, I don't have one hundred thousand dollars. If it is ten dollars, I may still give it to you. How about giving you ten dollars for a taxi to go back? It ’s also your hard work. ”

Cheng Yiping shrugged and said

Angora Liu laughed angrily

"Okay, okay, you're great, you're great, I've met such a person who is not afraid of death for the first time. If that's the case, then don't blame me. The second way is when I hit you and give it away Brothers, please greet him, let him know what the consequences of offending us are, and let him know that even if he wants to lose money now, it depends on my brother Liu not willing to accept his money, brother. Give me

Along with Jiu Ge's words, the seven or eight tusks licking their fists, rushing towards Cheng Yiping.

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