Super Finding App

Chapter 1983: Preparation (1)

After solving the problem of Tiantang Communication, Cheng Yiping did not continue to stroll in the night market, turned back to the hotel, took a break, and on the second day he was about to go to meet with Professor Lu and others. That is the most important thing.

the next day

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV station got up early in the morning and was busy. The crew of the hello crew started the preparations and brought all the equipment to the van. At the same time, Professor Lu took his three students They also walked away from the hotel. Last night they could say that they basically stayed up for a little night, and they sorted out all the information.

There is a way to be prepared, in contrast, the three stars fell asleep, now they are out of the hotel under the leadership of their agents, each covering his own face, wearing Wearing a peaked cap did not cause some commotion, went directly into his own business car, and then slowly drove out of this Canghai city toward the endless forest sea.

Ninghai City in Canghai City, as a natural reserve in the Tang Dynasty, has been well protected from the beginning. There are still some people in the beginning, but the more people go into the forest, the more people no longer exist, but some Animals and plants are getting more and more, and the original road is gradually bumpy and uneven.


Stopped when the car drove to the nearest rest stop in Linhai

Everyone walked down one by one from the commercial vehicle

"The air here is really quite good. Compared to the city, it is completely different. There is a pleasant feeling in the breath."

Wang Yaner's slender figure walked down from the Ministry of Commerce, the car stretched a long waist, took a deep breath, and breathed the unique fresh taste emitted by Lin Hainiao.

"It really feels quite comfortable and the kind of industry with obvious industry and boredom that I smell in the city is completely different, as if the whole person's mind has been transparent."

"Of course, this is Linhai. There are most of the plants in Linhai here, there are no so-called factories, and there is not a lot of people. Of course, the air is fresh. If you see nothing, the sky is blue and white clouds. Really a good place

Shen Xiangrui came over with a smile, and still had a bright smile on his face, enough to seduce a large number of women.

Wang Yaner turned to look at Shen Xiangrui, and also showed a charming smile.

Shen Xiangrui froze for a moment, but did not expect that Wang Aier's attitude made a 360-degree turn today, but he instantly understood it, and immediately walked in two or three steps, everything was in silence.

"It's so pretty, it's so pretty, this Lin Hai is really pretty, it's really pretty"

Yang Juaner stepped down from the commercial vehicle, took off his hat and mask, and showed a bright smile, his eyes widened.

Compared to running around in the city all the time, it is rare to come to this forest and be close to nature to really feel a sense of relaxation.

She suddenly felt it was a good thing to take this announcement, at least to relax her mood

"Professor Lu, Professor Lu, we are now at the outer periphery of Lin Hai. According to the map, we only need to go straight forward according to Lin Hai. It takes about one day to reach the discovery site of Ghana's monuments, but this section Time is not the time for cars to drive in. We need to walk and we need to do some protection work. "

"There are quite a lot of animals and plants in the forest. There may be wild beasts or some poisonous snakes. We need to be prepared."

After Liu Xiang made a gesture while holding the map, he said that his face had some excitement.

After all, they finally came to the forest, and if they found it, they would sleep in this forest for thousands of years.

"It's really like that. Everybody prepares a little bit and prepares all the things that should be prepared. After all, we are going to enter the forest next. Do n’t have some problems. This is a bad thing. Things "

Professor Lu said excitedly

Now he doesn't even care about the three so-called stars around him, all his mind only contains traces of Ghana's historic sites.

At the moment, Zhang Tao, the film crew of Jiangzhen City Television Station, has now let everyone move the camera equipment one by one, and said to the crew members

"Everyone, our car will not be able to drive anymore. We will have to work hard in the forest. Everyone will take a piece of video equipment and start to walk on foot. I know it ’s more difficult, but this is also no way "

"Okay, everyone is looking at things a little bit now. When we reach the Ghana historic site, the shooting can officially begin. There is also Xiao Zhang. You can turn on the camera now. From here I entered the forest on foot, and then entered the Ghana historic site on foot. This section of the journey can also be photographed as a tidbit, especially the three stars must be shot well. "

"The words of these three stars are the same for you. Although it is on foot, we will film the process of your hike. After that, all you have to do is just to hurry. I think this should be for you It ’s not what kind of problem it is. ”

Wang Yaner, Shen Xiangrui and Yang Juaner nodded

"No problem, now that we have come to this show, we are of course prepared for it."

"no problem"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely no problem, no problem, no problem,"

"That being the case then let's go now"

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV quickly said that he showed a relaxed look

What he is most afraid of is that these stars are starting to play big names and refuse to walk, which is troublesome.

Do you think the celebrities are reluctant to walk?

But there are more things in the entertainment industry!

There will be a situation of playing big cards, and the situation of playing big cards in general is really a headache.

But now it is clear that Wang Yaner, Shen Xiangrui and Yang Juaner did not have a big party and did not do something that Zhang Dao felt difficult to do.

This made him grow up a little relieved, and at the same time full of confidence, looked up and looked at Lin Hai not far from the sky and said with an air of anger.

"Lin Hai, I'm here, I'm here for Ghana's monuments. This time, I will definitely make a splash!"

"I'll make sure everyone who looks down on me knows, and if I give me a chance, I'll definitely make a difference."

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