Super Finding App

Chapter 2009: Villagers (2)

"The village heads are not bad people, nor strangers. They are archeologists and television stations who have received higher-level missions and came to our forests to carry out archaeology of Ghana's monuments."

Sun Boyuan looked respectfully at the village head in front of him

The village chief is a man in his fifties who has some flowers on his face, but his spirit is quite good. He wears green leaves on his head, and looks at Sun Boyuan in a dignified expression, exhaling a long breath.

"Sun Baiyuan, as a person in our village, you violated the rules in the village, left the village, and entered the human society. This is your right. I cannot stop you from going, just like most people in the village. Young people are also unwilling to stick to conventions. Yes, this is your freedom, but you should know that Ghana's monuments belong to our village day and night. Ghana's monuments prohibit anyone from entering and archeological and excavating. Once they unlock Ghana The monuments will release the most terrifying demons, and you should know that this is absolutely not allowed by me "

"The village head, the old village head, I naturally know, but this is a matter of hundreds of years ago. All the people in our village have been stuck here for hundreds of years for the purpose of guarding the so-called Ghanaian monuments. I do n’t think it ’s worth it at all. The outside world is already vicissitudes of life, and we still live the way we are now, even being treated as primitive. I do n’t think it ’s right at all. ”

Sun Boyuan said at the beginning that he suddenly became more and more excited.

"If the village mayor was not the mayor of Canghai City, who found that the ancient monuments of Ghana sent people to archeology and entered our village, we would never know what the outside world has become, let alone look at it. It is to see how amazing these machines are in the hands of these people, and we are still living a primitive human life. This is simply not the right thing. I think that only by breaking the rules and letting all people come out can we have A better future than staying in this village "

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous. This is simply ridiculous. I know the mayor of Canghai City came to inquire about archeology. We have no way to refuse, but this does not mean that we should not protect Ghana's monuments. You must know that Ghana's monuments are guarded by our village. The goal is the hope guarded by our village. Now everyone in our village is guarding Ghana's monuments and forbidding the development of Ghana's monuments as excavations. Do you really want the demons to awaken completely hundreds of years ago? "

It ’s okay not to mention the demon, and the mention of the demon instantly made Sun Boyuan angry and angry.

"The village chief should stop talking about these nonsense. We are no longer three-year-olds. We are fooled by your few words. What so-called demon does not exist at all. Even if there are demon, it is a mutation at most. There is no difference between animals and plants, and there are no so-called demons. Do n’t lie to yourself, the village chief please do n’t lie to yourself. ”

As soon as Sun Baiyuan's words fell, Zhang Dao on the side walked over and said respectfully to the old village chief.

"Old village chief, you are the old village chief of the ethnic minorities, hello, hello, we have sent someone to the village to say hello to you before coming, I know this is your taboo and the relic you want to protect, but The reason why the ruins are called ruins is that they have archeological value. You can rest assured that we are only here that archeology will not cause any damage. You can rest assured that you can rest assured. "

The old village chief took a deep look at Zhang Dao, exhaled a long breath, and then looked at Sun Boyuan word by word.

"The stubbornness is really the stubbornness. Since you do not want to believe me, then forget it, but I have one thing to tell you, your arrival has caused the curse of the Ghanaian monuments, leave here quickly, otherwise wait. Yours will be a dead end, you will be cursed by monuments, and now the first one to be cursed will be you "

The old village chief extended his finger, and then pointed his finger at Shen Xiangrui.

"Old guy, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, what is it that I am cursed, what do you mean by that?"

The anger of Shen Xiangrui holding the mineral water was instantly ignited

Will stay here, all the anger is vented

"Old village chief, what the **** are you talking about? I and you are not relatives, why are you cursing me, why are you cursing me?"

Facing the emotionally excited Shen Xiangrui, the old village chief talked eloquently

"I'm not cursing you, but I'm telling the truth. You have been cursed by the Ghanaian monuments. Leave here and hurry up from the Ghanaian monuments. You can still survive, otherwise, the curse of the Ghanaian monuments will spread once you spread. All of you have to die, all of you will be buried in this Ghanaian monument. "

After speaking, the old village chief slowly turned to leave. Behind him, more than 20 villagers looked at the crowd in Jiangzhen City coldly and turned away. There seemed to be no memory at all.

"Dead to me, mad at me, ridiculous and absurd, it is really ridiculous. What age is it now, and there are still people who believe that curses and demons are so messy, it is ridiculous."

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and said, holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand and groaning, his eyes glowed with anger.

Obviously he felt really angry

"Okay, do n’t care about me, do n’t care about me, after all, this is a tribal village belonging to a few tribes, and it is reasonable to not allow us to excavate Ghana ’s monuments, everyone forgets what they said Come on, but it's just some ridiculous words. Don't believe it, don't believe it. "

Zhang Tao of Jiangzhen City TV raised his hand and patted it twice.

The crowds slowly dissipated, but they started to talk again and again.

After all, this group of people from the tribe ran over and dropped the word curse. It really made people feel a bit of fear.

"You said that the people of this tribe would not say it is true, is there really no curse in this Ghanaian monument?"

"Come on, please, what age is it now, who would believe the so-called curse, and I want to say that this is basically the intimidating words spoken by ethnic minorities."

"Yes, I agree with this statement. After all, for the people of the ethnic minorities, they blame the gods on things they don't understand. This is quite easy to understand. If there is a so-called curse, it would be quite interesting. Up "

"I do not believe it"

"Yes, yes, I don't believe it, I don't believe it"

Obviously, as the crew of the TV station of Jiangzhen City, they have seen too many weird things. They do not believe that there is a so-called curse in this world, or that for most people today, they do not. Believe in the so-called curse.

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