Super Finding App

Chapter 2012: Uneasy (1)

"What the **** is going on here? What happened? Why did Shen Xiangru just rush out like this? What happened?"

Zhang Dao of the Jiangzhen TV station rushed in anxiously, frowned, and looked at the mess in the dressing room in my tent, and a hint of ominousness flashed in my heart.

Just kidding, he finally got the investment and managed to show this archaeological reality show. Now that he has finally arrived in the Ghana historic site in the depths of the forest, it can be said that everything is in order, only due to the east wind. Now the star has What's wrong?

what is the problem?

It's not letting people take good pictures of the show. You have to know that he has consumed all his energy this time.

He will never allow stars to play big names in it.

"Cursed, cursed, really cursed, really cursed"

"Guide Zhang, Guide Zhang, Shen Xiangrui was cursed, Shen Xiangrui was really cursed, we leave here quickly, or leave here, otherwise all of us will die, otherwise, all of us Everyone will die here "

"If the curse is transmitted to us, it's over."

"It's a real curse. It's really a curse. We will all stay inside this Ghanaian monument."

"Yes, yes, Zhang Dao Zhang Dao, we really saw the curse, we really saw the curse, and the village chief who left the minority quickly said that the curse was true."

"What the village chief of the ethnic tribe said was true."

Inside the dressing room tent, she saw the staff of Shen Xiangrui's horrible face talking sternly, shouting, her face pale, with a look of horror.

The assistant Zhang Gui and other staff members of the Jiangzhen Filming Team who came over from the outside came out with a look of surprise, some were at a loss, even as if they were listening to Tianshu.

"What the **** are you saying that is not cursing, what are you messing around with, and is there anybody telling me what happened?"

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV station frowned and shouted loudly.

The staff in the dressing room watching the panic in front of them was really at a loss.

How is it related to the curse again, then it would be so difficult to shoot an archeological reality show quietly and quietly?

Thinking of this, he turned and looked at the two stars Yang Juaner and Wang Yaner and said.

"Two people, what happened to Shen Xiangrui, why did he rush into the jungle all alone, here is in the depths of the forest, it is basically inaccessible, this is quite dangerous and I ca n’t send it Hurry up and find out, you must find this Shen Xiangrui. If something goes wrong, all of us can't afford to walk around. What happened to him? "

Yang Juan'er, with a beautiful face, opened her mouth. At this moment, her face was full of panic. The thought of Shen Xiangrui in front of herself becoming like a devil really made her terrified.

Until now, Yang Juaner thought of Shen Xiangrui and felt really sick. There were countless bugs on her face and neck, and it was a terrifying and creepy thing to think of it. One place thing

On the one hand, Wang Linger coughed and touched her neck. She could still feel the suffocating horror feeling, and felt that her death was really close.

She knew very well that if the staff of the filming team on the side would pull Shen Xiangrui away, Shen Xiangrui would surely choke her alive.

"Answer me, what happened? What happened to Shen Xiangrui?"

Director Zhang of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City confirmed once again

The staff in the dressing room at the side told the story in horror. After listening to the crowd's remarks, the guides of the film crew of the TV station of Jiangzhen City stared wide and the user was completely I do n’t read much, do n’t deceive me into looking at the crowd

"You are not kidding. You even said that Shen Xiangrui was cursed and became abominable. Even his eyes were full of worms, and the body's skin was full of worms. Neck, almost drowned her crazy, crazy? "

"You do n’t think that what you do is a little bit ridiculous, so you believe it or not."

Zhang Zhen's mouth widened on Jiangzhen City TV station, he didn't believe it at all.

The head of the dressing room was pecking at the chicks with a horrified look.

"Guide Zhang, guide Zhang, all we say is true, all are true. There is no lie. If you don't believe it, you can ask the star, you can ask other people. What we say is true Wang now has a mark from Shen Xiangrui on her neck. If she was almost, she would have been strangled alive. "

They are telling the truth, they are telling the truth. If it were not for saving me in time, I am afraid that Shen Xiangrui would be strangled to death, and he would become very abnormal at all. "

"This is a curse. This is really a curse. Zhang Dao, you must resolve things. If it is a curse, I must go back. I will never stay in this forest."

Wang Yaner really felt afraid, and the word cursed that she would rather be credible than unbelievable. If there was a real danger to her life, she would leave the forest even if it was a loss.

What's more, such a thing happened, it was Zhang Dao and others who belonged to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations, and not her.

"Calm down, calm down, Ms. Wang, calm down first. I do n’t know what just happened. Even if there is a so-called curse, I think this is simply impossible. After all, we belong to the new era. Who would believe the so-called curse, but now all we have to do is find Shen Xiangrui. Only after finding Shen Xiangrui, we can know what happened to him and if it is really a virus Or curse, you do n’t have to say we will leave here, please give me some time, please give me some time "

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV quickly said


After all, things have reached such a point that they are about to shoot a reality show, and now they have to shrink back. That is impossible.

But Shen Xiangrui is really weird and weird. He needs time. He needs time to find Shen Xiangrui, find out the problem, what is going on

As the guide of Jiangzhen City TV Station, he absolutely does not believe that there is a so-called curse in this world.

This is simply impossible.

He absolutely didn't believe it.

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