Super Finding App

Chapter 2014: Danger

Shen Xiangrui

Shen Xiangrui

Shen Xiangrui

In the depths of Lin Hai near Ghana's historic site, the crew of the Jiangzhen TV station divided into several waves shouting Shen Xiangrui's name nearby, hoping to find the trace of Shen Xiangrui, but after a long time, there was no effect at all.

Now that such a thing has happened, the shooting was naturally suspended. Although Zhang Gui of Jiangzhen City TV Station had some clenched teeth but was helpless, the main thing now is to find out Shen Xiangrui.

Only after he was found can he continue to shoot in the city, and the main thing is that if this Shen Xiangrui cannot be found out, everyone in the entire camp will become heartbroken.

The most important thing is that Shen Xiangrui is a star. Lost or missing in Lin Ninghai is useless even if Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station is not worried.

Once you go out, it will definitely attract people's attention, and he is absolutely hard to blame.

So in any case, you must first find Shen Xiangrui, whether it is an accident, sleepwalking, or other messy things. It is the most important thing to find talent first.

In the camp, at this moment, Wang Fuer was frowning, because the makeup artist was applying makeup on the handprints pinched from her neck, and she felt very painful when she touched it slightly. She let her grit her teeth and say

"What's going on with Shen Xiangrui? Is he really in trouble? But just arguing with him and even strangling me to death, look at the strength of this hand, it's swollen, It's terrible. What the **** is going on? Is he really crazy? "

The thought of being almost desperate at the moment when she was strangled by Shen Xiangrui made Wang Daier's body tremble.

Don't look at what he usually does is so strong, but after all, she is only a woman after all

"This is really very strange. If it doesn't work, then don't put on makeup first, and apply cold water to see if the swelling can be eliminated. After all, without the situation that Shen Xiangrui can find, Jiangzhen City TV director Zhang should not start shooting "

Yang Juaner said, she was also worried and afraid.

"That's what it says, but be sure to get better earlier. If it affects my dress, it will be bad."

Wang Yaner gritted her teeth, as a star, her first thought was her own body.

In particular, she took a **** route, showing her slender neck, which was necessary.

But now this look can't be revealed at all, once the person collapses it will be troublesome

"Relax, it's okay. Everyone, come and drink some water. You should be fine. It should be fine."

"Shen Xiangrui should be temporarily angry, it should be some accident, it should be accident."

Shen Xiangrui's assistant took a few bottles of mineral water from one side and handed them over, saying words that he didn't even believe.

"It should be an accident, what is an accident? If I say that Shen Xiangrui may be either mentally abnormal or really accidental, even if he gets angry, it wo n’t be so heavy, let alone you saw him. That look is really scary. There are red bugs on my body, around my neck, my face, and even my eyes. Think of me as goose bumps. "

Wang Aier said as he touched his arm with both hands, he could clearly feel that goosebumps had been raised to the ground.

"This is indeed very strange. I remember when Shen Xiangrui entered this forest, it was also very normal with us. When did it become like this? This is too strange."

Yang Juaner asked with a brow

"It's really strange, aren't you Shen Xiangrui's assistant? Think about when Shen Xiangrui started drinking water desperately and behaved abnormally."

Shen Xiangrui's assistant hesitated for a moment, thinking about his eyes with a look of horror, and slamming his thigh.

"I remembered, that day, the day we camped in the middle of Ghana's historic site, when Shen Xiangrui was stunned, and after a night's sleep in the wild, he started desperately to drink water. At the beginning It ’s not too much to drink, but the more water you drink, the more you drink, if there is no accident, it should be something that happened that night. ”

"What, was it that night?"

The words of Assistant Shen Xiangrui made Yang Juaner and Wang Yaner take a breath of air, and looked at them with a look of horror.

"You talked about Shen Xiangrui sleeping one night in the wild that night, did you really encounter something weird, or was it that some bug got into his body, and as a result, what happened today?"

"It's possible, it's really possible, but according to what Shen Xiangrui said, someone stunned him that night. If that's the case, doesn't it mean that someone stunned Shen Xiangrui and put him in? We slept all night in the wilderness, or did someone put the bug in his body? "

Shen Xiangrui's assistant carefully analyzed, and then his face became paler.

Looked up

Everyone on the field turned pale and snowy. If what Shen Xiangrui ’s assistant said was true, and Shen Xiangrui really did it, it means that there is a horrible person among them, a horror. You can turn people into crazy people like Shen Xiangrui.

"Don't say it again, don't say it anymore, what you said is really creepy, this is impossible"

"Shen Xiangrui should be an accident, it should be an accident."

Wang Yaner shook her head like a rattle. Why didn't she believe such a terrible thing?

"Okay, okay, let's not discuss these any more, or wait for Zhang Dao from Jiangzhen City TV Station and others to find Shen Xiangrui to come to know what is going on!"

In the dressing room, Yang Juaner and Er Wanger and other workers immediately calmed down, and the atmosphere became somewhat solidified.

Everyone murmured involuntarily, picked up the mineral water sent by Assistant Shen Xiangrui and drank.

It seems that this is the only way to relieve their anxiety at this moment.


There was a gurgling sound in the ear, and there was a very heavy gasp in the sound.

"what is the problem"

An ominous feeling haunted everyone.

Yang Juaner turned her head

In an instant

I saw a black figure outside the camp

This figure tore torn the tent, rushed in, fangs grinned, gasping, his eyes were bloodshot, his clothes were shabby, and it was weird that the men who rushed in had eyes, face and upper and lower skin. There was something moving, and it seemed that heavy gasps could be heard in the mouth with a wide grin.

Turns out to be Shen Xiangrui!

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