Super Finding App

Chapter 2019: Method Two)

"Appeared, appeared, really appeared, you look at it, you look at it, there is really a bug in Shen Xiangrui's body, this is really creepy."

"The thought of such a long worm getting inside my body, how I thought it felt like this was a very scary and creepy thing. Goosebumps were already on the ground."

"Yes, yes, yes, I saw it, I saw it, I really saw it. I did n’t expect it to be such a long worm, and it was quite large. I thought the parasites were very small, and they were invisible. of"

"Stupid, it's not that long ago. What you said is an ordinary parasite. Of course, it is relatively small and invisible. This is a mutant parasite. What kind of parasite do you think can be scary enough to control humans? What? This must be a mutant parasite. "

"Yes, yes, yes, come out, come out, this parasite has come out, there should be no more, Shen Xiangrui should already be well"

The crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station chattered with a look of panic on their faces.

And the doctor on the TV station in Jiangzhen City nodded heavily, revealing a look of admiration

"I understand, I fully understand, you think about the characteristics of this nematode is that it needs to drink water, so it will control the host to desperately go to drink water. If there is no water shortage, it will also make The host became very violent, and Mr. Cheng, the eye, took advantage of this feature. He tied Shen Xiangrui so that Shen Xiangrui could not move at all, which basically prevented the parasite from using Shen Xiangrui to run. The way to find water, and then put a bucket on the side, the breath of water will drive these parasites desperately want to drink water, plus a cut in Shen Xiangrui's arm, just This is equivalent to an outlet for these parasites, so these parasites, A. nematodes, drilled along Shen Xiangrui's wounds. For them, water is more important for Shen Xiangrui ’s body. This is exactly It ’s too powerful to use the nature of A. elegans. It is too powerful. "

The doctor of Jiangzhen City TV revealed his admiration, his eyes widened

"I admire it, I really admire it, I really didn't expect such a method"

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station nodded as the chicken peed, and his original nervous expression often relaxed.

"Great, if this method is useful, it means that Shen Xiangrui is fine, and he will be cured. This is really a very good thing."

"Thank goodness, thank goodness"

Even though Shen Xiangrui is a star in the third or fourth tier, he is still a star in the end. If something goes wrong while filming, his guide of Zhang Xiangrui TV station will be hard to blame.

"Look at it, look at it, ah, there are worms, and worms are out."

A staff member of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City shouted in horror, attracting everyone's attention.

They then turned their eyes to the past, but at the place of Shen Xiangrui's wound, there seemed to be more things on the body squirming under the skin, and then all converged on the arm of the right hand, long and slender. The insects were drilled out one by one, and all of them fell into the bucket.

The original small bucket quickly added dozens of A. elegans

Even so, there were still nematodes digging into the bucket, and soon the buckets were sawed full, and when the creeps were seen, the goosebumps gave the ground

"Just kidding, there are actually, how many A. elegans in Shen Xiangrui's body, which is also very creepy."

"That's right, that's right, this is simply too scary. This is really too scary, right?"

Cheng Yiping's face was somber that he could drip water and take a sip of air. He didn't expect that there were so many A. nematodes in Shen Xiangrui's body.

Then he immediately picked up the lid and ploped the bucket up, and then leaned aside and said

"The nematodes inside can't survive. Don't touch them easily. Take them immediately, cover this lid to death, then boil water for me and kill all of them. At the same time, I took a bucket again and filled it with water. We must attract all the nematodes in Shen Xiangrui, not even one can be left. To be precise, not even the eggs. Stay, or endless troubles! "

"I know, I know, I know what to do"

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station nodded heavily and looked at the buckets covered with lids. They seemed to be shaking constantly, took a breath of air, twisted his head, and wanted to let the crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station crew I went forward to deal with it, but I took a step back and did n’t dare to touch the bucket

Just kidding, it's all densely lined with nematodes. It looks creepy. Who dares to touch it?

All the people present were exceptionally quiet.

Li An raised her head and said it word by word

"Enough, let's waste this. Let's go and get the bucket, then boil the water and boil the water, and solve the bugs for me. Remember to boil the water to the fire, and To dry it, even if I finally found everything dead, give me a shovel, mash all these nematodes into meat, and take it to a place to be buried. "

Li An said in a word, the bodyguard next to him looked at him and nodded heavily.

For them, the worms are horrible, but it is definitely not to make them scary.

Their duties are all bodyguards, and they belong to private bodyguards. What they have seen is Senro Hell, which is even more terrifying than the wireworm.

Time was lost at this point, and everyone swallowed.

The sun goes down

Shen Xiangrui has been tied for a whole day. At this moment, he has no trace of struggling. His face is pale and weak. His right hand is still on the bucket. From time to time, he sees bugs running under his skin. Slowly drilled out, plunged into the bucket

The bucket has been changed three times, but Sun Xiangrui's face is pale, but his blood is much better.

And at this moment is still being tied, no one dares to loose him

After a while.

Shen Xiangrui slowly opened her eyes and was extremely weak.

"Why am I here, why did you tie me up, what happened?"

"Who can tell me what happened?"

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