Super Finding App

Chapter 2031: Rumors (2)

"It is really too difficult to paint. It is really too difficult to paint. The murals around this Ghanaian monument have been around for hundreds of years. Some places have been blurred, and they are very strange. It is too difficult to paint. I really do n’t know what kind of effect this mural has when it is copied. I really do n’t understand it. ”

Shen Xiangrui exhaled a long breath, straightened his lazy waist, and sat on the ground with one butt.

At the beginning, he would also pay attention to his own image, but 24 hours, precisely the continuous recording during the day time, where does he care about his image.

Of course it won't be too bad.

At this moment he was sitting on the ground, and in front of him was a piece of white paper on which he was constantly writing and painting the mural in front of him.

"It's true. For hundreds of years, the murals have become a bit fuzzy, but the main ones are still probably clear. We only need to draw the outline, and it won't really make us want to paint. It ’s wonderful, it ’s impossible. "

"But then again, what effect does this painting have?"

Wang Aier nodded slightly, and said with the same plump smile,

"It's true, but I also heard what Professor Lu Renzhang said. Generally speaking, the murals in this historic site should be about the history of Ghana's monuments and the culture of Ghana's monuments. If we can really analyze it, If it comes out, it will play a very important role in history. It is very important. I think Professor Lu Renzhang just hopes that we can analyze the history of this Ghanaian monument by copying some murals. "

Yang Juaner tilted her head and painted seriously, then said,

"Let ’s do it, Yang Juaner believes it. Even if it is true, it wo n’t be enough for us to copy all the murals. Let me be honest, this is just a task for us. The most important thing is that we have an archeological reality show here. Since it is a show, it naturally has a script and a show, understand? "

"It's not for us to be archeologists here, but to do a show, and there will definitely be follow-up tasks later, which is to let us interact with each other. If the real thing is to follow Professor Lu Renzhang's archeology, it is a A very boring thing. "

Shen Xiangrui smiled and shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said

Obviously he has his own ideas for reality shows.

Wang Yaner laughed

"That's true. Otherwise, how do you think this TV station might ask us three stars to come over, and Yang Juaner is still very famous now, I definitely want to be able to make money from us, otherwise why? To start this so-called archeological reality show, if it is really archeology, directly record it to Professor Lu Renzhang and make it into a documentary. Is n’t that foolproof? ”

Wang Yaner laughed

Documentaries and archaeological reality shows are fundamentally different


Yang Juaner, Wang Yaner, and Shen Xiangrui were all very clear about the archaeological reality show on Jiangzhen TV.

It is impossible to really let them carry out archeology, it should be more an entertainment activity.

Cheng Yiping stood behind the crowd and didn't care, but raised his head to look at the small six-sided mural, and frowned slightly.

"This mural looks like some people, but if you look closely, you will find that these people are more like portraits. These portraits look ordinary and there is nothing strange about them. The only thing that is strange is these portraits. It seems that after the passage of time, some places have become somewhat mottled. After all, hundreds of years are enough to dim everything into the long river of history. "

"Strange, weird, it's really weird, this is really a very strange thing. If there is really a one-eyed temple in this Ghana historic site, no, it is more accurate to have the Super Finding App faith If you look for other debris, it should have its clues, but unfortunately I haven't found any clues so far. Is it that I'm looking for the wrong place? "

In a week, Cheng Yiping almost turned over the ancient monuments of Ghana, but did not find any strange places, or any hidden places, which made Cheng Yiping question whether he was looking for the wrong place.

"No, it should be impossible. First of all, Ang also came to this Ghana historic site, and through Ang's words, I know that there must be another space below this Ghana historic site. It should be like the one-eyed temple with another inside Space, but the question is how to find it is the most important "

Cheng Yiping frowned, then exhaled for a long time, his mood was a little irritable.

"Although I have a super-hunting app, if I use the super-hunting app to directly find the super-hunting app ’s belief-finding fragments, I am afraid it will be quite difficult. After all, I need hundreds of thousands of faith points when searching. I do n’t have enough faith points in my current Super Hidden App, so I want to find this devious way. ”

"It's better to find some of the objects as I found the one-eyed temple last time, and then to find the place I want to find, after all, I believe it is below the entire Ghana historic site, or what I want to find There cannot be only faith fragments where there are fragments of super-hunting beliefs, there should be other things. "

"As long as it is not directly looking, then it should be foolproof, but so far I don't know what is among the ancient monuments in Ghana. Where is the fragment of faith in the Super Hidden Object App? It is really a clever woman.

Cheng Yiping rubbed his temples with a headache.

The Super Hidden Object App is really amazing. It can be said that if you use it well, you can find any item you want to find.

But the problem is also the same. If you just search for things by super-sensation, you need a lot of faith points.

And once the search is related to the belief of the super-finding app, the number of faith points required is even more like seawater!

"Calm down, calm down, don't worry, although I don't know what the **** is going on, but Li An is here now, that is enough to show that what Li An is looking for should be the same as mine, even if It ’s not the same and it should belong to the same region. In other words, as long as I follow Li An, I should be able to know what secrets there are in this Ghanaian monument. Maybe I will be able to enter it and find me. Everything you need to know "

"Hopefully there will be fragments of the super-finding app faith-seeking here"

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