Super Finding App

Chapter 2033: Daily Object Search (2)

"Before the evolution of the Super Hidden App has become the belief of the Super Hidden App, the location and orientation of daily objects should be promoted by several cities and cities. With each level of the Super Hidden App Ascension, the scope of finding things will become more and more. It can be said that this is quite simple and clear. "

"But after the super-hunting app has evolved into faith-seeking, the scope of this finding has become the place where believers believe. This has both advantages and disadvantages."

Cheng Yiping's brain is turning fast. He has always used the super-sense app to find things. He has not used too much for daily search, and has almost forgotten.

And now this time of use, Cheng Yiping once again set his sights on daily object hunting, and at the same time, he saw the difference between daily object hunting and super-faith belief object hunting.

The biggest difference between the evolution of the super-hunting app into the super-hunting app is that the scope of the searching is the change.

"In the past, the range of this super-sensing object could only be improved little by little, beyond which it would be of no use, but the advantage is that I can search freely within this range. It can be said that Within the scope, the super-finding app can naturally be foolproof. Now that it has evolved into the belief-finding of the super-finding app, the scope of the search for things has become the place of believers. The advantage is that as long as there are believers, It ’s a long distance, and I can find it, but again, if there is no believer, then I ca n’t find it at all. The only thing I can find is my own range, which is centered on myself. Within a few kilometers "

"Overall this should be good, but also bad."

Cheng Yiping thought for a long breath and shook his head with a grin.

"Fortunately, the range of daily search among the belief search of this super search app can be centered on myself without believers, otherwise it is really quite troublesome."

"If that's the case, let me see if there is an underground mausoleum nearby, or if there is an underground space."

Cheng Yiping didn't say anything, directly clicked on the daily search map of the Super Search App in my mind, and looked at it carefully, the more I saw it, the more strange it was.

"No, no, what's going on? What is going on here? This Ghanaian monument is really an ancient relic. There is only one layer of underground and all of them are rocks. There is no such thing as an underground space. thing?"

Cheng Yiping's investigation can be described as aggressive,

He carefully observed the flat map and found that there were many red dots appearing below the Ghanaian monuments. These red dots were so bright that they showed that each one was looking for something worth 10,000 to 100,000. Cultural relics can be said to be simple and straightforward as long as they are found

But for Cheng Yiping, this is of no use at all.

On this flat map, you can clearly see that this Ghanaian monument is an ordinary monument, and below this monument is a large rocky land. There is no so-called space at all, let alone any underground tombs. There are no messy things like temples.

Ghana's monuments are just ordinary monuments.

"What the **** is going on? No, no, there is no underground tomb or space?"

"What the **** is going on here? Could it be that the place I found on the sheepskin scroll was wrong?"

"This Ghana is probably not related to the temple? As for the murals and one-eyed signs that appear in the photos, is it just because of coincidence?"

Cheng Yiping's face became very weird. If it was really just a coincidence, then this time he would have returned to nothing.

"No, no, no, this is impossible. Even if there is no absolute relationship with the one-eyed temple, there should be some kind of connection, there can be no relationship!"

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently, his face became a little dignified, he said with gritted teeth.

"If this Ghanaian monument really has nothing to do with this one-eyed temple, then there should be no mutated A. elegans, at least there is a mutated A. elegans in Shen Xiangrui's body, which is enough to show that it is definitely related to this temple. Has a relationship, but I have n’t found it so far. "

"What's more, coupled with the appearance of Li An, it is enough to explain the relationship between the ancient monuments and the temple in Ghana, but what is the relationship? After all, I use the daily search of the Super Finder to find things. It's really strange to find other spaces below this Ghanaian monument. Is there anything else I don't know? "

Cheng Yiping thought hard and thought about it all, it felt very strange, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he murmured.

"I see, maybe this Ghanaian monument really has some kind of relationship with the one-eyed temple, but there is no space below this Ghanaian monument, which means that there is no space below the Ghanaian monument, but it is possible There are also clues to the true one-eyed temple. "

"Ghana probably only provided a clue. If that is the case, all this makes sense."

Cheng Yiping thought while his eyes gradually lightened, and then he exhaled a long breath, revealing a bitter smile.

"It's no wonder that the daily finder of this super finder app has no effect. After all, the daily finder finds cultural relics, not objects, and not a specific existence. If this Ghanaian monument is really underneath, If there is an independent space, I can find it naturally, but now there isn't. That is enough to show that this Ghanaian monument is an ordinary monument, and there should be clues leading to other places, but if this is the case, then this clue will be Where is it?"

"Uncle, uncle, look at how I painted and how I painted? These murals have a long history, and some places are not clear at all, and I do n’t know if I painted well Still not good "

There was a crisp, sweet sound in my ear.

Cheng Yiping turned his head and looked up. Yang Juaner happily took the three paintings he copied and walked to Cheng Yiping. He presented the paintings like a treasure, and asked.

"Then I have to take a look. It is true that this Ghanaian monument has existed for hundreds of years. The mural has been blurred by the wind and the sun. It ’s really not something that you want to copy completely. Simple things ca n’t be done in a day or two. "

Facing the pure and lovely Yang Juaner, Cheng Yiping's somewhat irritable heart gradually calmed down, smiled, stretched out his hand, and took over the three paintings.

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